Automotive level 1, Choose the Book you want to Read

Files Action
  Heavy Duty LvI M09 Remove and Tag Vehicle Body Components (2).doc
  Heavy Duty LvI M08-Remov and tagg transsmission system (2).doc
  Heavy Duty LvI M07 steering suspension and brake system.doc
  Heavy Duty LvI M06-Remove and Replace Engine System Components (2).docx
  Heavy Duty LvI M05_Removing_Replacing_electrical_electronic_system_components (2).doc
  Heavy Duty LvI M04-Servicig Storage Battery (2).doc
  Heavy Duty LvI M03-carry out workshop practice (2).docx
  Heavy Duty LvI M02-Using tools equipment and measuring instrument ff.doc
  Heavy Duty LvI -M01 -Apply 5S procedure.doc
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M09-Tire and Wheel.docx
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M08-performing periodic service.docx
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M07-Atomotive battry.docx
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M06-Automotive Electrical System Fundamentals.docx
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M05-Automotive Mechanical system fundamental.doc
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M04-bench work.docx
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M03-interpreting working drawings and sketches.doc
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M02-using tools equipment and measuring instrument.doc
  Auto Mechanics L-I-M01-apply 5s.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-10-perform on minor-Vehicle service.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-9 Test and repair automotive electrical electronics system.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-8 Removing and Installing components.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-7 Carry out soldering technics.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-6 Reading and Interpreting Electrical Drawings.docx
  Auto Electric Lv I-5 Servicing Automotive Batteries.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-4-Apply Fundamental of Automotive Electrical-electronic-system.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-3 Automotive mechanical system fundamentals.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-2 Using Tools, Equipment and Measuring Instruments.doc
  Auto Electric Lv I-1 Apply 5S procedure.doc