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The Curricula help to facilitate the training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS). This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different Regional TVET Bureaus, ATVET Colleges, Industries, and Institutes based on the occupational standard for Natural Resources Conservation and development Level I. The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry of Labor and Skills. TVET-Program Design TVET-Program Title: Natural Resources Conservation and development Level I TVET-Program Description The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the trainees to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line with the occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will be qualified to work as a Assistant with competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the Agriculture sector in the field of Natural Resources Conservation and development. The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Apply Basic First Aid Procedures, Identify basic soil properties, Collect and process planting Materials, Perform Nursery Work, Undertake Plantation Work, Perform Arboriculture Work, Conduct survey and Navigation, Identify and maintain Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Practices, Undertake Irrigation Work, Apply 5S Procedures, Apply Agricultural Extension Service, Implement Agribusiness Marketing, and Apply Basics of Human Nutrition Practices in accordance with the performance criteria and evidence guide described in the OS. TVET-Program Training Outcomes The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following units of competences: AGR NRC1 09 0322 Apply Basic First Aid Procedures AGR NRC1 06 0322 Identify basic soil properties AGR NRC1 02 0322 Collect and process planting Materials AGR NRC1 01 0322 Perform Nursery Work AGR NRC1 04 0322 Undertake Plantation Work AGR NRC1 05 0322 Perform Arboriculture Work AGR NRC1 03 0322 Conduct survey and Navigation AGR NRC1 07 0322 Identify and maintain Indigenous Soil and WaterConservation Practice AGR NRC1 08 0322 Undertake Irrigation Work  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_13_1221" AGR NRC1 13 0322 Apply 5S Procedures AGR NRC1 10 0322 Apply Agricultural Extension Service AGR NRC1 11 0322 Implement Agribusiness Marketing AGR NRC1 12 0322 Apply Basics of Human Nutrition Practices Duration of the TVET-Program The Program will have duration of 655 hours including the on school/ Institution training and on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities of the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors will be considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and workplace experience. s.noUnit competencyTVET Institution trainingCooperative trainingTotal hoursRemarks TheoryPracticalApply Basic First Aid Procedures2020040Identify basic soil properties15151040Collect and process planting Materials2050070Perform Nursery Work2340770Undertake Plantation Work1238555Perform Arboriculture Work1238050Conduct survey and Navigation1535050Identify and maintain Indigenous Soil and WaterConservation Practice15351060Conduct Irrigation Work20251560Apply 5S Procedures1515030Apply Agricultural Extension Service 2020040Implement Agribusiness Marketing 2020040Apply Basics of Human Nutrition Practices25151050 Qualification Level and Certification Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is Level I. The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only institutional certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded. Target Groups Any citizen who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program. Entry Requirements The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills. Mode of Delivery This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work place/ industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get hands-on experience. The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the industry environment. Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest of the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship and traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this program. 1.9. TVET-Program Structure Unit of CompetenceModule Code & TitleTraining OutcomesDuration (In Hours)AGR NRC1 090322 Apply Basic First Aid ProceduresAGR NRC1 M010422 Applying Basic First Aid ProceduresAssess the situation Apply basic first aid techniques Apply monitoring and evaluation 40 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_06_1221" AGR NRC1 06 0322 Identify basic soil properties HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_06_1221" AGR NRC1 M02 0422 Identifying basic soil propertiesCollect soil samples for testing Perform basic soil tests Complete soil testing operation40 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_02_1221" AGR NRC1 02 0322 Collect and process planting Materials  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_02_1221" AGR NRC1 M03 0422 Collecting and process planting Materials Identify mother trees Plan seed collection Implement seed collection plan Process and store seed Prepare seed sample for viability testing Dispatch seed & record data Prepare cuttings for planting activity Record and document information70 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_01_1221" AGR NRC1 01 0322 Perform Nursery Work  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_01_1221" AGR NRC1 M04 0422 Performing Nursery Work Prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery establishment Select appropriate site for nursery establishment Demarcate the area and sketch the map Establish nursery Undertake basic nursery work Transplant the seedling Maintain the nursery environment Clean up and Store materials Record and report70 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_04_1221" AGR NRC1 04 0322 Undertake Plantation Work  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_04_1221" AGR NRC1 M05 0422 Undertake Plantation Work Prepare for planting operations Plant forest tree seedlings Perform tending operations Clean up and store Record, document and report55 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_05_1221" AGR NRC1 05 0322 Perform Arboriculture Work  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_05_1221" AGR NRC1 M06 0422 Performing Arboriculture Work Prepare for ground support operations Maintain a clear work site during operations Provide ground support for tree climbers Receive and process tree during operations Clean up and store work place Record and report support activities50 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_03_1221" AGR NRC1 03 0322Conduct survey and Navigation  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_03_1221" AGR NRC1 M07 0422Conducting survey and Navigation Prepare for surveying Perform survey techniques Apply levelling & topographic survey Develop map Plan the route and Conduct navigation50 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_07_1221" AGR NRC1 07 0322Identify and maintain Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Practices  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_07_1221" AGR NRC1 M08 0422Identifying and maintaining Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Practices Explore Indigenous soil and water management practices Establish role of group in community Prepare for implementation of indigenous soil and water conservation measures Implement and maintain Indigenous erosion control structures60 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08_1221" AGR NRC1 08 0322 Undertake Irrigation Work  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08_1221" AGR NRC1 M09 0422 Undertaking Irrigation Work Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work Undertake irrigation work Handle & clean up and store materials and equipment Complete documentation60 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_13_1221" AGR NRC1 13 0322 Apply 5S Procedures  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_13_1221" AGR NRC1 M10 0422 Applying 5S Procedures Prepare for work. Sort items Set all items in order Perform shine activities Standardize 5S Sustain 5S30 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_10_1221" AGR NRC1 10 0322 Apply Agricultural Extension Service  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_10_1221" AGR NRC1 M11 0422 Applying Agricultural Extension Service Understand the Concept and evolution of Agricultural Extension Apply Extension methods and Approaches Apply Agricultural Extension Communication and Facilitation for technology promotion Conduct Training Record and Document Data40 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_11_1221" AGR NRC1 11 0322 Implement Agribusiness Marketing  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_11_1221" AGR NRC1 M12 0422 Implementing Agribusiness Marketing Understand concept of agricultural marketing Understand concepts of agribusiness Identify marketing targets for Agricultural products Implement marketing strategy Establish contract farming Apply agricultural marketing services40 HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_12_1221" AGR NRC1 12 0322 Apply Basics of Human Nutrition Practices  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_12_1221" AGR NRC1 M13 0422 Applying Basics of Human Nutrition Practices Identify Categories of agricultural foods items Recognize malnutrition in the community Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption techniques Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties50*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution. Institutional Assessment Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used. The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher, formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more effective. Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of institutional Assessment implementation guidelines.. Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees achievement include oral or written test, demonstration and on-site observation. TVET Teachers Profile The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are BSc. Level and above who have satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications. LEARNING MODULE 01TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resource Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Applying Basic First Aid ProceduresMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_09" AGR NRC1 M01 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 40 Hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to apply basic first aid procedures in recognizing and responding to an emergency using basic life support measuresLEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Assess the situation LO2. Apply basic first aid techniques LO3. Apply monitoring and evaluationMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Assess the situation Recognizing Emergency situation Identifying Hazards Minimizing immediate risk to self and casualty's health and safety Assessing casualty's physical condition and vital signs LO2. Apply basic first aid techniques Selecting Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reassuring and making comfortable casualty Providing first aid care LO3. Apply monitoring and evaluation Reviewing First aid provision activities First aid assistance Documenting and recording first aid activitiesLEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playingASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Oral question Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Assess the situation Emergency situation is recognized from the incidence. Hazards to personal and others health and safety are identified. Immediate risk to self and casualty's health and safety are minimized by isolating the hazard. The casualty's physical condition and vital signs are assessed LO2. Apply basic first aid techniques Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected and checked prior to use. Casualty is reassured in a caring and calm manner and made comfortable using available resources. First aid care is provided in accordance with established first aid procedures LO3. Apply monitoring and evaluation First aid provision activities are reviewed to comply with appropriate techniques and OHS First aid assistance is sought from others as appropriate Activities are documented and reported Annex: Resource Requirements  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_09" AGR NRC1 M01 0422 Applying Basic First Aid Procedures Item No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLM Prepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1First Aid and Accident PreventionGalmessa, A., 2006. First Aid and Accident Prevention.Lectures Notes Collaboration with Ethiopia Public Training Initiative, Ethiopia Ministry of Health and Ethiopia Ministry of Education. Haramaya University, Ethiopia.51:53.Journals/Publication/Magazines1:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Library5m x 6m11:252.Laboratory Equipped with /Audiovisual 5m x 8m11:253.Lecture Room5m x 8m11:254.Demonstration Site/Field4m x 10m11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)Standard251:12Printer ink Standard51:5D.Tools and Equipments1.BootsStandard251:12OverallStandard251:13GloveStandard251:14Respiratory equipmentStandard251:15First aid kit Gym first aid kit51:5 LEARNING MODULE 02 TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resource Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Identifying basic soil propertiesMODULE CODE: HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08"AGR NRC1 M02 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 35 hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to determine the basic properties of soil. It requires the ability to collect samples and perform basic tests and It also requires knowledge of sample collection techniques, basic soil properties, and basic understanding of soil and plant relationships. Determining the basic properties of soil is likely to be under supervision from others, with checking related to overall progress.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Collect soil samples for testing LO2. Perform basic soil tests LO3. Complete soil testing operation MODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Collect soil samples for testing Preparing tools and equipment Identifying soil samples collection area Locating services using site plans OHS hazards Identifying OHS hazards Assessing risks Implementing controls measures Selecting, using and maintaining suitable safety and PPE Taking and preparing samples for onsite or off site analysis Labelling and recording samples LO2. Perform basic soil tests Determining soil profile Testing or inspecting soils for physical properties Recording results LO3. Complete soil testing operation 3.1. Cleaning equipment 3.2. Disposing of containers, leftover fluids and wastes ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Collect soil samples for testing Tools and equipment for collecting soil samples are prepared. Area from which soil samples are to be collected is identified from workplace records or supervisors instructions. Services are located using site plans and in consultation with the supervisor. OHS hazards are identified, risks assessed and controls implemented and reported to the supervisor. Suitable safety and PPE are selected, used and maintained. Samples are taken randomly from the designated area according to recognized sampling techniques and are prepared for on site or off-site analysis Samples are labelled and recorded according to organizational procedures. LO2. Perform basic soil tests Soil profile is determined, where appropriate. Soils are tested or inspected for physical properties Results are recorded according to organizational procedures. LO3. Complete soil testing operation Equipment is cleaned in accordance with manufacturers specifications, organizational procedures and regulations. All containers, leftover fluids and waste are disposed of safely and appropriately. Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08"AGR NRC1 M02 0422: Identifying basic soil propertiesItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantityRecommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer1:12. Reference Books2.1Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: Principles, Practices and Developmental ProcessesNetranya S, Woomer PL, eds. 2009. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture.51:52.2Soil Erosion and ConservationMorgan RPC. 2005. 3rd ed. WileyBlackwell51:52.33.Journals/Publication/Magazines1:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Lecture Room5m*8m40m21:252.Library5m*6m30m21:253.Laboratory equipped with audiovisual5m*8m40m21:254Demonstration site/field4 m x 10 m40m21:25Consumable materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)Standard25 each type1:12.Printer ink StandardNo1:253. LCD projectorSony11:254. WaterStandardAs require 5. GasStandardAs required 6. ElectricityStandardAs required 7. TelecommunicationsStandardAs required D.Tools and Equipments1. SpadesExtra long carbon steel131:22. AugersStandard51:53. HammerHammer with metal arm1313:254. Tape measures5-100m 51:55. Marking gaugesStandard51:56. ShovelsBully Tools 92712 14-gauge round point131:27. Soil sample storing and recording materialsStandard51:58. Field test kits Standard1 packet1:259. Soil sample interpreting chartsStandard51:510. Hoe10 mm diameter 100 m length1:111. StringStandardRoll 1:512. AltimeterStandardNo1:513.PH meterStandardNo1:514. Litmus paperStandard1:515.Polythene bagsStandardRole/15 cm1:116.Flow control valvesStandardNo1:517Double-ring infiltrometerConsist of two cylindrical buckets with the diameter of 30cm and 60cm51:518Stop-watchRS PRO stainless steel analog51:519PegsTent pegs, metallic1255:120PH meterAutomatic switch off after 3 min131:221Oven dryCapacity 400 L and minimum 4 shelves, temperature control22:2522Safety clothes100% Cotton, Polo 65%/ 35% Cotton, Fire Retardant251:123Soil core samplerThe sampler is supplied with two wedge coring tips, driving51:524GPSGarmin51:525Goggles Plastic Plastic251:126MaskCrew mas251:127OverallsKhaki251:128First aid kitsGym first aid kit51:529GlovesLeather gloves251:130Safety shoesSteel-toe boots251:131Safety hat3M hard hat safety helmet251:1 LEARNING MODULE 03TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Collecting and Processing Planting MaterialsMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_02" AGR NRC1 M03 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 71 Hours Module Description:- This module covers knowledge, skills and attitude required to manage provenance of mother trees; plan and undertake seed and planting materials collection and processing activities.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Identify mother trees LO2. Plan seed collection LO3. Implement seed collection plan LO4. Process and store seed LO5. Prepare seed sample for viability testing LO6. Dispatch seed & record data LO7. Prepare cuttings for planting activity LO8. Record and document informationMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Identify Mother Trees. Identifying and assessing provenances Selecting and checking equipment Plan site selection activities Establish and maintain communication based on OHS requirements Plan mother tree identification based on environmental condition Identify and assess type and quality of mother trees Assessing genetic variation and seed sources LO2. Plan Seed Collection Analyze sowing and/or planting program and identify seed characteristics implementation issues Identifying seed collection opportunity and determining and documenting suitable area Seed collection Selecting method of seed collection Determining and documenting quantity, cost and impacts on provenances and species Identifying sought/required approvals Determining and documenting measurable performance indicators, specifications & targets Documenting and communicating seed collection plan and appropriate personnel LO3. Implement Seed Collection Plan Selecting and checking equipment and resources Liaise relevant individuals, bodies and groups Assessing and checking plant species and condition Selecting and applying method of seed collection without causing damage to health of parent plant Collecting seeds from different plant species and area Placing and labelling seed as organizational requirements Carry out seed collection Identifying and assisting limitations LO4. Process and Store Seed Separating, weighing and storing seeds Applying seed treatment Packaging seeds as legislative requirements Recording seed information Recording and reporting seed collection information and results LO5. Prepare Seed Sample for Viability Testing Identifying and checked seed sample with work order requirements Taking seed sample and prepared for testing Labelling and packaging representative seed sample Recording seed sample information LO6. Dispatch Seed and Record Data Interpreting and checking seed request specifications Retrieving seed from storage and calculating quantity and species of seed Weigh, document and place each seed species Mixing multiple seed lots thoroughly Labelle seed and seed mixtures Organize and undertake dispatch of seed LO7. Prepare Cuttings for Planting Activity Preparing parent plant and applying suitable method Clearing and cleaning work area Assessing and selecting cuttings for propagation Identifying and providing correct conditioning and storage procedures Determining and applying method of cutting preparation Arranging and undertaking dispatch of cuttings Disposing of discarded cutting material LO8. Record and Document Information Recording and documenting seed collection, processing, sampling and dispatching Recording and reported cutting preparation information and results Reporting problems or difficulties recording and reporting materials, equipment and machinery wastage /damage Communicating work completion and hazards information Reporting work outcomesLEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Group works Field practice ASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Class assignment Oral questioning/interviewing Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO.1. Identify mother trees Provenances are identified and assessed for safe working conditions Equipment appropriate to work requirements are selected and checked for operational effectiveness in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Site selection activities are planned in accordance with site procedures Communication with others is established and maintained in accordance with OHS requirements Environmental conditions are assessed and used to plan the identification of mother trees based on the development of each tree stand Type and quality of mother trees are identified and assessed for safe working conditions Genetic variation and seed sources are assessed to collect quality seeds LO.2. Plan seed collection Sowing and/or planting program is analyzed and required seed characteristics and implementation issues are identified Seed collection opportunities are identified and a suitable area for seed collection is determined and documented Method of seed collection is selected and quantity, cost and impacts on provenances and species to be collected are determined and documented Required approvals are identified, sought and obtained from relevant authorities Measurable performance indicators, specifications and targets are determined and documented Seed collection plan and its performance indicators are clearly documented and communicated to appropriate personnel LO.3. Implement seed collection plan Equipment and resources appropriate to work requirements are selected and checked for operational effectiveness in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Relevant individuals, bodies and groups are liaised as required using appropriate interpersonal communication Plant species and condition are visually assessed and checked to ensure the collection of healthy seeds Method of seed collection is selected and applied without causing damage to health of parent plant Seeds are collected from a range of plants and from different areas of plants to maintain genetic diversity Seed is placed in clean containers and accurately labelled in accordance with industry, site and organizational requirements Seed collection is carried out in accordance with quality standards for seed collection Limitations are identified and assistance sought as required in accordance with workplace procedures LO.4. Process and store seed Seeds are separated from other materials, weighed and stored in accordance with species requirements and site procedures Seed treatment is applied to prevent deterioration in accordance with seed species and site procedures Seeds are packaged for storage in accordance with industry, organizational and legislative requirements Seed information is accurately recorded in accordance with site procedures Seed collection information and results are recorded and reported in accordance with site procedures LO.5. Prepare seed sample for viability testing Seed sample for testing is identified and checked in accordance with work order requirements Seed sample is taken from lot and prepared for testing in accordance with site procedures and industry and organizational requirements Representative seed sample is clearly labelled and packaged for testing in accordance with site procedures Seed sample information is accurately recorded in accordance with site procedures LO.6. Dispatch seed & record data Seed request specifications are interpreted and checked with appropriate personnel Seed is retrieved from storage and; quantity and species of seed is calculated to meet request specifications Each seed species is weighed, documented and placed in an appropriate container in accordance with request requirements and site procedures Multiple seed lots are thoroughly mixed as required in accordance with request specifications Seed and seed mixtures are accurately and clearly labelled in accordance with industry requirements and site procedures Dispatch of seed is organized and undertaken in accordance with request specifications and site procedures LO.7. Prepare cuttings for planting activity Parent plant is prepared and suitable method applied to take the cutting which is appropriate to the species Work area is cleared and cleaned to eliminate contamination in accordance with hygiene practices and organizational requirements Cuttings are visually assessed and selected for propagation in accordance with work order requirements Correct conditioning and storage procedures appropriate to species requirements are identified and provided to maintain maximum viability of cuttings Method of cutting preparation is determined and applied without causing damage to parent plant and the cuttings Dispatch of cuttings is arranged and undertaken in accordance with request specifications and site procedures Discarded cutting material is disposed of in accordance with workplace waste disposal guidelines and organizational requirements LO.8. Record and document information Seed collection, processing, sampling and dispatching activities are recording and documented Cutting preparation information and results are recorded and reported in accordance with site procedures Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor. Materials, equipment and machinery wastage /damage are recorded and reported to supervisor Work completion and hazards information is communicated to work colleagues and the supervisor Work outcomes are reported in standard format to the supervisor. Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_02"AGR NRC1 M03 0422 Collecting and Processing Planting Materials Item No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Forest Seed Management, ICFRE Manual. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun, India ICFRE, 2019.51:52.2Trends in Tree Seed Systems in EthiopiaAbaynehD., Woldeyohanes F. and Zewdu E. 201051:52.3Tree Seed Management: Seed Sources, Seed Collection and Seed Handling: A Field Manual for Field Workers and Farmers. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and Winrock International. Bogor, Indonesia. 54 p.Mulawarman, JM Roshetko, SM Sasongko and D Irianto. 2003.51:52.4The Woody Plant Seed Manual: Agriculture Handbook United States Department of Agriculture: Forest ServiceFranklin T., Robert P. and Rebecca G., 200851:52.5Seed handling guidebook: Ministry of Forests Tree Improvement BranchDavid K., Eric Van S., Michael P., Robb B., Dave T., and John D., 200151:53.Journals/Publication/MagazinesB.Learning Facilities & InfrastructureLecture room 5 m x 8 m11:25 Simulation room for assessment3 m x 5 m11:25Library 5 m x 6 m11:25Visual training Media 6.25 m x 10 m 11:25Demonstration site/field5m x 10 m 1 1:25Laboratory for soil sample and seed treatment6.25 m x 8 m11:25C.Consumable Materials1WaterStandardLiter 2Ropes (20m)Round durable, plastic rope51:53Stationary (Marker, Paper etc.)Standard1:14Chemicals Standard1:255Sieve Cole-Parmer Testing Sieve 51:5D.Tools and Equipments1CanvasJasart 40-inch x 40-inch Deep Edge Canvas121:22LaddersLouisville Ladder FS150851:53Safety beltsStandard1:55Climbing spursStandard1:56ShearsStandard1:59BinocularsBinocular style (standard roof prism), magnification (8X)Standard1:2514Pole implementsStandard1:515Sensitive balanceStandard1:25 LEARNING MODULE 04TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Occupational Standard: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Performing Nursery Works MODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC2_06" AGR NRC1 M04 0422 NOMINAL DURATION: 75 Hours Module Description:- This Module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform nursery establishment and implement appropriate seedbed preparation and seedling producing techniques. It requires the ability to prepare, materials, tools and equipment to undertake nursery establishment and basic nursery work activities, store and stockpile materials.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery establishment LO2. Select appropriate site for nursery establishment LO3. Demarcate the area and sketch the map LO4. Establish nursery LO5. Undertake basic nursery work LO6. Transplant the seedling LO7. Maintain the nursery environment LO8. Clean up and Store materials LO9. Record and reportMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery establishment Identifying materials, tools and equipment for nursery tasks/instructions Checking materials, tools and equipment Using correct manual handling techniques for loading and unloading materials Selecting and checking suitable PPE Providing nursery support Identifying and reporting OHS hazards LO2. Select appropriate site for nursery establishment Confirming the availability of water supply Considering the proximity of nursery site Favorable climatic and land features Identifying the depth and fertility of the soil Request and obtain a plot of land LO3. Demarcate the area and sketch the map Surveying the nursery area Calculating the nursery site Fencing the area Developing the sketch map LO4. Establish nursery Selecting and preparing blocks for the construction of offices and store Identifying and selecting blocks for the preparation of seed beds and transplanting beds Leaving block for damping materials Selecting and identifying trial blocks Developing and incorporating construction and installation of water system Incorporating access roads Incorporating strips for hedges and wind breaks LO5. Undertake basic nursery work Ploughing manually the seed and transplanting blocks Pulverizing seeding and transplanting blocks Levelling and preparing of seeding and transplanting blocks Preparing seeding and transplanting beds Sieving and preparing nursery inputs Mixing and filling the nursery inputs Arranging the filled polythene tubes Carry out sowing on beds and nursery tending operations Maintaining a clean and safe work site LO6. Transplant the seedling Constructing shading structures for transplanting beds Filling and arranging polythene tubes Watering polythene tubes Carry out the transplanting LO7. Maintain the nursery environment Surveying and packing out the perimeter of the nursery site Digging and preparing the pits for wind break Preparing and planting appropriate plant species Planting hedge rows Monitoring environmental protection measure parameters Altering environmental parameters and market requirements LO8. Clean up and Store Materials Disposing plant debris and waste materials Stockpile surplus materials Cleaning, maintaining and storing tools and equipment LO9. Record and Report Recording and documenting nursery establishment and activities Reporting problems or difficulties Recording and reporting materials, equipment and machinery Communicating work completion and hazards information Reporting work outcomes LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Group Works Field Practice ASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Oral questioning Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO.1. Prepare Materials, Tools and Equipment for Nursery Establishment The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to tasks and lists provided and/or supervisor's instructions. Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment, with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor. Correct manual handling and techniques for loading and unloading materials are used to minimize damage to the load and the vehicle according to standard operating procedures Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected and checked prior to use. Nursery support is provided according to OHS requirements and workplace information. OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor. LO.2. Select Appropriate Site for Nursery Establishment. The availability of water supply is confirmed according to organizational guidelines The proximity of nursery site is considered based on work manual Favourable climatic and land features are reviewed according to work manual The depth and fertility of the soil is identified according to organizational guideline Request for a plot of land is made and permission from concerned administrative body is obtained based on work procedure LO.3. Demarcate the Area and Sketch the Map The nursery area is surveyed using appropriate instruments in accordance to working manual The nursery site is calculated for demarcation according to work manual The area is fenced to secure from any unwanted animal and human interventions based on work manual The sketch map is developed to demarcate its geographical boundaries based on organizational specification. LO.4. Establish nursery Blocks for the construction of offices and store are selected and prepared according to the sketched map Blocks for the preparation of seed beds and transplanting beds are identified and selected according to the sketched map Block is left for damping materials according to the site plan designed Trial blocks are selected and identified according to the site plan designed Construction and installation of water system are developed and incorporated according to the site plan Access roads are incorporated according to the site plan Strips for hedges and wind breaks are incorporated according to the site plan LO.5. Undertake basic nursery work The seed and transplanting blocks are ploughed manually, using farm animals or mechanically according to the work guideline of the organization Seeding and transplanting blocks are pulverized using the appropriate farm tools according to the organizational work manual Seeding and transplanting blocks are levelled and are prepared for bed lay out according to organizational work manual Seeding and transplanting beds are prepared according to organizational standard requirement Nursery inputs are sieved and prepared for mixture according to organizational work manual The nursery inputs are mixed and filled in polythene tubes according to the proper ratio required for seedling production The filled polythene tubes are arranged on beds for direct sowing according to the organization manual Sowing on beds and nursery tending operations carried out according to the standard requirements A clean and safe work site is maintained while undertaking nursery activities. LO.6. Transplant the seedling Shading structures for transplanting beds are constructed according organizational specification Polythene tubes are filled and arranged in transplanting beds or blocks according to work manual Polythene tubes are watered before transplanting according organizational work schedules The transplanting tasks are carried out according to work schedules LO.7. Maintain the nursery environment The perimeter of the nursery site is surveyed and packed out according to the work manual of the organization The pits are dug and prepared for plantation of wind breaks based on the standards of spacing and species arrangement Appropriate plant species are prepared and planted between the blocks and around the nursery based on organizational guideline Hedge rows are planted between the existing blocks and along the road sides according to the organizational work order manuals Environmental protection measure parameters are monitored against the needs of the plants and enterprise guidelines. Environmental parameters are altered, as required, to meet the needs of nursery plants and market requirements LO.8. Clean up and Store materials Plant debris and waste materials are disposed in an appropriate and safe manner according to supervisor's instructions. Surplus materials are stockpiled for removal according to supervisor's instructions. Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to manufacturers specifications and supervisors instructions. LO.9. Record and report Nursery establishment and activities are recorded and documented in standard format Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor. Materials, equipment and machinery condition after work is recorded and reported to supervisor Work completion and hazards information is communicated to work colleagues and the supervisor. Work outcomes are reported in standard format to the supervisor. Annex: Resource Requirements  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_01" AGR NRC1 M04 0422 Performing Nursery WorkItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantityRecommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by instructor 251:12. Reference Books2.1Nursery manual for Native plants: A guide for tribal nurseries - Volume 1: Nursery management. Agriculture Handbook 730. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Dumroese, R. Kasten; Luna, Tara; Landis, Thomas D., editors. 2009.51:52.2Tropical Nursery Manual: A Guide to Starting and Operating a Nursery for Native and Traditional Plants. In: Tropical Nursery Manual: A Guide to Starting and Operating a Nursery for Native and Traditional Plants. U.S. : Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Kim M. Wilkinson Thomas D. Landis Diane L. Haase Brian F. Daley and R.Kasten Dumroese., 201451:53.Journals/Publication/MagazinesB.Learning Facilities & InfrastructureLibraryStandardNo1:25Laboratory Equipped with StandardNo1:25Lecture RoomStandardM21:25Demonstration Site/FieldStandardha1:25C.Consumable Materials1Lecture room 5 m x 8 m1:252Simulation room for assessment3 m x 5 m11:253Library 5 m x 6 m11:254Visual training Media 6.25 m x 10 m 1 1:25 5Demonstration site/field5m x 10 m 1 1:256Laboratory for soil sample and seed treatment6.25 m x 8 m11:257Soil (Agricultural, forest and sand)Standard11:258CompostStandard11:259Polythene tubePoly Bags 300 mm x 350 mm 30 Micron Clear251:110Fertilizers Standard11:2511Herbicides Standard11:2512Pesticides Standard11:25D.Tools and EquipmentsManual labelling equipment1.1.Compass Silva Polaris 177tandard121:21.2. GPSGarmin 13 1:21.3. Clinometers Suunto PM-5131:21.4.Ranging poleSteel telescopic ranging pole251:11.5. Measuring tape5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 50 m, and 100 m51:5Cutting tools2.1.Scissor Yasaka F.Cut 6.5 Cutting Shears13 1:22.2. Secateurs Standard1:52.3. Knives Standard1:52.4.Pruning knives Opinel OP13110 Pruning Knife251:12.5. Pruning sheer Niwaki pruning shears51:52.6.Hand sawBahco Ergo Bow Saw 24-inch (610 mm)31:102.7.Sharpening stones Standard11:252.8.File Standard51:5Clearing hand tools 3.1.Machete TT1018 machete wood sword51:53.2.Axes Classic Axe 6-inch x 23-inch51:5First aid kitsGym first aid kit51:5Hand gloves Leather 251:1Digging toolsDigging hoeStainless steel131:2Digging forksChillington Canterbury Fork131:Rakes 14 forged teeth, 3.5-inch teeth, wood handle251:1Digging forksChillington Canterbury Fork131:2Spade Bully Tools 92712 14-gauge round point51:5Pegs Tent pegs, metallic1255:1Germinating media With Lid Garden Grow Box PGG708351:5Watering can Swiss plastic watering can 1:5Hand sprayerPlastic Spray Bottle (1lt)51:5Safety belt Harness131:5 LEARNING MODULE 05TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Undertaking Plantation WorkMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_04" AGR NRC1 M05 0422 NOMINAL DURATION: 55 Hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers knowledge, skills and attitude required to undertake tree planting and tending operations.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO.1. Prepare for planting operations LO.2. Plant forest tree seedlings LO.3. Perform tending operations LO.4. Clean up and store LO.5. Record, document and reportMODULE CONTENTS: LO.1. Prepare for planting operations Identifying and compiling applicable OHS, legislative, organizational and environmental requirements Identifying and applying planting requirements and factors Selecting, checking and using equipment Identifying and assessing potential and existing risks, hazards and site conditions Storing planting stock Establishing and maintaining communication LO.2. Plant forest tree seedlings Assessing and preparing planting site Selecting tree seedlings planting methods and patterns Selecting and planting tree stock Identifying and resolved problems LO.3. Perform tending operations Identifying and compiling tending operation Identifying and adhering site environmental protection measures Determining and checking tending operation requirements Selecting and checked equipment Inspecting and assessing hazards and site conditions LO.5. Record, document and report Identifying and reporting problems Recording and documenting all field forest tree seedlings, planting and tending activities Reporting problems and hazards information Recording and reporting work outcomesLEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playing Field workASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Oral questioning Practical assessment  ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: MODULE CONTENTS: LO.1. Prepare for planting operations Applicable OHS, legislative, organizational and environmental requirements relevant to planting trees by hand are identified and complied with Planting requirements and factors are identified from work order and applied in accordance with site and quality control requirements Equipment appropriate to work requirements are selected, checked and used for operational effectiveness in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Potential and existing risks, hazards and site conditions are identified and assessed in accordance with OHS requirements Planting stock is appropriately stored in accordance with operational requirements Communication with others is established and maintained in accordance with OHS requirements LO.2. Plant forest tree seedlings Planting site is assessed for suitability and prepared in accordance with tree stock and work order requirements Tree seedlings planting methods and patterns are selected to suit particular operation and make efficient use of equipment and available time and resources Tree stock is selected and planted in accordance with production target, quality, safety and specific job requirements Problems are identified and resolved in accordance with site procedures Equipment is maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and workplace procedures LO.3. Perform tending operations Applicable OHS, legislative and organizational requirements relevant to tending operation are identified and complied with Site environmental protection measures are identified and adhered to in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations Tending operation requirements are determined from work order and checked with appropriate personnel based on the types of pruning in question Equipment appropriate to work requirements is selected and checked for operational effectiveness in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Hazards and site conditions are inspected and assessed in accordance with regulations and site procedures Communication with others is established and maintained in accordance with OHS requirements LO.4. Clean up and store Equipment is maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and workplace procedures LO.5. Record, document and report Problems and equipment faults are identified and reported in accordance with site procedures All field forest tree seedlings planting and tending activities are recorded and documented on daily basis in standard organizational formats Problems or difficulties or hazards information in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to appropriate personnel. Work outcomes are recorded and reported in standard format to the supervisor.  Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_04"AGR NRC1 M05 0422 Undertaking Plantation WorkItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsUnit Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLM1:12. Reference Books2.1establishment techniques for forest plantations forest resources division forestry departmentFAO, 19781:52.2Technical guidelines on tropical fruit tree management in EthiopiaFAO, 20101:52.3Forest plantations and woodlots in Ethiopia: African forest forum working paper seriesMillion Bekele, 20113.Journals/Publication/Magazines1:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1Lecture room 5 m x 8 m1:252Simulation room for assessment3 m x 5 m11:253Library 5 m x 6 m11:254Visual training Media 6.25 m x 10 m 1 1:25 5Demonstration site/field5m x 10 m 1 1:256Laboratory for soil sample and seed treatment6.25 m x 8 m11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary Standard1:12.Printer ink Hp11:25D.Tools and Equipments1. SpadesBully Tools 92712 14-gauge round point131:26. Wheelbarrow 90 L/120 kg51:59. Hoes Stainless steel1:510. Machetes TT1018 machete wood sword131:212. Axes Classic Axe 6-inch x 23-inch51:513.Calipers Stainless steel, locking screw131:214. pruners1:517Epicormics remover 1:518Ladder Louisville Ladder FS150851:519Climbing gearStandard1:520Chain sawsStandard51:5 LEARNING MODULE 06TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Performing Arboriculture WorkMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_05" AGR NRC1 M06 0422 NOMINAL DURATION: 50 Hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to practice in an arboriculture work unit. Arboriculture work requires checking tools and equipment, maintaining a clear work site during operations, communicating with and observing above ground workers, assisting climbers by sending up tools and equipment, and receiving and processing tree pruning.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO.1. Prepare for ground support operations LO.2. Maintain a clear work site during operations LO.3. Provide ground support for tree climbers LO.4. Receive and process tree during operations LO.5. Clean up and store work place LO.6. Record and report support activitiesMODULE CONTENTS: LO.1. Prepare for ground support operations Receiving and clarifying instructions Identifying OHS hazards Selecting tools, equipment and machinery Carryout pre-operational and safety checks Selecting, checking, using and maintaining suitable safety equipment and PPE LO.2. Maintain a clear work site during operations Keeping away persons not involved in the work program Placing rescue equipment Keeping drope zone free of debris LO.3. Provide ground support for tree climbers Maintaining communication links Receiving and clarifying non-verbal signs of communication Raising and lowering equipment Performing rope handling techniques LO.4. Receive and process tree during operations Using tools and equipment Receiving and stacking tree pruning Preparing tree pruning Undertaking processing of tree pruning. Maintain surrounding environment LO.5. Clean up and store work place Checking, preparing and storing tools, equipment and machinery Storing tools, equipment and machinery Collecting, disposing or recycling of waste material LO.6. Record and report support activities Recording and documenting information Maintaining records of ground support Communicating work completion and hazards information LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playing Field workASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Oral questioning Practical assessment  ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: MODULE CONTENTS:0919697049 LO.1. Prepare for ground support operations Instructions for ground support operations are received and clarified prior to work being undertaken. OHS hazards related to the work are identified. Tools, equipment and machinery are selected that are appropriate to the task being undertaken. Pre-operational and safety checks are carried out on tools, equipment and machinery according to manufacturers specifications and enterprise work procedures. Suitable safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected, checked, used and maintained. LO.2. Maintain a clear work site during operations Persons not involved in the work program are kept away from the site during operations. Rescue equipment is placed within easy access. Drop zone is kept free of debris according to enterprise guidelines. LO.3. Provide ground support for tree climbers Communication links between ground crew and operator are clearly maintained at all times according to enterprise guidelines Non-verbal signs of communication are received and clarified according to enterprise guidelines Equipment is raised and lowered to climber using safe working procedures Rope handling techniques are performed according to safe working practices LO.4. Receive and process tree during operations Tools and equipment are used according to supervisors instructions and manufacturers guidelines. Tree pruning is received and stacked according to enterprise guidelines. Tree pruning is prepared for processing according to enterprise guidelines. Processing of tree pruning is undertaken according to supervisors instructions and/or manufacturers instructions. Surrounding environment is maintained in a damage free condition. LO.5. Clean up and store work place Tools, equipment and machinery are checked for wear/damage, prepared for transporting/storage, and stored according to enterprise policy and procedures. Tools, equipment and machinery are stored clear of debris and the drop zone. Waste material is collected and disposed of, or recycled to minimize damage to the environment. LO.6. Record and report support activities Information such as site details, tree inspection results, safety issues and work schedules are recorded and documented Records of ground support operations are maintained in the appropriate format and reported to supervisor Work completion and hazards information are communicated to work colleagues and the supervisor. Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_05"AGR NRC1 M06 0422 Performing Arboriculture WorkItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1The Arborist Industry Safe Work Practices guideThe arborist safe work practices committee 20115 1:52.2Urban Tree Risk Management: A Community Guide to Program Design and ImplementationSt. Paul., Jill D. Pokorny 19925 1:53.Journals/Publication/Magazines3.1.3.2.B.Learning Facilities & InfrastructureLecture room 5 m x 8 m11:25 Simulation room for assessment3 m x 5 m11:25Library 5 m x 6 m11:25Visual training Media 6.25 m x 10 m 1 1:25Demonstration site/field5m x 10 m 1 1:25Laboratory for soil sample and seed treatment6.25 m x 8 m11:25Vehicles for cooperative trainingBus with 50 seats11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary Standard 1:12.Printer ink Hp11:25D.Tools and Equipments1. String Nylon 51:52. Pole belts & climbing gear Standard51:53. Small chainsaw Ryobi 14 in. 37cc 2-Cycle Gas51:54. Ladder Louisville Ladder FS150851:55. Handsaw Niwaki pruning shears51:56.Secateurs Standard51:57.Pedestrian barriersStandard51:58.Gloves Leather 251:19.LifelineStandard51:25 LEARNING MODULE 07TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Conducting survey and NavigationMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_03" AGR NRC1 M07 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 50 HoursMODULE DESCRIPTION: This Module covers the competence required skill, knowledge & attitude of surveying and navigation in untracked, remote areas. It requires the ability to undertake surveying activities in the field and developing map in the office; interpretation and use of maps and other navigation aids; evaluating activities related with surveying. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Prepare for surveying LO2. Perform survey techniques LO3. Apply leveling & topographic survey LO4. Develop map LO5. Plan the route and Conduct navigationMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Prepare for surveying Specifying and complying applicable Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Gathering information and identifying and checking relevant factors Selecting and checking suitable tools, equipment and surveying aids Detecting and correcting faults or errors in tools and equipment Establishing and maintaining communication with others LO2. Perform survey techniques Basic principles of survey Identifying surveying methods Preparing and applying surveying techniques LO3. Apply leveling & topographic survey Leveling and topographic techniques Procedures of leveling and topographic survey Collecting tools and equipment Applying leveling and topographic survey techniques LO4. Develop map Types of maps, charts, scales and their uses Map development and reading technique Collecting materials Developing map LO5. Plan the route and Conduct navigation Planning route Examining map symbols, information and navigation data Calculating grid and magnetic bearings 5.4 Planning emergency or contingency exit routes and other risks 5.5 Undertaking navigation 5.6 Orientating maps to surroundings 5.7 Using equipment and navigation aids 5.8 Navigating alternative routes to bypass obstacles LEARNING METHODS:Lecture-discussion Demonstration Practical exercises ASSESSMENT METHODS:Practical assessment Demonstration with oral question Written tests ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO.1 Prepare for surveying Applicable Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), legislative and organizational requirements relevant to surveying are specified and complied Information is gathered and relevant factors identified and checked with appropriate personnel Suitable tools, equipment and surveying aids are selected and checked for accuracy, currency and operational effectiveness Faults or errors in tools and equipment are detected and corrected Communication with others is established and maintained in accordance with OHS requirements LO.2 Perform survey techniques Different surveying methods are identified according to required information Work procedures are prepared to perform surveying techniques Surveying techniques are applied according to work place procedures LO.3 Apply leveling & topographic survey Leveling and topographic techniques are identified based on required information. Procedures are prepared based available resources. Tools and equipment are collected based on requirements. Techniques are applied following work procedures LO.4 Develop map Procedures are prepared according to required information. Materials are collected based on requirements. Map is developed based on guidelines LO5. Plan the route and Conduct navigation Route is planned in accordance with assignment instructions and OHS requirements Maps are examined to identify relevant symbols and information and navigation data Accurate grid and magnetic bearings are calculated using maps and equipment in accordance with assignment instructions Emergency or contingency exit routes are planned and other risks planned Navigation is undertaken in accordance with planned route and schedule Maps are correctly orientated to surroundings in accordance with planned route Equipment and navigation aids are used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Alternative routes are navigated to bypass obstacles and improve efficiency of route or course Annex: Resource Requirements  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_03" AGR NRC1 M07 0422 Conducting survey and Navigation Item No.Category/Item Description/ Specifications QuantityRecommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials  1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer51:52. Reference booksupdated51:52.1Surveying Engineering Field Handbook Part 650United States Department of Agriculture NaturalResources Conservation Service(issued, October 2008)51:52.2Surveying Handbook Second Edition edited by Russell C. Brinker and Roy Minnick(1994)51:53.Introduction to Surveying Second Edition By Michael Minchin51:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1 Lecture/classroom5 m x 8 m 40m21:1.22Library 5 m x 6 m 11:25 Blank rewritable CD Sony11:253Demonstration site/field4 m x 10 m 11:25 6TableStandard11:257Black board900mm*600mmhaevy duty wooden11:258VehicleStandard11:25C.Consumable Materials1.PenKenya Bic(ball point)1:12PencilsWood yellow HB pencil with eraser 7.5 inch 5pks 1:5 5ChalkGood quality6Stationary paperGood quality8Sketches and diagrams chartsGood quality 1:5D.Tools and EquipmentsLine levelStandard1:5StringStandardGraduated staff Standard1:5Clinometers Standard1:5measuring tapes5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 50 m, and 100 m Each 5 1:5Ranging pole Steel telescopic ranging pole 201-to-1Pegs Tent pegs, metallic1005:1CompassStandard1:5GPS Standard1:5TopmapsStandard1:5Automatic levelStandard1:5Clip boardStandard1:1Drawing materialsStandard1:1First aid kit Standard1:25HelmetStandard1:1 LEARNING MODULE 08TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Identifying and maintaining Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation PracticesMODULE CODE: HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_07_1221"AGR NRC1 M08 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 60 hoursMODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to identify and undertake maintenance of indigenous soil and water conservation measures specified on plans.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Explore Indigenous soil and water management practices LO2. Establish role of group in community LO3. Prepare for implementation of indigenous soil and water conservation measures LO4. Implement and maintain Indigenous erosion control structuresMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Explore Indigenous soil and water management practices Relevant information sources Indigenous soil and water management practices Agents/processes of erosion and sedimentation Basic catchments issues Characteristics of soils with an emphasis on erodible soils Defining relevant issues Relevant federal/ regional state land acts/legislation 1.4. Consulting appropriate people 1.5. Contemporary indigenous soil and water management practices Erosion control structures/ measures/ practices Role of vegetation 1.6 Documenting details of consultation/research LO2. Establish role of group in community Potential roles of program and range of groups 2.1.1 Role of formal or informal groupings Managing interaction with community Consultation processes 2.3.1 Erosion and sedimentation cost to the community Maintaining and promoting positive image of group and program LO3. Prepare for implementation of indigenous soil and water conservation measures Match indigenous SWC plan and schedule with site conditions Identifying survey pegs and site indicators Verifying and selecting equipment and tools OHS procedures, practices, policies, and precautions LO4. Implement and maintain Indigenous erosion control structures Constructing indigenous conservation practices 4.1.1 Carry out construction and maintenance procedures of indigenous SWC structures Erosion control regulations and manuals Reporting breaches of erosion control regulations and manuals Applying industry practices for erosion control Implementing site works maintenance inspection schedule LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playing Practical Work ASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test with Oral questioning Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Explore Indigenous soil and water management practices Relevant information sources are identified, accessed and utilized Relevant contemporary indigenous soil and water management practices are outlined according to community guidelines and cultural protocols. Relevant issues connected with this practice are defined. Relevant and appropriate people are consulted according to community guidelines and cultural protocols. Associated issues related to contemporary Indigenous soil and water management practices are identified. Details of consultation/research are documented. LO2. Establish role of group in community Potential roles of program and range of groups to community are identified for use in group activities. Interaction with community is managed to build rapport with individuals and groups. Consultation processes are established and maintained with community members and groups Image of group and program in community is maintained by acknowledging community concerns and promoting positive image of group and program LO3. Prepare for implementation of indigenous soil and water conservation measures Indigenous soil and water conservation plan and schedule of works are matched with site conditions. Survey pegs and site indicators are identified on site Equipment and tools are matched to program works and terrain on site OHS procedures, practices, policies, and precautions are observed and followed Work readiness of selected equipment and tools are verified as directed by supervisors Materials are selected to complete proposed works in line with construction schedule LO4. Implement and maintain Indigenous erosion control structures Indigenous conservation practices are constructed in accordance with details specified in the plan, OHS procedures and to industry standards Breaches of erosion control regulations and manuals are noted and reported. Industry practices for erosion control are applied in the work place Site works maintenance inspection schedule is applied to re-establish operating effectiveness of indigenous soil and water conservation measures on siteAnnex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_07_1221"AGR NRC1 M08 0422: Identifying and maintaining Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation PracticesItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Soil Erosion and Conservation Morgan RPC. 2005. 3rd ed. Wiley Blackwell.51:52.2Soil and Water Conservation for Sustainable AgricultureTaffa T. 2002. Mega Publishing.51:53.Journals/Publication/MagazinesB.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Library5m x 6m11:252.Laboratory Equipped with /Audiovisual 5m x 8m11:253.Lecture Room5m x 8m11:254.Demonstration Site/Field4m x 10m11:255.Information and communication Technology room with broadband Internet access5m x 10m11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)Standard251:12.Printer ink Standard11:254.TelephoneStandard11:255.Digital camerasDigital, 20MP51:5D.Tools and EquipmentsStandard1. Wheelbarrow90 L/120kg51:52. SpadesExtra long carbon steel51:53. ShovelsBully Tools 92712 14-gauge round point51:54. Crow bars Standard51:55. Rakes 14 forged teeth, 3.5-inch teeth, wood handle51:56. HoeStainless steel 51:57. Brooms Standard51:58. Sanding blocks Standard51:59. HacksawsStandard51:510. Leveling equipmentStandard51:511. String linesRound durable, plastic rope51:512. Measuring tapes 20m, 50 and 100m51:513.KnivesStandard51:514. PrinterHP LaserJet 205551:2515.PegTent pegs, metallic51:116.ClinometersSuunto PM-551:517GPSGarmin51:518HammerHammer with metal arm51:5 19TrowelsStandard51:520Digital camerasDigital, 20MP51:521Forks bucketsStandard51:522Sand bagsStandard51:523Gabion wireStandard51:5 LEARNING MODULE 09TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Conducting Irrigation WorkMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08" AGR NRC1 M09 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 60 hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to conduct the irrigation and maintenance of watering and drainage systems. It requires the ability to prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work, undertake irrigation activities, handle materials and equipment, and clean up on completion of work.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work LO2. Undertake irrigation work LO3. Handle & clean up and store materials and equipment LO4. Complete documentationMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work Irrigation and drainage concepts Identifying materials, tools and equipment for irrigation tasks Check and report materials, tools and equipment Using manual handling techniques for loading and unloading materials Selecting and checking PPE Providing irrigation support according to OHS requirements and workplace information Identifying and reporting OHS hazards LO2. Undertake irrigation work Identifying irrigation and drainage methods Understanding irrigation and drainage system components Following instructions and directions Arrange small scale irrigation water lifting devices Fit the different irrigation kits in their position Align and maintain drainage lines/waterways Carry out interactions with other staff and farmers Observing Enterprise/farm policy and procedures LO3. Handle & clean up and store materials and equipment Storing waste material and debris Cleaning and storing materials, equipment and machinery Good site and environmental practices LO4. Complete documentation Reporting problems or difficulties Identifying and reporting malfunctions, faults, wear or damage Reporting work outcomes LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playingASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test with Oral questioning Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work The required materials, tools and equipment for irrigation tasks are identified according to lists provided and/or supervisor's instructions. Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor. Correct manual handling and techniques for loading and unloading materials are used to minimize damage to the load and the vehicle according to standard operating procedures Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected and checked prior to use. Irrigation support is provided according to OHS requirements and according to workplace information. OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor. LO2. Undertake irrigation work Instructions and directions provided by supervisor are followed, and clarification sought when necessary. Arrange small scale irrigation water lifting devices according to the instruction. Fit the different irrigation kits in their position according to enterprise guidelines. Align and maintain drainage lines/waterways as needed Interactions with other staff and farmers are carried out in a positive and professional manner. Enterprise/farm policy and procedures in relation to workplace practices, handling and disposal of materials are observed. LO3. Handle & clean up and store materials and equipment Waste material and debris produced during irrigation work are stored in a designated area according to supervisor's instructions. Materials, equipment and machinery are cleaned and stored according to supervisor's instructions and enterprise guidelines Good Site is made according to supervisor's instructions and good environmental practices. LO4. Complete documentation Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor. Malfunctions, faults, wear or damage to facilities, machinery and equipment are identified and reported in line with enterprise requirements Work outcomes are reported in standard format to the supervisor Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08"AGR NRC1 M09 0422: Conducting Irrigation WorkItem No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantityRecommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Design and operation of farm irrigation systemsJensen M.E. 1983 (ed). (St. Joseph, Michigan)51:52.2Small Scale Irrigation: A Manual of Low Cost Water Technology. Intermediate Technology Publications, LondonStern P.H. 197951:52.3Surface Irrigation. Land and Water Development Division, Surface Irrigation: Systems and Practice. Cranfield Press, Bedford, UK.Booher L.J. 1974 FAO, Rome.Kay M. 198651:52.4Sprinkler Irrigation: Equipment and Practice. Batsford, London.Kay M. 198351:52.5Trickle Irrigation for Crop Production: Design, Operation and Management. Elsevier, New York.Nakayoma F.S. and Bucks D.A. 1986 (eds).51:52.6Localized irrigation: design, installation, operation and evaluation.Irrigation and Drainage Paper 36, FAO, RomeVermeiren L. and Jobling G.A. 198051:53.Journals/Publication/Magazines51:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Lecture Room5m*8m40m21:252.Library5m*6m30m21:253.Laboratory equipped with audiovisual5m*8m40m21:254. Demonstration site/field4 m x 10 m40m21:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)Standard25 each type1:12.Printer ink Standard251:25D.Tools and Equipments1. Wheelbarrow90 L/120 kg51:52. SpadesExtra long carbon steel131:23. ShovelsBully Tools 92712 14-gauge round point131:24. Crow bars Standard11:55. Rakes 14 forged teeth, 3.5-inch teeth, wood handle51:56. HoeStainless steel131:27. Brooms Standard51:58. Sanding blocks Standard51:59. Chain sawRyobi 14 in. 37cc 2-Cycle Gas51:510. Leveling equipmentStandard51:511. String linesStandard5 Roll1:512. Tape measures5-100m 51:513.Marking gaugesStandard51:514. PrinterStandard11:2515.PegTent pegs, metallic1255:116.ClinometersStandard51:517.GPSGarmin51:518.HammerHammer with metal arm1313:2519.EmittersStandard1:520.Main and lateral linesStandard1:521.NozzlesStandard1:522.Water canChillington Canterbury Fork131:223.Filter Standard1 or 21:25 or 2:2524.Valve Standard51:525.Stop-watchRS PRO stainless steel analog51:526.PH meterAutomatic switch off after 3 min131:227.Water tank /pumpAutomatic switch off after 3 minutes 10 151:528.Oven dryCapacity 400 L and minimum 4 shelves, temperature control22:2529.Safety clothes100% Cotton, Polo 65%/ 35% Cotton, Fire Retardant251:130.Soil core samplerThe sampler is supplied with two wedge coring tips, driving51:531.Siphon20/different diameter251:132.Goggles Plastic Plastic251:133.MaskCrew mas251:134.OverallsKhaki251:135.First aid kitsGym first aid kit51:536.GlovesLeather gloves251:137.Safety shoesSteel-toe boots251:138.Safety hat3M hard hat safety helmet251:139.LCD projectorSony11:2540.LaddersLouisville Ladder FS150851:541.Weather stationStandard 11:25 LEARNING MODULE 10 TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Applying 5S ProceduresMODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_13_1221" AGR NRC1 M10 0422NOMINAL DURATION:20Hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to apply 5S techniques to his/her workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the workplace and ensuring that continuous improvements of Kaizen elements are initiated and institutionalized. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Prepare for work LO2. Sort items LO3. Set all items in order LO4. Perform shine activities LO5. Standardize 5S MODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Prepare for work work instructions Reading and interpreting job specifications OHS requirements Preparing and using tools and equipment Identifying and checking safety equipment and tools Preparing and using Kaizen Board LO2. Sort items Preparing plan Following appropriate procedure Perform Cleaning activities Identifying all items in the workplace Listing necessary and unnecessary items Red tag strategy for unnecessary items Placing unnecessary items in an appropriate place Recording and quantifying necessary items Reporting performance results Checking necessary items regularly in the workplace LO3. Set all items in order Preparing plan Performing general cleaning activities Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods Preparing and using tools and equipment for setting in order activities Placing items in their assigned locations Returning the items to their assigned locations after use Reporting performance results using formats Check each item regularly in its assigned location and order LO4. Perform shine activities Preparing plan Tools and equipment for shinning activities Implementing Shine activity Reporting performance results Conducting regular shining activities LO5. Standardize 5S Planning to standardize 5S activities Tools and techniques to standardize 5S based on relevant procedures Following checklists and reporting to relevant personnel Keeping the workplace to the specified standard Avoiding problems by standardizing activities LO6. Sustain 5S Prepare plan Tools and techniques to sustain 5S Inspecting workplace for compliance to specified standard Cleaning up workplace after and before completion Identifying situations where compliance to standards is unlike Recommending improvements to lift the level of compliance in the workplace Following Checklists to sustain and reporting activities to relevant personnel Avoiding problems by sustaining activitiesLEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Demonstration Simulation Role playingASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test with Oral questioning Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO.1 Prepare for work Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method, material and equipment. Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual. OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye and ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work. LO.2 Sort items Plan is prepared to implement sorting activities. Cleaning activities are performed. All items in the workplace are identified following the appropriate procedures. Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format. Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items. Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than the workplace. Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format. Performance results are reported using appropriate formats. Necessary items are regularly checked in the workplace. LO.3 Set all items in order Plan is prepared to implement set in order activities. General cleaning activities are performed. Location/Layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided. Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for setting in order activities. Items are placed in their assigned locations. After use, the items are immediately returned to their assigned locations. Performance results are reported using appropriate formats. Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order. LO.4 Perform shine activities Plan is prepared to implement shine activities. Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for shinning activities. Shine activity is implemented using appropriate procedures. Performance results are reported using appropriate formats. Regular shining activities are conducted LO.5 Standardize 5S Plan is prepared and used to standardize 5S activities. Tools and techniques to standardize 5S are prepared and implemented based on relevant procedures. Checklists are followed for standardize activities and reported to relevant personnel. The workplace is kept to the specified standard. Problems are avoided by standardizing activities. LO6. Sustain 5S Plan is prepared and followed to sustain 5S activities. Tools and techniques to sustain 5S are discussed, prepared and implemented based on relevant procedures. Workplace is inspected regularly for compliance to specified standard and sustainability of 5S techniques. Workplace is cleaned up after completion of job and before commencing next job or end of shift. Situations are identified where compliance to standards is unlikely and actions specified in procedures are taken. Improvements are recommended to lift the level of compliance in the workplace. Checklists are followed to sustain activities and report to relevant personnel. Problems are avoided by sustaining activities. Annex: Resource Requirements  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_13_1221" AGR NRC1 M10 0422 Applying 5S Procedures Item No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Kaizen Definition & Principles In Brief a Concept & Tool For Employees Involvement THESSALONIKI 200651:52.2Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time.  Sarah Harvey published in 2019.51:53.Technical/Operational Manual51:54.Journals/Publication/MagazinesB.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Library5m x 6m11:252.Laboratory Equipped with /Audiovisual 5m x 8m11:253.Lecture Room5m x 8m11:254.Demonstration Site/Field4m x 10m11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary Standard1:12PaperA3Paper pack1:53penStandard 251:14PencilBH251:15FixerStandard 251:16MarkerStandard 251:17.Print/copy cartilageHP Laser Jet 258.CD RW ,CD R & Flash DiskStandard251:1D.Tools and Equipments1.Paint Standard251:12.HookStandard251:13.StickerStandard251:14.SignboardStandard251:15.NailsStandard251:16.ShelvesStandard251:17.Chip woodStandard251:18.SpongeStandard251:19. BroomStandard251:110.Shadow board/Tools boardStandard251:111.Dust masks/gogglesStandard251:512.Glove Leather 251:113.Working clothKaki 251:114.First aid and safety shoesStandard251:1 LEARNING MODULE 11TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resource Conservation and Development Level IMODULE TITLE: Applying Agricultural Extension Service MODULE CODE:  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_10" AGR NRC1 M11 0422NOMINAL DURATION: .40 Hours MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand the Concept and evolution of agricultural Extension, apply extension methods and Approaches, apply Agricultural extension Communication and facilitation for technology promotion, Conduct training and record and document dataLEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Understand the Concept and evolution of Agricultural Extension LO2. Apply Extension methods and Approaches LO3. Apply Agricultural Extension Communication and Facilitation for technology promotion LO4. Conduct Training LO5. Record and Document DataMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Understand the Concept and evolution of Agricultural Extension The concept of Agricultural extension The evolution and progress of agricultural extension The role of extension in agricultural development Importance of Agricultural extension Extension planning LO2. Apply Extension methods and Approaches Extension methods Extension approaches The importance of extension methods and approaches Applying Appropriate extension methods and approaches LO3. Apply Agricultural Extension Communication and Facilitation for technology promotion The concept, principle and type of communication Identifying, understanding and solving communication barriers Defining and Using Elements of extension communication Understanding Audio visual techniques Roles and characteristics of extension communicator Basic concept of facilitation Roles and responsibilities of a facilitator Conflict resolution skills The skill of facilitator LO4. Conduct Training 4.1. Conducting needs assessment 4.2 Carrying-out preparation 4.3. Conducting the implementation training 4.4. Carrying out Evaluation LO5. Record and Document Data 5.1. Developing data collecting formats 5.2. Collecting and organizing appropriate data 5.3. Documenting and reporting collected and organized data LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Demonstration Simulation Role playingASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test Oral question Practical demonstration ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Understand the Concept and evolution of Agricultural Extension The concept of Agricultural extension is understood to gain relevant knowledge The evolution and progress of agricultural extension is expressed to understand the concept of Agricultural Extension The role of extension in agricultural development is understood to deliver effective extension services The importance of Agricultural extension is determined to have appropriate knowledge, Extension planning is understood to determine extension activities LO2. Apply Extension methods and Approaches Extension methods are understood to provide Extension services based on organizational standard, extension systems, extension strategy and extension guide lines Extension approaches are understood for implementation of extension services The importance of extension methods and approaches are understood for Agricultural extension service delivery Appropriate extension methods and approaches are applied to transfer agricultural technologies, based on organizational standard, extension systems, extension strategy and extension guide lines LO3. Apply Agricultural Extension Communication and Facilitation for technology promotion The concept, principle and type of communication is understood to have good extension communication knowledge & skill Communication barriers are identified, understood and solved to undertake effective communication Elements of extension communication are defined and used to create positive environment for communication Audio visual techniques are understood to provide Agricultural Extension and communication delivery services Roles and characteristics of extension communicator are recommended to improve the communicators performance The basic concept of facilitation is understood to improve facilitation skills The roles and responsibilities of a facilitator is applied to progress facilitation skills Conflict resolution skill is understood to enhance homogeneity The skills of a facilitator are applied for communication & technology promotion LO4. Conduct Training Need assessment is conducted to provide appropriate training Preparation is carried-out to facilitate the training process Implementation is conducted to capacitate trainees based on organizational training guide line Evaluation is carried-out to understand the outcome LO5. Record and Document Data Data collecting formats are developed Appropriate data are collected and organized Collected and organized data are documented and reported Annex: Resource Requirements  HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_10" AGR NRC1 M11 0422 Applying Agricultural Extension Service Item No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Rural Extension: Basic Issues and ConceptsHoffman, V., et al. 2009. Vol. I 3rd edition51:52.2Rural Extension: Basic Issues and ConceptsHoffman, V., et al. 2009. Vol. II 3rd edition51:5 2.3Rural Extension: Basic Issues and ConceptsHoffman, V., et al. 2009. Vol. III 3rd edition51:52.4Communication for Rural InnovationLewis, C., 2004 3rd edition51:52.5Concepts and Practices in Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries: A Source BookAnanadayasekeram, P., et al. 2008. 51:52.6Agricultural Extension in Developing CountriesAdams M. E., 199251:52.7Agricultural ExtensionFAO, 51:53Journals/Publication/Magazines3.1- Sustainable Agricultural Extension Manual for Eastern and Southern AfricaIIRR, 199851:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Library5m x 6m11:252.Laboratory Equipped with /Audiovisual 5m x 8m11:253.Lecture Room5m x 8m11:254.Demonstration Site/Field4m x 10m11:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary Standard1:12PaperA3Paper pack1:53penStandard 251:14PencilStandard 251:15FixerStandard 251:16MarkerStandard 251:12Printer ink Standard51:5D.Tools and Equipments1.BootsStandard251:12OverallStandard251:13GloveStandard251:14Respiratory equipmentStandard251:1 LEARNING MODULE 12TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Implementing Agribusiness Marketing MODULE CODE: HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_11_1221"AGR NRC1 M12 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 40hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to Understand concept of agricultural marketing, Understand concepts of agribusiness, Identify marketing targets for Agricultural products, Implement marketing strategy. Establish contract farming, and Apply Agricultural marketing services.LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Understand concept of agricultural marketing LO2. Understand concepts of agribusiness LO3. Identify marketing targets for Agricultural products LO4. Implement marketing strategy LO5. Establish contract farming LO6. Apply agricultural marketing servicesMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Understand concept of agricultural marketing Concept and importance of agricultural marketing Importance of agricultural marketing Roles of agricultural market-oriented service Principles of agricultural marketing and strategies Understanding Marketing mix Types of marketing LO2. Understand concepts of agribusiness Concept and importance of agribusiness Importance of agricultural marketing Roles of agribusiness-oriented service Principles and characteristic of agribusiness Characteristic of Agribusiness Dimension and structures of Agribusiness LO3. Identify marketing targets for Agricultural products Marketing targets Approaches of agricultural market Market Segment descriptors Strategies of agricultural marketing options Preparing Business plans LO4. Implement marketing strategy Agricultural marketing functions strategy Developing marketing Action plan Resource for agricultural marketing Implementing Marketing mix LO5. Establish contract farming 5.1 Concept of contract farming 5.2 Types of contract farming 5.3 Models of Contract farming 5.4 Steps and procedures of contract farming establishments 5.5 Contract farming requirements 5.6 Establishing Contract farming systems LO6. Apply Agricultural Marketing Services Types of Agricultural products Conducting need assessment Developing Market strategies Collecting and organizing Customer feedbacks Organizing and documenting data LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Demonstration Role playing ASSESSMENT METHODS:Written test with Oral questioning Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning Assignment  ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Understand concept of agricultural marketing Concept of agricultural marketing is understood for Agricultural marketing Importance of agricultural marketing is understood to provide agricultural marketing services Roles of agricultural market-oriented service is identified and understood Principles of agricultural marketing and strategies are identified and understood Marketing mix is understood to implement agricultural marketing activities Types of marketing are understood and identified to implement the appropriate marketing services LO2. Understand concepts of agribusiness Concept of agribusiness is understood for Agricultural marketing Importance of agribusiness is understood to provide agribusiness services Roles of agribusiness-oriented service is identified and understood Principles of agribusiness and strategies are identified and understood Characteristic of Agribusiness are understood to implement Agribusiness Dimension and structures of Agribusiness are understood and distinguished LO3. Identify marketing targets for Agricultural products Marketing targets are identified for Agricultural products and services Approaches of agricultural market are understood for agricultural market product and service. Segment descriptors are used to display the targets of agricultural market Strategic of agricultural marketing options are identified to develop agricultural marketing plan Business plans are prepared to perform cost and benefit analysis. LO4. Implement marketing strategy Agricultural marketing functions strategy is designed to perform agriculture business. Action plan is developed to implement Agricultural marketing strategies. Require resource are identified and coordinated to implement Marketing mix is implemented according to the strategy Agricultural LO5. Establish contract farming Concept of contract farming is understood to enhance market oriented production Types of contract farming are identified to select the appropriate approach Models of Contract farming are understood and identified Steps and procedures of contract farming establishments are identified Contract farming requirements are identified and applied based on the organizational standard Contract farming systems are established LO6. Apply Agricultural Marketing Services Agricultural products are identified to delivered provided marketing services Need assessment is conducted to identify marketing conditions Market strategies are developed to implement the Agricultural marketing services Customer feedbacks are collected and organized to improve Agricultural marketing services Data is organized and documented to report the appropriate body  Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_11_1221"AGR NRC1 M12 0422: Implementing Agribusiness Marketing Item No.Category/ItemDescription/ SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMTTLM prepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementHailay Gebretinsae. 2007, Mekelle, Ethiopia.51:53.Journals/Publication/MagazinesB.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Lecture Room5m*8m40m21:252.Library5m*6m30m21:253.Audiovisual Room5m*8m40m21:254.InternetBroad Band(2GB)1:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)StandardNo1:12.Printer ink StandardNo1:254.TelephoneStandardNo1:255.Digital camerasDigital 16MPNo1:5 LEARNING MODULE 13TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level I MODULE TITLE: Applying Basics of Human Nutrition PracticesMODULE CODE: HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_12"AGR NRC1 M13 0422NOMINAL DURATION: 50 hours MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skill and attitude required to categorize agricultural foods items, recognize malnutrition in the community, identify the role of agriculture in nutrition and contribute to the awareness creation of the community in utilization of agricultural products. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module the trainee will be able to: LO1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items LO2. Recognize malnutrition in the community LO3. Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition LO4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption techniques LO5. Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products LO6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficultiesMODULE CONTENTS: LO1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items Identifying and explaining basic terminologies and concepts Identifying and explaining food groups, nutrient and their sources of balanced diet Identifying and describing origin and composition of food stuffs Identifying and explaining energy dense and nutrient dense food sources LO2. Recognize malnutrition in the community Identifying and explaining physical signs of malnutrition Identifying forms, causes and consequences of malnutrition Promoting measures to overcome malnutrition and importance of maintenance of adequate and balanced diet Making contribution in elders, family heads and women awareness creation programs LO3. Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition Recognizing and promoting the role of agriculture as source of variety foods Describing the contribution of agriculture sector in nutrition sensitive intervention Identifying and communicating nutrition sensitive agricultural practices LO4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption techniques Identifying and discussing importance of diet diversification with family holds and community Identifying and demonstrating techniques of diversified food production Assessing and implementing techniques of enhancing the nutrient content of family foods Identifying Utensils and demonstrating cooking techniques for specific agricultural products Selecting and using PPE Demonstrating balanced and nutrient dense diet preparation using food stuff ingredients LO5. Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products Explaining importance of hygiene for nutrition Identifying storage facilities and supporting family holds in construction Safely handling and storing Agricultural products Demonstrating methods and techniques of safely handling and storing agricultural products LO6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties Documenting diversified food production and consumption activities Reporting difficulties happened in the processes LEARNING METHODS:Lecture and Discussion Dmonstration Simulation Role playingASSESSMENT METHODS:Interview Written Test Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: LO1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items Basic terminologies and concepts in nutrition are identified and explained Food groups, nutrient and their sources of balanced diet are identified and explained Origin and composition of food stuffs are identified and described Energy dense and nutrient dense food sources are identified and explained LO2. Recognize malnutrition in the community Physical signs of malnutrition are identified and explained Forms, causes and consequences of malnutrition in different groups of community are identified Measures to overcome malnutrition, importance of maintenance of adequate and balanced diet are promoted Contribution is made in elders, family heads and women awareness creation programs LO3. Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition The role of agriculture as source of variety foods is recognized and promoted The contribution of agriculture sector in nutrition sensitive intervention is described Nutrition sensitive agricultural practices are identified and communicated as per the nutrition program guideline LO4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption techniques Importance of diet diversification is identified and discussed with family holds and community according to the program guideline Techniques of diversified food production are identified and demonstrated to farmers and family members Techniques of enhancing the nutrient content of family foods are assessed and implemented according to the program guideline and cultural requirements of the rural community Utensils are identified and cooking techniques demonstrated for specific agricultural products PPE are selected and used in accordance to OHS requirement and code of ethics Balanced and nutrient dense diet preparation is demonstrated using food stuff ingredients LO5. Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products Importance of hygiene for nutrition is explained Storage facilities are identified and family holds supported in construction. Agricultural products are safely handled and stored Methods and techniques of safely handling and storing agricultural products are demonstrated in accordance products requirement LO6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties Diversified food production and consumption activities are documented Difficulties happened in the processes are reported to the respective authorities Annex: Resource Requirements HYPERLINK \l "AGR_NRC1_08"AGR NRC1 M13 0422: Applying Basics of Human Nutrition PracticesItem No.Category/ItemDescription /SpecificationsQuantity Recommended Ratio (Item: Trainee)A.Learning Materials 1.TTLMPrepared by the trainer251:12. Reference Books2.1Fundamentals of foods, nutrition of foods, nutrition and diet therapy Sumati R.Mudambi M.V.Rajagopal 2007 - 5th edition51:52.2Introduction to Human Nutrition Michael J Gibney, Susan A Lanham-New, Aedin Cassidy and Hester H Vorster 2002, Second Edition51:53.Journals/Publication/Magazines51:5B.Learning Facilities & Infrastructure1.Lecture Room5m*8m40m21:252.Library5m*6m30m21:253.Laboratory equipped with audiovisual5m*8m40m21:254Demonstration site/field4 m x 10 m40m21:25C.Consumable Materials1.Stationary (Papers, pens, pencils, fixer, marker)Standard25 Each type 1:12.Printer ink Standard51:253. LCD projectorSony11:25D.Tools and EquipmentsStandard1. Bins Standard51:52. Refrigerator Cooling system power freeze, Capacity/volume (455 L),temperature range 0 to -65 C 11:253. ShelfStandard51:54. Rack Standard11:255.Barn Standard11:25 APPENDEX-1 Learning Methods:For none impaired traineesReasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)Low Vision DeafHard of hearingPhysical impairmentLecture-Provide large print textAssign sign language Organize the class room seating arrangement to be accessible to trainees Speak loudly Ensure the attention of the trainees Present the lecture in video format Ensure the attention of the traineesOrganize the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs users. Facilitate and support the trainees who have severe impairments on their upper limbs to take note Provide Orientation on the physical feature of the work shopdiscussionPrepare the lecture in Audio/video Organize the class room seating arrangement to be accessible to trainees Write short notes on the black/white board using large text Make sure the luminosity of the light of class room is kept Use normal tone of voice Encourage trainees to record the lecture in audio format Provide Orientation on the physical feature of the work shop Summarize main pointsinterpreter Arrange the class room seating to be conducive for eye to eye contact Make sure the luminosity of the light of class room is kept Introduce new and relevant vocabularies Use short and clear sentences Give emphasis on visual lecture and ensure the attention of the trainees Avoid movement during lecture time Present the lecture in video format Summarize main pointsDemonstrationConduct close follow up Use verbal description Provide special attention in the process of guidance facilitate the support of peer trainees Prepare & use simulationuse Sign language interpreter Use video recorded material Ensure attention of the trainees Provide structured training Show clear and short method Use gesture Provide tutorial support (if necessary)Illustrate in clear & short method Use Video recorded material Ensure the attention of the trainees Provide tutorial support (if necessary)Facilitate and support the trainees having severe upper limbs impairment to operate equipments/ machines Assign peer trainees to assist Conduct close follow up Provide tutorial support (if necessaryGroup discussionFacilitate the integration of trainees with group members Conduct close follow up Introduce the trainees with other group member Brief the thematic issues of the workUse sign language interpreters Facilitate the integration of trainees with group members Conduct close follow up Introduce the trainees with other group member Facilitate the integration of trainees with group members Conduct close follow up Introduce the trainees with other group member Inform the group members to speak loudlyIntroduce the trainees with their peersExerciseConduct close follow up and guidance Provide tutorial support if necessary provide special attention in the process Conduct close follow up and guidance Provide tutorial support if necessary provide special attention in the process/practical training Introduce new and relevant vocabulariesConduct close follow up and guidance Provide tutorial support if necessary provide special attention in the process/ practical trainingAssign peer trainees Use additional nominal hours if necessary Individual assignmentprepare the assignment questions in large text Encourage the trainees to prepare and submit the assignment in large texts Make available recorded assignment questions Facilitate the trainees to prepare and submit the assignment in soft or hard copyUse sign language interpreter Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment Provide visual recorded materialProvide briefing /orientation on the assignment Provide visual recorded material ASSESSMENT METHODS:Interview Use sign language interpreter Ensure or conform whether the proper communication was conducted with the trainee through the service of the sign language interpreter Use short and clear questioning Time extensionSpeak loudly Using sign language interpreter if necessaryUse written response as an option for the trainees having speech challengesWritten test Prepare the exam in large texts Use interview as an option if necessary Prepare the exam in audio format Assign human reader (if necessary) Time extensionPrepare the exam using short sentences, multiple choices, True or False, matching and short answers Avoid essay writing Time extensionPrepare the exam using short sentences, multiple choices, true or false, matching and short answers if necessary.Use oral response as an option to give answer for trainees having severe upper limb impairment Time extension for trainees having severe upper limb impairmentDemonstration/ObservationBrief the instruction or provide them in large text Time extensionUse sign language interpreter Brief on the instruction of the exam Provide activity-based/ practical assessment method Time extensionProvide activity based assessment Brief on the instruction of the exam Use loud voice Time extensionProvide activity based assessment Conduct close follow up Time extension  Acknowledgement The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and extend its appreciation for the trainers who donated their effort and time to develop this outcome based curriculum for the TVET program Natural Resources Conservation and Development Level- I. The experts who developed the curriculum No Name QualificationEducational backgroundRegionCollegeMobile numberE-mail1Workeneh Asmamaw Curriculum and Training materials development expertFood Security and Development StudiesAAMinistry of Labour and Skills0955205855workasmamaw@gmail.com2Ermias GalchoLecturer MSc. In Land Administration SNNPRWolaita Sodo0913476163/0916579897 HYPERLINK "mailto:ermiasgalcho@yahoo.com" ermiasgalcho@yahoo.com 3Girma Biru Lecturer MSc. Water Resource EngineeringOromia Agarfa 0910359778 HYPERLINK "mailto:obsa.yes@gmail.com" obsa.yes@gmail.com 4Ambachew AsnakeLecturer MSc. in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SWMizan 0918743263/ 0937341827 HYPERLINK "mailto:ambeasne1@gmail.com" ambeasne1@gmail.com 5Melaku AyeleLecturer MSc. Water Resource EngineeringAlage 0910101270 HYPERLINK "mailto:meloayu@gmail.com" meloayu@gmail.com 6Fantahun TeshomeLecturer MSc. Water Resource EngineeringGewane 0922213732 HYPERLINK "mailto:afantahunteshome@gmail.com" afantahunteshome@gmail.com       Page  PAGE 84 of  NUMPAGES 97 Author/Copyright : Ministry of Labor and Skills Natural Resources Conservation and development Level- IVersion - IApril, 2022   Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 10 Author/Copyright : Ministry of Labor and Skills Natural Resources Conservation and development Level- IVersion - IApril, 2022     Ethiopian TVET-System Guide to Curriculum Development Ethiopian TVET-System Guide to Curriculum Development ./579:;>HIJRSX]^cde|Ƚvjvjv^RFA hN5hsh|5CJ$aJ$hshqQ5CJ$aJ$hsh)5CJ$aJ$hsh]5CJ$aJ$hsh#5CJ$aJ$hsh"5CJ$aJ$hshS5CJ$aJ$hsh5CJ$aJ$,jhsh:3CJ$UaJ$mHnHtH uhsh9XCJ$aJ$hshS5;CJ$\aJ$hshS5;CJ$aJ$hsh9(5;CJ$aJ$hsh5CJ$aJ$/9:<=>J  $dha$gdW $dha$gd' $dha$gdW $dha$gdWdhgdW $dh@&a$gdW   H w ) W X z PT-89P~ĽҶٮҤҁҁzsehWhb5B*\ph hWh? hWhbhWhXmH sH hWh;5\hWh;5B*\phhWhX5\hWhT5 hWh} hWh2 hWh hWh1 hWhXhWhX5 h5hsh"5CJ$aJ$ h'5hMh'5!   ` & F dh5$7$8$9DH$^`gdWdhgdW $dha$gdW$ 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