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Files Action
  9 SOA L-II 2015 Apply 5S F.docx
  8 SOA L-II 2015 Maintain Financial Records.doc
  7 SOA L-II 2015 Produce Word Processed Documents F.docx
  6 SOA L-II 2015 Handle Workplace Information and Manage Office Records F.doc
  5 SOA L-II 2015 Develop Keyboard Skills F.doc
  4 SOA L-II 2015 Organize Work Schedules.doc
  3 SOA L-II 2015 Operate Basic Computer.doc
  2 SOA L-II 2015 Use Equipment and Resource.docx
  1 SOA L-II 2015 Receptionist Activities and Customer Handling.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 9 Apply 5S (2).doc
  Accounting Lv II - 8 develop understanding of taxation.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 7 Develop pesonal Budget II.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 6 devloping_and_undestanding_debit_and_consumer_credit_module_4.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 5 Develop. Undnderstand the Ethiopian Financial Seystem Markets.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 4 Process finaincail accounts and Transcation.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 3 Apliying business communicationin the work place.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 2 produce, record and maintain business document.doc
  Accounting Lv II - 1 Business Technology and Equpment TTLM.doc