ࡱ> 58./01234y -bjbj OO{{# $&$&~3~3~3~3~3R4R4R4X57$R4;T9` > > >8>.BEGSSSSSSS$WYNS~3GAA^GGS~3~3 >8>SNNNG~3 >~38>SNGSNND$% >V rI.S T0;TfZLJZL$%$%Z~3;GGNGGGGGSSNGGG;TGGGGZGGGGGGGGG$& D2: Garment Production Level III Based on March 2022, Curriculum Version 1 Module Title: Interact with Garment Production Personnel  Module code:  HYPERLINK \l "IND_GAP1_01" IND GAP3 01 1221 Nominal duration: 40 Hour September, 2023Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ACRONYM OHS: -Occupational Health and Safety CAD:-computerize aided designee TVET: - Technical Vocational and Educational Training TTLM: - Teaching, Training and Learning Materials PPE:-Personal Protective Equipment UPS: - Unit Production System ACKNOWLEDGMENT Addis Ababa TVET Bureau wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM). Table of contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913842" ACRONYM  PAGEREF _Toc147913842 \h i  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913843" ACKNOWLEDGMENT  PAGEREF _Toc147913843 \h ii  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913844" INTRODUCTION OF THE MODULE  PAGEREF _Toc147913844 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913845" Module Instruction  PAGEREF _Toc147913845 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913846" UNIT ONE: Determine job requirements  PAGEREF _Toc147913846 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913847" 1 determine job requirements  PAGEREF _Toc147913847 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913848" 1.1 Comply with work health and safety  PAGEREF _Toc147913848 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913849" 1.1.1 Understanding benefit of health and safety  PAGEREF _Toc147913849 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913850" 1.1.2 Identifying operational instruction  PAGEREF _Toc147913850 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913851" Preparing work environments  PAGEREF _Toc147913851 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913852" 1.2 Using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)  PAGEREF _Toc147913852 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913853" 1.3 Follow standard operate procedures (SOP)  PAGEREF _Toc147913853 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913854" SELF CHECK ONE  PAGEREF _Toc147913854 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913855" UNIT 2 :- PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION  PAGEREF _Toc147913855 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913856" 2. PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION  PAGEREF _Toc147913856 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913857" 2.1 Identifying routine workplace communication channels and tools  PAGEREF _Toc147913857 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913858" 2.2 Identifying communication protocols of different garment production personnel  PAGEREF _Toc147913858 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913859" 2.3 Identifying workplace interaction and communication practices  PAGEREF _Toc147913859 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913860" SELF CHECK TWO  PAGEREF _Toc147913860 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913861" UNIT THREE: COMMUNICATE PRODUCTION RELATED INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc147913861 \h 32  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913862" 3 COMMUNICATE PRODUCTION RELATED INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc147913862 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913863" 3.1 Identifying objectives and benefits of effective communicating  PAGEREF _Toc147913863 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913864" 3.2 Using appropriate communication tools  PAGEREF _Toc147913864 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913865" 3.3 Using aappropriate language and terminology in production process  PAGEREF _Toc147913865 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913866" 3.4 Seeking and responding to appropriate feed back  PAGEREF _Toc147913866 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913867" 3.5 Receiving outcome documents of communication and information  PAGEREF _Toc147913867 \h 39  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913868" SELF CHECK THREE  PAGEREF _Toc147913868 \h 41  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc147913869" REFERENCE  PAGEREF _Toc147913869 \h 43  INTRODUCTION OF THE MODULE To interact effectively with garment production personnel, it is important to be respectful, understanding, and communicative. Garment production workers often work long hours in challenging conditions, so it is important to be patient and understanding. It is also important to be clear and concise in your communication, as garment production workers may not be native English speakers. Here are some tips for interacting effectively with garment production personnel: Be respectful of their time and expertise.Garment production workers are skilled professionals, so it is important to treat them with respect. Be clear and concise in your communication.Avoid using jargon or technical terms that garment production workers may not understand. Be patient and understanding.Garment production workers often work long hours in challenging conditions. Be open to feedback.Garment production workers may have valuable insights into the production process. Be willing to help out.If you see a garment production worker struggling, offer to help. Here are some specific examples of how to interact effectively with garment production personnel: When giving instructions, be clear and concise.Avoid using jargon or technical terms. For example, instead of saying "baste the garment together," you could say "use a needle and thread to attach the pieces of fabric together temporarily." When asking questions, be specific.For example, instead of asking "How is the production going?" you could ask "What are the biggest challenges you are facing today?" When giving feedback, be constructive.Avoid being negative or critical. For example, instead of saying "That garment is not good enough," you could say "This garment is close to being finished, but there are a few areas where it could be improved." When helping out, offer your assistance in a way that is respectful and helpful.For example, you could offer to help a garment production worker by fetching supplies or operating a machine. By following these tips, you can interact effectively with garment production personnel and build positive relationships. In addition to the above tips, it is also important to be aware of the cultural differences that may exist between you and the garment production personnel you are interacting with. For example, some cultures may be more direct than others, and some cultures may have different expectations for communication and interpersonal relationships. It is important to be sensitive to these differences and to adapt your communication style accordingly. By being respectful, understanding, and communicative, you can build positive relationships with garment production personnel and create a more productive and harmonious work environment. This module covers the units: Unit 1:- Determine job requirements Unit 2 :- Prepare implementation of workplace communication Unit 3:- Communicate Production Related Information Learning Objective of the Module Determining job requirements Preparing implementing of workplace communication Communicating Production Related Information Module Instruction For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction: Read the specific objective of this learning guide. Follow the instruction describes. Read the information, and try to understand what are being discussed. Ask your teachers for assistance if the content is hard. Accomplish the self-check. Ask Key answers from your teachers or you can request your teacher to correct. Answer. You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the self-check. Submit your accomplished self-check. This will from part of your training portfolio UNIT ONE: Determine job requirementsThis unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Comply with work health and safety Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) Follow standard operate procedures (SOP) Identify job requirements This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Complying with work health and safety Using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) Following standard operating procedures (SOP) Identifying job requirements 1 determine job requirements Determining job requirements in garment production is the process of identifying the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary for each job in the production line. This information is used to create job descriptions, which are used to recruit and hire employees, as well as to train and develop existing employees. There are a number of factors to consider when determining job requirements in garment production, including: The specific tasks that need to be performed The level of skill and experience required to perform those tasks The work environment and safety hazards The company's quality standards The company's production goals To determine job requirements, employers typically review the following: Job descriptions from similar positions in other companies Industry standards and best practices Feedback from current employees Once the job requirements have been determined, they can be used to develop job descriptions. Job descriptions should list the specific duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as the required skills, knowledge, and experience. Here are some examples of job requirements in garment production: Sewing machine operator:Must be able to operate a variety of sewing machines, sew different types of fabrics, and follow garment patterns. Quality control inspector:Must have a good understanding of garment construction and be able to identify defects. Production planner:Must be able to schedule production, manage inventory, and track progress against deadlines. Garment technologist:Must have a strong understanding of garment manufacturing processes and be able to develop and improve production methods. By carefully determining job requirements, garment production employers can ensure that they have the right people in the right jobs, which can lead to improved efficiency, quality, and profitability. 1.1 Comply with work health and safety This job requirement is important because garment production workers are exposed to a number of potential hazards, including: Machinery:Sewing machines, cutting machines, and other garment production machinery can be dangerous if not used properly. Workers must be trained on how to operate machinery safely and must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating machinery. Chemicals:Garment production often involves the use of chemicals, such as dyes, detergents, and adhesives. These chemicals can be harmful to workers if not handled properly. Workers must be trained on how to handle chemicals safely and must wear PPE when handling chemicals. Dust:Garment production can generate dust from fabric, lint, and other materials. This dust can irritate workers' eyes, nose, and throat. Workers must wear PPE when working in dusty environments. Physical strain:Garment production can be physically demanding work. Workers must be able to lift and move heavy objects and to stand for long periods of time. Workers must also be able to work quickly and accurately. Workers who are able to comply with work health and safety regulations in garment production are demonstrating that they are responsible, conscientious, and safety-minded. They are also demonstrating that they are committed to the well-being of their colleagues and the public. Here are some specific examples of how garment production workers can comply with work health and safety regulations: Follow all safety procedures and policies.This includes wearing PPE, using machinery and equipment safely, and following safe work practices. Report any unsafe conditions or hazards to their supervisor. Take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.This includes being aware of their surroundings and being careful not to put themselves or others at risk. By complying with work health and safety regulations, garment production workers can help to create a safe and healthy workplace for everyone. In addition to the above, employers can also help to ensure that garment production workers are complying with work health and safety regulations by: Providing workers with training on safety procedures and policies Ensuring that machinery and equipment is properly maintained and inspected Providing workers with access to PPE Creating a culture of safety in the workplace By working together, employers and workers can create a safe and healthy workplace for everyone involved in garment production. 1.1.1 Understand benefit of health and safety There are many benefits of health and safety for garment production personnel. Some of the key benefits include: Reduced risk of injury and illness:By complying with work health and safety regulations, garment production workers can reduce their risk of being injured or becoming ill. This can lead to improved health and well-being, as well as reduced absenteeism and turnover. Improved morale and productivity:Workers who feel safe and healthy are more likely to be motivated and productive. This can lead to increased output and better quality products. Enhanced reputation of the company:Companies that are committed to health and safety are seen as more responsible and ethical. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and brand reputation. Reduced costs associated with accidents and injuries:Accidents and injuries can lead to significant costs for companies, including medical expenses, lost productivity, and workers' compensation claims. By investing in health and safety, companies can reduce these costs and save money. In addition to these general benefits, there are also specific benefits of health and safety for garment production personnel. For example, by following safety procedures and wearing PPE, workers can reduce their risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals and dust. This can help to prevent respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health problems. By taking a proactive approach to health and safety, garment production companies can create a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. This can lead to a number of benefits, including improved health and well-being, increased productivity, enhanced reputation, and reduced costs. Here are some specific examples of how health and safety can benefit garment production personnel: A worker who is not injured on the job is more likely to be able to work full-time and meet production quotas. A worker who is not exposed to hazardous chemicals is less likely to develop respiratory problems or other health problems. A worker who feels safe and healthy is more likely to be motivated and productive. A company with a good safety record is more likely to attract and retain qualified workers. A company with a good safety record is less likely to be fined by government regulators. Overall, there are many benefits of health and safety for garment production personnel. By taking steps to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, companies can improve the lives of their employees and create a more sustainable business. Identifying cause of injury Identifying the cause of injury for garment production personnel is important for a number of reasons. First, it can help to prevent similar injuries from happening in the future. Second, it can help to identify areas where safety procedures need to be improved. Third, it can help to ensure that injured workers receive the proper care and support. There are a number of factors that can contribute to injuries in the garment production industry. Some of the most common causes of injury include: Machinery:Sewing machines, cutting machines, and other garment production machinery can be dangerous if not used properly. Workers can be injured by moving parts of machinery, sharp objects, and electrical hazards. Chemicals:Garment production often involves the use of chemicals, such as dyes, detergents, and adhesives. These chemicals can be harmful to workers if not handled properly. Workers can be injured by exposure to these chemicals through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Dust:Garment production can generate dust from fabric, lint, and other materials. This dust can irritate workers' eyes, nose, and throat. Workers can also be injured by inhaling dust particles. Physical strain:Garment production can be physically demanding work. Workers must be able to lift and move heavy objects and to stand for long periods of time. Workers can be injured by repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. In addition to these general causes of injury, there are also specific hazards that can be present in garment production workplaces. For example, workers may be exposed to slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and cluttered workspaces. Workers may also be exposed to hot surfaces and sharp objects. To identify the cause of an injury, it is important to conduct a thorough investigation. This investigation should include interviews with the injured worker, witnesses, and supervisors. The investigation should also include a review of safety procedures, machinery, and equipment. Once the cause of an injury has been identified, steps can be taken to prevent similar injuries from happening in the future. This may involve providing workers with training on safety procedures, modifying machinery or equipment, or implementing new safety measures. By identifying the cause of injuries in garment production workplaces, employers can take steps to create a safer and healthier workplace for their employees. Here are some specific examples of how to identify the cause of injury for garment production personnel: Interview the injured worker and witnesses to get their account of what happened. Review safety procedures and machine maintenance records to see if there were any violations. Inspect machinery and equipment for any defects or hazards. Collect samples of any chemicals or dust that may have been involved in the injury. Conduct a risk assessment to identify any other potential hazards in the workplace. By taking these steps, employers can get a better understanding of what caused the injury and take steps to prevent similar injuries from happening in the future. 1.1.2 Identify operational instruction identifying operational instructions for garment production personnel is important for a number of reasons. First, it can help to ensure that workers are following the correct procedures, which can lead to improved quality and efficiency. Second, it can help to reduce the risk of errors and accidents. Third, it can help to ensure that workers are aware of the latest safety procedures. Operational instructions should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. They should be written in a way that is specific to the task being performed. Operational instructions should also be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. Here are some examples of operational instructions for garment production personnel: Sewing machine operators: Before starting a sewing machine, make sure that it is properly threaded and that the needle is sharp. Always wear safety glasses when operating a sewing machine. Be careful not to overload the machine with fabric. Keep your fingers away from the needle while the machine is in operation. Garment finishers: Before ironing a garment, make sure that it is completely dry. Use a press cloth to protect the garment from the heat of the iron. Be careful not to overheat the garment, as this can damage the fabric. Always use a steam iron to remove wrinkles. Quality control inspectors: Carefully inspect each garment for defects. Be sure to check the garment for any loose threads, tears, or other imperfections. If you find a defect, mark the garment so that it can be repaired or discarded. Operational instructions can be provided to garment production personnel in a variety of ways. They can be written down in a manual, posted on walls in the workplace, or given to workers verbally. It is important to ensure that workers have access to operational instructions and that they understand them. By identifying and implementing clear and concise operational instructions, garment production companies can help to create a safer and more efficient workplace. In addition to the above, here are some specific tips for identifying operational instructions for garment production personnel: Talk to workers to find out what tasks they perform and what challenges they face. Observe workers performing their tasks to identify any potential hazards or areas where improvement is needed. Review safety procedures and machine maintenance records to identify any areas where workers may need additional training. Conduct a risk assessment to identify any potential hazards in the workplace. Once you have identified the key operational instructions for garment production personnel, you can develop a training program to ensure that workers are properly trained. You can also develop a system for monitoring and enforcing compliance with operational instructions. By taking these steps, you can help to create a safe and healthy workplace for garment production personnel. Preparing work environments Preparing work environments for garment production personnel is important for a number of reasons. First, it can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Second, it can help to improve the morale and productivity of workers. Third, it can help to create a more sustainable workplace. Here are some specific tips for preparing work environments for garment production personnel: Provide adequate lighting and ventilation.Good lighting is essential for workers to be able to see clearly and safely perform their tasks. Ventilation is important to remove dust and other airborne contaminants from the workplace. Provide ergonomic workstations.Ergonomic workstations can help to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries. This is important because garment production can be a physically demanding job. Provide access to personal protective equipment (PPE).PPE can help to protect workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals and dust. Maintain machinery and equipment properly.Machinery and equipment should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they are in safe working order. Create a safe and orderly work environment.This includes keeping walkways clear and free of clutter, and storing chemicals and other hazardous materials properly. By following these tips, garment production companies can create a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. In addition to the above, here are some specific examples of how to prepare work environments for garment production personnel: Install safety guards on machinery and equipment.This will help to prevent workers from coming into contact with moving parts or sharp objects. Provide workers with training on how to use machinery and equipment safely. Develop a system for reporting and investigating accidents and injuries.This will help to identify and address any potential hazards in the workplace. Create a culture of safety in the workplace.This means emphasizing the importance of safety and encouraging workers to report any unsafe conditions or behaviors. By taking these steps, garment production companies can help to create a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. By preparing work environments for garment production personnel, companies can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, improve morale and productivity, and create a more sustainable workplace. 1.2 Using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for protecting garment production personnel from a variety of hazards. Some of the most common hazards in garment production include: Machinery:Sewing machines, cutting machines, and other garment production machinery can be dangerous if not used properly. Workers can be injured by moving parts of machinery, sharp objects, and electrical hazards. Chemicals:Garment production often involves the use of chemicals, such as dyes, detergents, and adhesives. These chemicals can be harmful to workers if not handled properly. Workers can be injured by exposure to these chemicals through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Dust:Garment production can generate dust from fabric, lint, and other materials. This dust can irritate workers' eyes, nose, and throat. Workers can also be injured by inhaling dust particles. Physical strain:Garment production can be physically demanding work. Workers must be able to lift and move heavy objects and to stand for long periods of time. Workers can be injured by repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. PPE can help to protect workers from these hazards by providing a barrier between the worker and the hazard. For example, safety glasses can protect workers from flying debris, gloves can protect workers from cuts and abrasions, and respirators can protect workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals. The type of PPE that is required will vary depending on the specific hazards present in the workplace. However, some common PPE items that are used in garment production include: Safety glasses:Safety glasses should be worn to protect the eyes from flying debris, chemicals, and other hazards. Gloves:Gloves should be worn to protect the hands from cuts, abrasions, and chemicals. Respirators:Respirators should be worn to protect the lungs from exposure to hazardous chemicals. Hearing protection:Hearing protection should be worn to protect the ears from noise exposure. Footwear:Footwear should be worn to protect the feet from slips, trips, and falls. Garment production personnel should be trained on how to properly use PPE and how to select the appropriate PPE for the task at hand. PPE should also be regularly inspected and replaced as needed. By using appropriate PPE, garment production personnel can help to protect themselves from a variety of hazards and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Here are some specific tips for using appropriate PPE in garment production: Make sure that the PPE is properly fitted.PPE that is not properly fitted will not provide adequate protection. Inspect the PPE regularly for damage or wear and tear.PPE should be replaced as needed. Use the PPE correctly.Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Remove the PPE when it is no longer needed. By following these tips, garment production personnel can help to ensure that they are using PPE correctly and effectively. 1.3 Follow standard operate procedures (SOP) Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step instructions that outline how to perform a task safely and efficiently. SOPs are essential for garment production personnel because they can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, improve quality, and increase productivity. SOPs should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. They should be written in a way that is specific to the task being performed. SOPs should also be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. Garment production personnel should be trained on how to follow SOPs. Training should cover the purpose of the SOP, the steps involved in performing the task, and the potential hazards associated with the task. Here are some specific tips for following SOPs in garment production: Read the SOP carefully before starting the task.Make sure that you understand all of the steps involved. Follow the SOP step-by-step.Do not deviate from the SOP unless you have specific permission to do so. Be aware of the potential hazards associated with the task.Take steps to mitigate these hazards. Report any problems or deviations from the SOP to your supervisor. By following SOPs, garment production personnel can help to create a safe and healthy work environment, improve quality, and increase productivity. In addition to the above, here are some specific examples of how to follow SOPs in garment production: Before starting a sewing machine, make sure that it is properly threaded and that the needle is sharp. Always wear safety glasses when operating a sewing machine. Be careful not to overload the machine with fabric. Keep your fingers away from the needle while the machine is in operation. Before ironing a garment, make sure that it is completely dry. Use a press cloth to protect the garment from the heat of the iron. Be careful not to overheat the garment, as this can damage the fabric. Always use a steam iron to remove wrinkles. Carefully inspect each garment for defects. Be sure to check the garment for any loose threads, tears, or other imperfections. If you find a defect, mark the garment so that it can be repaired or discarded. By following SOPs, garment production personnel can help to ensure that garments are produced safely and efficiently, and that quality standards are met. 1.4 Identifying job requirements Here are some of the key job requirements for garment production personnel: Comply with work health and safety regulations.Garment production personnel must be able to follow safety procedures and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from hazards. Have basic sewing skills.This includes the ability to operate sewing machines, use different sewing techniques, and identify and correct defects in garments. Be able to work quickly and accurately.Garment production is a fast-paced industry, so workers must be able to meet production quotas. Be able to work as part of a team.Garment production is often a collaborative process, so workers must be able to communicate and work effectively with others. Be able to follow instructions.Garment production personnel must be able to follow SOPs and instructions from supervisors. In addition to these general requirements, some garment production roles may also require specific skills or experience. For example, pattern makers need to have strong drafting skills, and garment designers need to have a good understanding of fashion trends. Here are some specific examples of job requirements for garment production personnel in different roles: Sewing machine operator: Ability to operate a variety of sewing machines Experience with different sewing techniques Ability to work quickly and accurately Garment finisher: Ability to iron, press, and fold garments Experience with different garment finishing techniques Ability to work quickly and accurately Quality control inspector: Ability to identify defects in garments Experience with garment inspection standards Ability to work quickly and accurately Pattern maker: Strong drafting skills Experience with pattern making software Ability to create garment patterns that meet the needs of the company Garment designer: Good understanding of fashion trends Ability to create garment designs that are both fashionable and functional Ability to work with different fabric types and construction techniques By identifying the key job requirements for garment production personnel, employers can ensure that they are hiring the right people for the job. SELF CHECK ONE PART ONE: TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Failure to comply with work health and safety regulations and procedures can lead to accidents and injuries. Employers have a responsibility to provide their employees with a safe and healthy work environment. Employees have a responsibility to take care of their own safety and health at work. PPE is designed to protect employees from workplace hazards. It is important to wear the appropriate PPE for the job being performed. PPE should be properly maintained and inspected before use. PPE should be replaced when it is damaged or worn out. SOPs are step-by-step instructions for performing tasks safely and efficiently. It is important to follow SOPs when performing tasks at work. Failure to follow SOPs can lead to accidents and mistakes. SOPs should be reviewed and updated regularly. Job requirements are the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to perform a job successfully. It is important to identify job requirements in order to hire and train qualified employees. Job requirements can vary depending on the specific job and the industry. PART TWO: MULTIPLE CHOSE QUESTIONS Which of the following is NOT a workplace hazard in garment production? Sharp needles (B) Moving machinery (C) Hazardous chemicals (D) Loud noise Which of the following is the best way to avoid accidents and injuries in the garment production workplace? Comply with all work health and safety regulations and procedures. (B) Use appropriate PPE. (C) Follow SOPs. (D) All of the above. Which of the following is NOT a type of PPE commonly used in garment production? Safety glasses (B) Earplugs (C) Gloves (D) Hard hats Which of the following is the best way to ensure that PPE is effective? Wear the appropriate PPE for the job being performed. (B) Properly maintain and inspect PPE before use. (C) Replace PPE when it is damaged or worn out. (D) All of the above. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of following SOPs in the garment production workplace? Increased safety (B) Improved efficiency (C) Reduced waste (D) Increased customer satisfaction Which of the following is the best way to ensure that SOPs are up-to-date? Review and update SOPs regularly. (B) Get feedback from employees on SOPs. (C) Train employees on SOPs. (D) All of the above. Which of the following is NOT a job requirement for a sewing machine operator in garment production? Ability to operate a sewing machine (B) Knowledge of garment construction techniques (C) Ability to follow patterns (D) Ability to work quickly and efficiently Which of the following is the best way to identify job requirements for a new position in a garment production company? Review the job descriptions of similar positions in other companies. (B) Talk to current employees to get their input on the job requirements. (C) Analyze the tasks and responsibilities of the job. (D) All of the above. UNIT 2:- PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Identify routine workplace communication channels and tools Identify communication protocols of different garment production personnel Identify workplace interaction and communication practices This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identifying routine workplace communication channels and tools Identifying communication protocols of different garment production personnel Identifying workplace interaction and communication practices  2. PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION Implementation of Workplace Communication for Garment Production Personnel Goals: Improve communication between managers and workers. Reduce quality defects. Increase customer satisfaction. Channels: Face-to-face meetings:Regular face-to-face meetings between managers and workers are essential for building relationships and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Meetings can be used to discuss production goals, schedules, priorities, and any problems or concerns that workers may have. Email:Email is a convenient way to communicate with team members who are not in the same location. It can be used to share information, updates, and instructions. Phone calls:Phone calls can be used for urgent communication or for issues that need to be resolved quickly. Communication platform:A communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, can be used to share information and collaborate on projects. Tools: Project management software:Project management software can be used to track progress on projects, assign tasks, and communicate deadlines. Communication templates:Communication templates can be used to ensure that all communication is clear, concise, and consistent. Implementation: Train team members on how to use the new communication channels and tools. Develop communication templates and guidelines. Establish regular communication cadences.For example, you may want to have daily stand-up meetings, weekly team meetings, and monthly production meetings. Encourage team members to communicate with each other openly and honestly. Be open to feedback and make adjustments to the communication plan as needed. Tips for communicating effectively with garment production personnel: Be clear and concise in your communication.Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Be specific about what you want your audience to do. Be timely in your communication.Don't wait until the last minute to share important information. Be open to questions and feedback. By following these tips, you can implement a workplace communication plan that will help to improve communication and collaboration in your garment production operation. Additional considerations: Language:Garment production personnel may speak a variety of languages. It is important to use communication channels and tools that support multiple languages. Literacy:Some garment production personnel may have low literacy skills. It is important to communicate in a way that is easy for everyone to understand. Cultural differences:Garment production personnel may come from different cultures with different communication norms. It is important to be sensitive to these differences and to communicate in a way that is respectful and appropriate. By being mindful of these considerations, you can create a workplace communication plan that is effective for all garment production personnel. 2.1 Identifying routine workplace communication channels and tools Routine workplace communication channels and tools for garment production personnel: Face-to-face meetings:Regular face-to-face meetings between managers and workers are essential for building relationships and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Meetings can be used to discuss production goals, schedules, priorities, and any problems or concerns that workers may have. Shift handover:At the beginning and end of each shift, workers should meet with their team members to discuss the day's work and any outstanding issues. Production board:A production board can be used to display important information about production, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. Communication platform:A communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, can be used to share information and collaborate on projects. Email:Email can be used to share information and updates with team members who are not in the same location. Phone calls:Phone calls can be used for urgent communication or for issues that need to be resolved quickly. Process documentation:Process documentation can be used to communicate production procedures and requirements to workers. Additional tools that can be used for routine workplace communication: Project management software:Project management software can be used to track progress on projects, assign tasks, and communicate deadlines. Time tracking software:Time tracking software can be used to track worker productivity and identify areas for improvement. Quality control software:Quality control software can be used to track quality defects and identify trends. Communication templates:Communication templates can be used to ensure that all communication is clear, concise, and consistent. By using a variety of communication channels and tools, garment production personnel can be kept informed of important information and collaborate effectively on projects. Tips for using routine workplace communication channels and tools effectively: Be clear and concise in your communication.Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Be specific about what you want your audience to do. Be timely in your communication.Don't wait until the last minute to share important information. Be open to questions and feedback. Use visuals to support your communication. Make it easy for people to communicate with you.Provide clear instructions on how to contact you and respond to your communication. By following these tips, garment production personnel can use routine workplace communication channels and tools to improve communication and collaboration in the workplace. 2.2 Identifying communication protocols of different garment production personnel The communication protocols of different garment production personnel will vary depending on their role and responsibilities. However, there are some general communication protocols that are common to most garment production operations. Managers: Managers should communicate regularly with their team members to discuss production goals, schedules, priorities, and any problems or concerns. Managers should use a variety of communication channels, such as face-to-face meetings, email, and phone calls. Managers should be clear and concise in their communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that their team members may not understand. Managers should be open to feedback from their team members and be willing to make adjustments to their communication plan as needed. Production workers: Production workers should communicate with their team members and managers regularly to discuss their work progress, any problems they are facing, and any suggestions they have for improvement. Production workers should use a variety of communication channels, such as face-to-face meetings, email, and production boards. Production workers should be clear and concise in their communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that their team members or managers may not understand. Production workers should be respectful of their team members and managers and be willing to listen to feedback. Quality control inspectors: Quality control inspectors should communicate with production workers and managers regularly to identify any quality defects and to ensure that products meet quality standards. Quality control inspectors should use a variety of communication channels, such as face-to-face meetings, email, and production boards. Quality control inspectors should be clear and concise in their communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that their team members or managers may not understand. Quality control inspectors should be respectful of their team members and managers and be willing to listen to feedback. Suppliers: Suppliers should communicate with production managers regularly to discuss delivery schedules, fabric quality, and other matters related to the supply chain. Suppliers should use a variety of communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and video conferencing. Suppliers should be clear and concise in their communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that their production managers may not understand. Suppliers should be respectful of their production managers and be willing to listen to feedback. Customers: Customers should communicate with production managers regularly to discuss order changes, delivery dates, and other matters related to the customer experience. Customers should use a variety of communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and video conferencing. Customers should be clear and concise in their communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that their production managers may not understand. Customers should be respectful of their production managers and be willing to listen to feedback. By following these general communication protocols, garment production personnel can improve communication and collaboration in the workplace. In addition to the general communication protocols listed above, there may be specific communication protocols that are unique to a particular garment production operation. For example, some operations may have a standard operating procedure (SOP) for communicating quality defects. Other operations may have a communication plan in place for communicating with customers about order changes and delivery dates. It is important for garment production personnel to be familiar with the communication protocols that are specific to their operation. This will help them to communicate effectively with their team members, managers, suppliers, and customers. 2.3 Identifying workplace interaction and communication practices The workplace interaction and communication practices of different garment production personnel will vary depending on their role and responsibilities. However, there are some common practices that are observed in most garment production operations. Managers: One-on-one meetings:Managers regularly meet with their team members individually to discuss their work progress, any problems they are facing, and any suggestions they have for improvement. Team meetings:Managers hold regular team meetings to discuss production goals, schedules, priorities, and any challenges that the team may be facing. Communication platform:Managers use a communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, to stay in touch with their team members and to share important information. Email:Managers use email to communicate with team members who are not in the same location and to send out company-wide announcements. Production board:Managers use a production board to display important information about production, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. Production workers: Shift handover:At the beginning and end of each shift, production workers meet with their team members to discuss the day's work and any outstanding issues. Production board:Production workers use the production board to check for important information about production and to identify any quality defects. Communication platform:Production workers use the communication platform to communicate with their team members and managers about their work progress, any problems they are facing, and any questions they have. Email:Production workers use email to communicate with team members who are not in the same location and to respond to company-wide announcements. Collaboration tools:Production workers may use collaboration tools, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Teams, to work on projects together. Quality control inspectors: Inspection:Quality control inspectors inspect products to identify any quality defects. Communication with production workers:Quality control inspectors communicate with production workers to identify the root cause of quality defects and to make recommendations for improvement. Communication with managers:Quality control inspectors communicate with managers to report on quality defects and to recommend corrective action. Production board:Quality control inspectors use the production board to communicate with production workers and managers about any quality defects that they have found. Communication platform:Quality control inspectors use the communication platform to communicate with team members and managers about their work progress and any findings. Suppliers: Email:Suppliers communicate with production managers via email to discuss delivery schedules, fabric quality, and other matters related to the supply chain. Phone calls:Suppliers may also communicate with production managers via phone calls to discuss urgent matters or to resolve any issues that may arise. Video conferencing:Suppliers may use video conferencing to meet with production managers face-to-face to discuss complex issues or to negotiate new contracts. Customers: Email:Customers communicate with production managers via email to discuss order changes, delivery dates, and other matters related to the customer experience. Phone calls:Customers may also communicate with production managers via phone calls to discuss urgent matters or to resolve any issues that may arise. Video conferencing:Customers may use video conferencing to meet with production managers face-to-face to discuss complex issues or to negotiate new contracts. In addition to the common practices listed above, there may be specific interaction and communication practices that are unique to a particular garment production operation. For example, some operations may have a culture of open communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback. Other operations may have a more hierarchical communication structure, where communication flows primarily from managers to team members. It is important for garment production personnel to be familiar with the interaction and communication practices that are specific to their operation. This will help them to communicate effectively with their colleagues and to contribute to the success of the team. SELF CHECK TWO PART ONE: TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Email is a common communication channel in garment production. Phone calls are another common communication channel in garment production. Instant messaging apps can also be used for communication in garment production. Video conferencing can be used for communication between remote teams in garment production. Face-to-face communication is still important in garment production, especially for tasks such as training and troubleshooting. Quality control inspectors typically communicate with production managers and other team members to report on defects and to identify areas for improvement. Sewing machine operators typically communicate with their team members to ask for help or to report problems. All garment production personnel should be aware of the company's communication protocols and follow them accordingly. It is important to be respectful and professional in all communication, regardless of the channel or the recipient. It is important to be respectful and professional in all communication, regardless of the channel or the recipient. It is important to be clear and concise in all communication, especially when communicating with people from different cultures. It is also important to be aware of the different communication styles of different people. It is important to be open to feedback and to use it to improve your communication skills. It is also important to be a good listener and to pay attention to what others are saying. Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining relationships in the garment production workplace. PART TWO: MULTIPLE CHOSE QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is NOT a common communication channel in garment production? (A) Email (B) Phone calls (C) Instant messaging apps (D) Social media 2. Which of the following is the best way for a production manager to communicate with their team members about a new production schedule? (A) Send an email to the team with the new schedule attached. (B) Call each team member individually to discuss the new schedule. (C) Hold a team meeting to discuss the new schedule. (D) All of the above are good options. 3. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of a quality control inspector? (A) To inspect garments for defects. (B) To report defects to production managers and other team members. (C) To identify areas for improvement in the production process. (D) To make decisions about whether or not to ship garments. 4. Which of the following is the best way for a sewing machine operator to communicate with their team members about a problem with their machine? (A) Tell their team members about the problem in person. (B) Send an email to their team members about the problem. (C) Report the problem to their supervisor. (D) All of the above are good options. 5. Which of the following is NOT a good workplace interaction and communication practice in garment production? (A) Be clear and concise in your communication. (B) Be respectful and professional in all communication. (C) Be open to feedback and use it to improve your communication skills. (D) Be a gossip and talk about your colleagues behind their backs. UNIT THREE: COMMUNICATE PRODUCTION RELATED INFORMATIONThis unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Identify objectives and benefits of effective communicating Use appropriate communication tools Use aappropriate language and terminology in production process Seek and responding to appropriate feed back Receive outcome documents of communication and information This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identifying objectives and benefits of effective communicating Using appropriate communication tools Using aappropriate language and terminology in production process Seeking and responding to appropriate feed back Receiving outcome documents of communication and information  3 COMMUNICATE PRODUCTION RELATED INFORMATION To communicate production-related information effectively, you should: Use a variety of communication channels.This will help to ensure that all garment production personnel receive the information they need, in the way that they prefer to receive it. For example, you could use face-to-face meetings, team meetings, email, communication platforms, and production boards. Be clear and concise in your communication.Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Be specific about what you want your audience to do.For example, instead of saying "We need to improve production," you could say "We need to reduce the number of quality defects by 10% by the end of the month." Be timely in your communication.Don't wait until the last minute to share important information. Be open to questions and feedback.Encourage your audience to ask questions and provide feedback so that you can ensure that they understand the information and are able to do what you need them to do. Use visuals to support your communication.Charts, graphs, and other visuals can help to make your communication more clear and concise. Make it easy for people to communicate with you.Provide clear instructions on how to contact you and respond to your communication. Here are some specific examples of how you can communicate production-related information to different garment production personnel: Managers:You could hold regular team meetings to update managers on production progress, discuss any issues that need to be addressed, and solicit feedback from managers. You could also use a communication platform to share important production information with managers, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. Production workers:You could use a production board to display important production information, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. You could also use a communication platform to communicate with production workers about their work progress, any problems they are facing, and any questions they have. Quality control inspectors:You could use a communication platform to communicate with quality control inspectors about their progress and any findings. You could also use the production board to communicate with quality control inspectors about any quality defects that have been found. Suppliers:You could use email or phone calls to communicate with suppliers about delivery schedules, fabric quality, and other matters related to the supply chain. Customers:You could use email or phone calls to communicate with customers about order changes, delivery dates, and other matters related to the customer experience. By following these tips, you can communicate production-related information effectively to all garment production personnel. 3.1 Identifying objectives and benefits of effective communicating Objectives of effective communication To inform:To share information with others so that they can understand it. To persuade:To influence others to think or act in a certain way. To build relationships:To create and maintain positive relationships with others. To resolve conflict:To find solutions to disagreements and problems. To collaborate:To work together with others to achieve common goals. Benefits of effective communication Improved productivity:When team members communicate effectively, they are able to work together more efficiently and effectively. Reduced errors:Effective communication helps to reduce errors by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and understands their roles and responsibilities. Increased customer satisfaction:Customers are more likely to be satisfied with their experience if they feel that they have been communicated with effectively. Enhanced reputation:A company with a reputation for effective communication is more likely to attract and retain customers and employees. Stronger relationships:Effective communication helps to build and maintain strong relationships with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. In the garment production industry, effective communication is essential for success. Garment production is a complex process that involves many different people and departments. Effective communication is essential for ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that production goals are met. Here are some specific benefits of effective communication in the garment production industry: Reduced lead times:When communication is effective, production teams can quickly identify and resolve problems, which can lead to shorter lead times. Improved quality:Effective communication between production workers and quality control inspectors can help to identify and correct quality defects early on, which can lead to improved product quality. Increased productivity:When team members communicate effectively, they are able to work together more efficiently and effectively, which can lead to increased productivity. Reduced costs:Effective communication can help to reduce costs by preventing errors and delays. Improved morale:When team members feel that they are being communicated with effectively, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. Overall, effective communication is essential for success in the garment production industry. By communicating effectively, garment production companies can improve productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. 3.2 Using appropriate communication tools There are a variety of communication tools that can be used in the garment production industry. The appropriate tool to use will depend on the specific needs of the company and the audience being communicated with. Some common communication tools used in the garment production industry include: Email:Email is a versatile tool that can be used to communicate with team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Phone calls:Phone calls can be used for quick communication or for more complex discussions. Video conferencing:Video conferencing can be used to communicate with team members and stakeholders who are in different locations. Communication platforms:Communication platforms, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, can be used to share information and collaborate with team members in real time. Production boards:Production boards can be used to display important information about production, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. When choosing a communication tool, it is important to consider the following factors: Audience:Who are you communicating with? What is their level of understanding of the topic? Message:What do you want to communicate? Is it a simple message or a complex one? Urgency:How quickly do you need to communicate the message? Cost:How much does the communication tool cost? By considering these factors, you can choose the most appropriate communication tool for your needs. Here are some specific examples of how different communication tools can be used in the garment production industry: Email:Email can be used to communicate production schedules, order changes, and other important information to team members and stakeholders. Phone calls:Phone calls can be used to discuss complex issues with team members, suppliers, and customers. Video conferencing:Video conferencing can be used to hold team meetings, conduct training sessions, and meet with suppliers and customers who are in different locations. Communication platforms:Communication platforms can be used to share production updates, collaborate on projects, and ask and answer questions. Production boards:Production boards can be used to display important information about production, such as order details, production schedules, and quality control requirements. By using the appropriate communication tools, garment production companies can improve communication and collaboration between team members, suppliers, and customers. This can lead to improved productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. 3.3 Using appropriate language and terminology in production process When communicating about the garment production process, it is important to use appropriate language and terminology. This will help to ensure that everyone involved in the process understands what is being communicated. Here are some tips for using appropriate language and terminology in the garment production process: Be clear and concise.Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Be specific.Use specific terms to describe the different stages of the garment production process. Be consistent.Use the same terms throughout your communication. Be respectful of different cultures.Be aware of the different cultural nuances that may be associated with certain terms. Here are some examples of appropriate language and terminology that can be used in the garment production process: Cutting:The process of cutting fabric into pieces that will be used to make garments. Sewing:The process of joining fabric pieces together to create garments. Finishing:The process of adding finishing touches to garments, such as hemming, pressing, and packaging. Quality control:The process of inspecting garments to ensure that they meet quality standards. By using appropriate language and terminology, garment production companies can improve communication and collaboration between team members, suppliers, and customers. This can lead to improved productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Here are some additional tips for using appropriate language and terminology in the garment production process: Use a glossary of terms.Create a glossary of terms that are commonly used in the garment production process and share it with your team members and stakeholders. Be open to feedback.If someone tells you that they don't understand a term, be willing to explain it in a different way. Be willing to learn.There are always new terms being used in the garment production industry. Be willing to learn new terms so that you can communicate effectively with others. By following these tips, you can use appropriate language and terminology in the garment production process to improve communication and collaboration. 3.4 Seeking and respondin to appropriate feed back Seeking and responding to appropriate feedback is essential for effective communication in the garment production industry. Feedback can come from a variety of sources, including team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Here are some tips for seeking and responding to appropriate feedback: Be open to feedback.Be willing to hear what others have to say, even if it is negative feedback. Ask for feedback.Don't wait for feedback to come to you. Ask for feedback from team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders regularly. Be specific about what you are looking for feedback on.When you ask for feedback, be specific about what you are looking for feedback on. This will help the person giving you feedback to provide you with the most helpful feedback possible. Be willing to act on feedback.Once you have received feedback, be willing to act on it. This may involve making changes to your communication style, your processes, or your products. Here are some examples of how to seek and respond to appropriate feedback in the garment production industry: Ask team members for feedback on your communication style.Ask your team members how they feel about your communication style and what you can do to improve. Conduct customer surveys to get feedback on your products and services.Ask customers about their satisfaction with your products and services and what you can do to improve. Meet with suppliers regularly to discuss your production needs and to get feedback on your production process.Ask suppliers for feedback on ways to improve your production process. By following these tips, you can seek and respond to appropriate feedback effectively. This will help you to improve your communication and collaboration with team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Here are some additional tips for responding to appropriate feedback: Thank the person for their feedback.Let the person know that you appreciate their feedback and that you will take it into consideration. Acknowledge the feedback.Acknowledge the feedback, even if you don't agree with it. Explain your perspective.If you don't agree with the feedback, explain your perspective. Thank the person again.Thank the person again for their feedback. By following these tips, you can respond to appropriate feedback in a professional and respectful manner. This will help to build trust and rapport with the person giving you feedback. By seeking and responding to appropriate feedback effectively, garment production companies can improve their communication and collaboration with team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. This can lead to improved productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. 3.5 Receiving outcome documents of communication and information When receiving outcome documents of communication and information in the garment production industry, it is important to: Review the document carefully.Make sure that you understand the purpose of the document and that you have all of the information that you need. Identify any questions that you have.If you have any questions about the document, ask the sender for clarification. Take action on the information.If the document contains instructions or recommendations, take the necessary steps to implement them. Archive the document.Once you have reviewed and acted on the document, archive it in a safe place. Here are some specific tips for receiving outcome documents of communication and information in the garment production industry: Review production schedules carefully.Make sure that you understand the start and end dates for each production order. Review quality control reports carefully.Make sure that you understand the quality standards for each garment and that you are taking steps to ensure that your garments meet those standards. Review customer feedback carefully.Make sure that you understand the customer's satisfaction with your products and services and that you are taking steps to improve. Review supplier performance reports carefully.Make sure that you understand the supplier's performance on your production orders and that you are taking steps to improve their performance. By following these tips, you can ensure that you are receiving and using outcome documents of communication and information effectively. This will help you to improve your communication and collaboration with team members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. This can lead to improved productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. In addition to the above tips, it is also important to be proactive in requesting outcome documents of communication and information. This will help you to stay informed about the latest developments and to make informed decisions. Here are some examples of how to be proactive in requesting outcome documents of communication and information in the garment production industry: Schedule regular meetings with team members to review production schedules and quality control reports. Send regular surveys to customers to gather feedback on your products and services. Meet with suppliers regularly to discuss their performance on your production orders. Subscribe to industry publications and websites to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments. By being proactive in requesting outcome documents of communication and information, you can ensure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions and to improve your garment production process. SELF CHECK THREE PART ONE: TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. Effective communication in garment production can help to reduce errors and improve quality. 2. Effective communication can help to improve efficiency and productivity. 3. Effective communication can help to improve morale and teamwork. 4. Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers. 5. Effective communication is a key skill for all employees in the garment production industry. 6. The best communication tool for a given situation will depend on the specific needs of the people involved and the nature of the message being communicated. 7. It is important to be aware of the different communication tools available and to choose the most appropriate tool for each situation. 8. It is also important to be aware of the cultural differences in communication styles when communicating with people from different cultures. 9. It is important to use clear and concise language when communicating in the garment production process. 10. It is also important to use appropriate terminology when communicating in the garment production process. 11. Feedback is essential for improving communication and performance. 12. It is important to seek feedback from others on your communication skills. 13. It is also important to be responsive to feedback that you receive. 14. It is important to document all communication in the garment production process. PART TWO: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS What are the objectives of effective communication in garment production? What are the benefits of effective communication in garment production? How do I choose the right communication tool for a given situation? What are some examples of appropriate communication tools for the garment production process? Why is it important to use clear and concise language when communicating in the garment production process? Why is it important to use appropriate terminology when communicating in the garment production Why is it important to seek feedback on your communication skills? process? How can you be more responsive to feedback? How can you be more responsive to feedback? PART THREE: MULTIPLE CHOSE QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is an objective of effective communication in garment production? (A) To reduce errors and improve quality. (B) To improve efficiency and productivity. (C) To improve morale and teamwork. (D) All of the above. 2. Which of the following is a benefit of effective communication in garment production? (A) Reduced costs (B) Increased profits (C) Improved customer satisfaction (D) All of the above. 3. Which of the following is an appropriate communication tool for the garment production process? (A) Email (B) Phone (C) Text messaging (D) All of the above. 4. Which of the following is an example of appropriate language to use in the garment production process? (A) "I need you to sew this seam as soon as possible." (B) "Hey, can you fix this for me?" (C) "Could you please sew this seam for me as soon as possible?" (D) All of the above are appropriate. 5. Which of the following is an example of appropriate terminology to use in the garment production process? (A) Fabric (B) Pattern (C) Sewing machines (D) All of the above. 6. Which of the following is a way to be more responsive to feedback? (A) Listen carefully to the feedback. (B) Ask clarifying questions. (C) Thank the person for the feedback. (D) All of the above. 7. Which of the following is an outcome document that is important to receive in garment production? (A) Production schedule (B) Quality control report (C) Customer satisfaction survey (D) All of the above. REFERENCE The reference book "Interact with Garment Production Personnel" was written by Bard, a large language model from Google AI. Bard is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer questions in an informative way. Bard was created by a team of engineers and scientists at Google AI, led by Jeff Dean, Ilya Sutskever, and Quoc Le. The team was inspired by the idea of creating a machine that could learn to communicate and generate human-like text. No Name Qualification (Level)Field of Study Organization/ InstitutionMobile numberE-mail1Melkie ErkyhunBGarment EngneernigBole manufacturing college0925755581 HYPERLINK "mailto:merkyhun826@gmail.com" merkyhun826@gmail.com 2Kusa Seboka BGarment technologyBole manufacturing college0917714156 HYPERLINK "mailto:Sebokakusa@gmail.com" Sebokakusa@gmail.com 3Yalemzewd Geletaw BGarment EngneernigBole manufacturing college0910873921 HYPERLINK "mailto:yalemzwdg@gmail.com" yalemzwdg@gmail.com 4Aziza AbedusomedBGarment technologyBole manufacturing college0913663240 HYPERLINK "mailto:azizaruku245@gmail.com" azizaruku245@gmail.com  Participants of this Module (Participants of this Module (training material) preparation       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT iii Prepared By: Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Author/CopyrightInteract with Garment Production Personnel Version -1September, 2023  Prepared By: Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Author/Copyright Interact with Garment Production Personnel Version -1  Prepared By: Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Addis Ababa TVET Bureau Author/CopyrightInteract with Garment Production Personnel Version -1  35IJX˷vg^P=/h!h!5CJ(\aJ($jh=hU_HmHnHuh_Zh_w5CJ \aJh_w5CJ$aJhI h_w5B*CJ$phh%Gh_w5CJ$aJh!5CJ \aJh_ZhE'55CJ \aJh_Zh`V5CJ \aJh_Zhawt5CJ \aJ&hqnh`75;B*CJ8\aJ<ph hG}5;B*CJ8\aJ<ph#hqnh`75;B*CJ8aJ<ph"hu_hIf5CJ0aJmHnHu JE M t dgdZGgdJ7 dgd|{gdu @ gdI   2 t^2 `tgdG} $a$gdw  2 t^2 `tgd_w $a$gdq9$ &da$gd`7 $a$gd`V ) * / : D E L ȹȭȣ󚎂vmf_fXNG@ huh,bQ h*]5aJh!h`V5aJ h!B5aJ h5aJ h5aJhI 5CJaJh%Gh 5CJ$aJh%Gh5CJ$aJh%GhIf5CJ$aJhG}5CJ$aJhG}5B* ph `hI hG}0J!5CJ hI hG}5B* CJ ph `%jhI hG}5B* CJ Uph `hI hy5CJ4aJhI hy5CJ,aJh%Ghy5CJ$aJL M S T s t  ! 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