ࡱ>  8;/01234567_ 1Vbjbj,E,E N/N/+`` ^"J%l 8_'L,(t,t,t,1T5p6]]]]]]]$@bdL^7$1$1^77^t,t,^BBB7t,t,]B7]BB^ >CUt,9 7 G]_08_H >eA>eCU>eCU77B77777^^B7778_7777>e777777777` : Food and Beverage Service Level I Based on November, 2022 Curriculum Version -II  Module Title: - Hospitality Industry knowledge Module code: CTH FBS1 M01 11 2022 Nominal duration: 80Hour Prepared by: Ministry of Labor and Skill November, 2022 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Table of Contents ACKNOLEDGMENT  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697443" Introduction to the module  PAGEREF _Toc120697443 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697444" Module Instruction  PAGEREF _Toc120697444 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697445" Unit One: Hospitality industry  PAGEREF _Toc120697445 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697446" 1.1. Source of hospitality industry information  PAGEREF _Toc120697446 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697447" 1.2. Information within the industry  PAGEREF _Toc120697447 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697449" 1.2.1. Classification of Hotels  PAGEREF _Toc120697449 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697450" 1.2.2. Historical background of Hotel in Ethiopia  PAGEREF _Toc120697450 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697451" 1.Knowledge of the hospitality industry activity  PAGEREF _Toc120697451 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697452" 1.3.1. Introduction to tourism and Tourists  PAGEREF _Toc120697452 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697453" 3.1.2. Differences between Visitor, Tourist and Excursionist  PAGEREF _Toc120697453 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697455" 3.1.3. The relationship between Hospitality and Tourism  PAGEREF _Toc120697455 \h 29  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697456" 1.4. Using knowledge of the hospitality industry  PAGEREF _Toc120697456 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697457" 1.4.1. Roles and functions in the hospitality industry: -  PAGEREF _Toc120697457 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697458" Self-Check -1  PAGEREF _Toc120697458 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697459" Unit Two: legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry  PAGEREF _Toc120697459 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697460" 2.1.Information on legal and ethical issues  PAGEREF _Toc120697460 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697461" 2.1.1. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc120697461 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697462" 2.1.2. Legal and Ethical issues on Work performance  PAGEREF _Toc120697462 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697463" 2.2.Conduct hospitality industry activities  PAGEREF _Toc120697463 \h 41  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697464" Self-Check -2  PAGEREF _Toc120697464 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697465" Unit Three: Update hospitality industry knowledge  PAGEREF _Toc120697465 \h 44  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697466" 3.1.Monitor current issues of the industry  PAGEREF _Toc120697466 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697467" 3.1.1. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc120697467 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697468" 3.1.2.Issues to update knowledge of hospitality information  PAGEREF _Toc120697468 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697469" 3.1.3. Ways for updating Hospitality information  PAGEREF _Toc120697469 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697470" 3.1.4. The current monitor these issues  PAGEREF _Toc120697470 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697471" 3.2.Knowledge of customers and colleagues  PAGEREF _Toc120697471 \h 48  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697472" 3.2.2. Sharing information with customers  PAGEREF _Toc120697472 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697473" 3.2.3. Incorporating knowledge into everyday practice  PAGEREF _Toc120697473 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697474" Self-Check -3  PAGEREF _Toc120697474 \h 51  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120697475" Reference book  PAGEREF _Toc120697475 \h 52  Acronym First In, First out (FIFO) EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity), Meetings, incentives conventions and events (MICE) Bed and Breakfast (BB) United nation world tourism organization. (UNWTO) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors donated their time and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM). Introduction to the module  In food and beverage services field: hospitality Industry knowledge helps to the develop information, to identify hospitality industry, to explain legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry and to update hospitality industry knowledge according to the information Industry knowledge. This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the food and beverage service occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competence: Hospitality Industry knowledge. This module covers the units: Hospitality industry Legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry Hospitality Industry Knowledge Learning Objective of the Module Identify hospitality industry Explain legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry Update hospitality industry knowledge Module Instruction For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction: Read the information written in each unit Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise Accomplish self check Unit One: Hospitality Industry This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Source of hospitality industry information Specific information within the industry Knowledge of the hospitality industry. This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identify source of hospitality industry information Describe specific information within the industry State knowledge of the hospitality industry. 1.1. Source of hospitality industry information 1.1.1. Introduction of Hospitality Industry The word Hospitality is derived from the Latin word hospitare meaning to receive as a guest Broadly speaking, Hospitality is the act of kindness in welcoming and looking after the basic needs of guests or strangers, mainly in relation to food, drink and accommodation. It refers to the relationship process between a guest and a host. It is the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers with liberality and goodwill. The hospitality industry consists of broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging service, food and beverage service, events, tourism & transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. the hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant hotel or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operation (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc), management, marketing, and human resources. (Wikipedia, 2010) 1.1.2 Sources of information It is important to have up-to-date information so you can: Talk to customers about industry-specific events, trends and happenings Plan your career as opportunities present themselves Know when you need to update your training (knowledge and skills) in-line with changes in legislation, equipment, technology, trends and industry best practice Cultivate and maintain a professional interest in what is truly a profession Communicate effectively with colleagues and management who have themselves kept up-to-date Learn new techniques and integrate fresh knowledge and skills into everyday workplace practice Develop a broader appreciation of the industry so your work can be placed into a better context. There are many sources of information that can assist you some of these are generic in nature and others are specific to the industry. Written material There is much written material that can be used to obtain and update industry knowledge and information as follows: Reference books: on all manner of subjects such as travel options, destinations and attractions, cooking, mixing cocktails, housekeeping, management and all operational topics Guidebooks: numerous guidebooks exist on every major tourist destination/country. While these are often read by tourists to help them obtain are visiting, they can also be useful to staff working in those countries as a reference and resource. Many guidebooks are available online as free downloads, or can be purchased online. For professionals in the tourist industry it is always worthwhile to get an idea of what tourists expect when they visit us, so obtaining a few of these guides and browsing through them can be a very educational and rewarding experience. Trade magazines: This may be purchased from newsagents or obtained via subscription. Newspapers: many large circulation newspapers feature some aspect of the hospitality and/or travel and tourism industries on a regular/weekly basis these features can included food, travel and attractions reviews; industry movements (of staff between different employers), travel articles about destinations and issues of interest. Find out the days these features appear and take the time to read them. Libraries: public libraries and training institute libraries are a great source of material you do not have to pay for. If you have not yet visited a local library you should do so remember they can usually also arrange inter-library loans meaning they can often arrange for a book to be obtained from another library on your behalf. Newsletters: these usually come in electronic form and are mostly free of charge. They are often produced by industry suppliers/support services and government agencies and made available as a marketing and/or communication tool- they commonly contain a significant advertising component (which in itself can be useful), but they also can contain many useful items/articles that can be readily applied in working life. Brochures, price lists and schedules: most venues, attractions, suppliers and service support industries provide some form of printed material to assist with learning about their: Products and services Contact details for their business, including hours of operation Prices Terms of trade Advertisements: whether in the newspaper or in other formats (TV, flyers) these are an excellent source of information about new products and services, changes to existing products, prices, special deals and offers. Local telephone book: this is a good source of basic information especially where the business, venue, body or organization has a display advertisement to explain what they have to offer. Visitor Information Centre This is probably the first contact you should make when seeking to develop local industry knowledge in relation to hotels and travel. Visitor Information Centres are ready-made sources of valuable and useful local information they will have done much of the hard work in gathering together much of the information you need. The information is all there all you have to do is ask for it. Gather whatever information they have available: there are often invaluable lists of local government services and contacts, as well as stacks of brochures about hire cars, flyers about local tourist attractions, booklets about local tours, local visitor and attraction guides. This amazing source is definitely not to be under-estimated. Spend some time getting to know the manager and the counter/visitor contact staff. You and the information centre should be allies, both working towards the same goal maximizing visitor nights and visitor expenditure in the local area. A good working relationship with these people is essential to encourage them to feed you with any up-to-date information they become aware of: go and meet whoever the manager is, have a beverage with them or invite them to your venue for a drink but get to know them. The Visitor Information Centre will have undertaken an audit of the venues, hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, tourist attractions, tours and similar in your area and will be well equipped to pass this information on to you. In addition, many of these visitor centers are sites you and all the other establishment staff should visit occasionally in order to get to know what is on offer there. The visitor centre itself can be a place where you send visitors, not as a source of obtaining information, but in order to see the various displays they have on show. These displays can vary over time, with many centers boasting substantial and attractive, permanent displays (many of which are interactive to some degree). These static displays are supplemented from time-to-time by temporary displays featuring some particular local aspect be it historical, geographical, geological, or festival or event-related. Some centres even have a theatre facility where tourists can view a (usually free-of-charge) video about the local area the people you send there will appreciate you for providing them with this sort of advice, this genuine 'local knowledge'. Internet The internet is called a network of networks because it is a global network of computers that are linked together by cables and telephone lines making communication possible among them. These might include: Suppliers: food, beverages, other supplies, equipment, tour operators, travel agencies Industry associations: the industry representative bodies and/or peak agencies who represent the industry to government, the media, unions and other interested/allied parties Government bodies: such as liquor, gaming, food safety, occupational health and safety, tobacco, industrial relations, business operation, taxation sites. Specific venues: these should be properties similar to the one where you are working so you can compare what similar venues advertise, offer, do. It is worth subscribing to any information services/newsletters any of the above sites offer as they are usually free and can be a valuable source of updated information. It should become standard practice for you to d for something, seeking inspiration or wanting to check things out. Conferences and seminars Conference is a formal meeting where people congregate to discuss a specific area of common interest while a seminar is an educational forum where members meet to acquire knowledge about a particular area. Examples of such seminars include personal finance, web marketing, real estate, investing. Conferences and seminars are extremely useful because they are: A great source of industry contacts: it is beneficial to begin ne possible. Good sources of new ideas, new products and new industry thinking A good opportunity to share and test ideas with others in the industry If you cannot attend them, make sure you read about them in the trade magazines or make contact with someone who has attended and talk to them about their experience and what they found out. Product launches A product launch is a companys coordinated effort to bring new or updated products to market. Already working in the industry you are in a good position to attend many of these because you will find out about them more so than people who do not work in the industry. Sales representatives may give you an invitation, or an invitation may be given to all staff at your workplace. These events are (again) good networking opportunities and they also provide product knowledge about the product being launched/re-launched. Industry associations Industry associations are bodies venues/properties can elect to join. They serve specific industry sectors and provide businesses/employers with a variety of services which can include: Representing the industry this means they act as an industry voice/spokesperson to unions, the media, and government. Legal advice about industrial relations issues, occupational health and safety Training to management and operational staff Industry standards or benchmarks which member bodies can elect to implement as their standard practice Cost savings by virtue of establishing for their members a range of discount rates for products and services from industry suppliers Market research data through undertaking ongoing market research into issues of interest to members. Many have newsletters, magazines or regular mailings of some sort to keep the membership up-to-date with what is happening. Ask your supervisor if you your workplace is a member of such a body, and ask if you can read the newsletters, magazines or regular mailings. Industry unions In the same way industry associations represent the interests of employers/businesses, unions represent the interests of employees/workers. Joining a union is voluntary and all employees have a right to do so if they wish. Unions can be an excellent source of information about job vacancies, work obligations and entitlements. Colleagues, supervisors and managers Your colleagues are usually people at the same level or rank as you are. You would not usually consider your boss to be colleague. Managers and supervisors are both positions of leadership in an organization. Managers typically play a more strategic role in a company, making decision, setting goals and overseeing the success of a team while supervisors are responsible fore administering tasks and ensuring they are done properly and on time. These people are your first-line sources of information. You should feel free to ask them questions whenever you need to find information get to know them and actively seek out their opinions, experiences and views. They can help you find out what is happening in the workplace and in the wider industry, the direction/s the business is taking, what they think of the industry and its various stakeholders, and what they intend doing personally in terms of career moves. Talking to these people demonstrates your interest in the industry and the more you talk to them the easier it will become to ask subsequent questions More on developing your own industry network It has already been stated you should start forming an industry network of contacts to help you in your work, and to provide information about what is happening elsewhere in the industry. To develop a useful and representative network of contacts you will need to make deliberate attempts to target and talk to people you respect within the industry (including owners, workers, managers and others). Make yourself known and visible  keep  in the loop which means: You need to contact your contacts/network when you find out something you think they might like/need to know  this highlights the two-way nature of the concept of networking. You need to occasionally contact them just to nothing specific to pass on to them often they remember something they need to tell you, and your call demonstrates you value them as a contact. Talking to the reps Many/most suppliers have sales representatives who call on the business on a regular basis. Sales representatives  (known or just also as  reps ) sales visitors take orders for stock and for PR purposes. These PR calls are courtesy visits where they do not actively ask for an order but simply call. This talk can be useful in finding out what is happening at other venues, trends in the industry, new releases, potential stock outages of products they sell, and impending price rises. They are an excellent source of information, certainly about their product, but also about the industry in general because they visit so many properties and speak to so many staff. Asking someone to be your mentor This is a really big step, but certainly worthwhile. It suggests you ask someone and it may be outside your workplace to spend a bit of time with you every week or so (half-an-hour would be a good start), just talking about the industry in general and getting them to give you their views, opinions, experiences. Make your mentor someone you respect and make sure they have had substantial experience in the business/industry. Asking a person to be your mentor is a compliment to them and definitely indicates you are serious about your job. Using information services Most information services are fee-for-service providers. This means it costs you (or your employer) money to use their services. These services capture and analyses information from various industry areas for example, they may focus on issues such as reasons for visiting the country/area, sources of inbound tourists, spending patterns, length of stays, attractions and destinations visited: the range of topics is virtually limitless. In addition, most government agencies provide information to employers and these too can be regarded as information services most of these services are free and available as: E-newsletters newsletters sent via e-mail Fact Sheets Updates Guides Information Sheets Over-the-phone advice from inspectors, field officers or other appropriate personnel within the agency. In many cases, authorized officers will often visit your premises to assist you in addressing nominated issues. 1.2. Information within the industry The information industries are  HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry_(economics)" \o "Industry (economics)" industries that are  HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information" \o "" information intensive in one way or the other. The functions of the information industry can be separated broadly into four categories: production, processing, distribution, and the building of infrastructure. Sectors of the industry which provide specific information include commercial and non-commercial enterprises. Commercial enterprises are there to make a profit, and by their very nature are dynamic and competitive. Examples include hotels, motels, clubs, restaurants, nightclubs, bars and reception centers. Non-commercial enterprises operate to support the community and are funded by government. Examples of hospitality sectors in non-commercial enterprises include public hospitals, prisons, employer-sponsored canteens, emergency or relief catering and the armed services. The following are information needed to obtain regarding to different sectors of the industry Accommodation sector- provides people with a suitable place to stay. Hotels generally provide accommodation, food and beverage. Large establishments also provide entertainment, gaming, shopping and recreational facilities. Motels-a hotel providing parking for motor vehicles in addition to accommodation, food and beverages Resort- provides accommodation, food, beverage, entertainment, activities, shopping and recreational facilities. Guest house -provide accommodation and some foods (usually breakfast) Hostels-provide budget-oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed and sometimes kitchen Caravan park-offers accommodation space, cooking facilities and some entertainment Service apartment-provides accommodation and self-catering Resort & spa-is a resort providing mineral rich spring water (sometimes sea water) based medicinal bath. Food and beverage sector- The role of the food and beverage sector is to provide a range of meals and beverages to customers within a hospitality establishment. Restaurants-provide food beverage and sometimes entertainment Caf-provide food and beverage Fast food outlet-provide food and beverage prepared and served with in few minute Bar-mainly provide beverages Outlet caterers-provide catering service for clients Meetings, incentives conventions and events sector (MICE) -The meeting and events sector of the hospitality industry provides facilities and services for meetings, conferences, conventions and exhibitions. Venues for these types of events include convention centers and hotels. Venues provide food and beverage facilities, and sometimes accommodation, travel and tourist services and entertainment. Club and gaming sector- This sector provides services and facilities such as poker machines for the purpose of gaming and betting. Casino complexes provide accommodation, food and beverages, entertainment, gambling and shopping. Club can provide gaming, accommodation, recreational activities and food and beverages. Many hotels offer gaming activity and can provide food and beverages, as well as accommodation and recreational facilities. Entertainment and recreation Sector-a sector that provides entertainment and recreational facilities. Some of these are Sporting venues-provide food beverage and sporting entertainment Entertainment venues-provide food, beverage and entertainment The travel and Tours/tourism sector-This sector provides information services to tourists and transport to and from tourist destinations. Visitor information services- Workers in this sector provide information about local, regional and state tourist attractions. At the attractions themselves, hospitality workers provide information, maps, brochures and food and beverages to tourists. They usually include a retail outlet selling souvenirs and gifts and providing information to tourists.  Figure 1.1 Hospitality Industry Sectors Beside of knowing and understanding the above hospitality industry information, it also needs to access information about different sectors and businesses of the hospitality industry, their interrelationships and the services available in each sector (seen in the above section) Relationships between tourism and hospitality Relationships between the hospitality industry and other industries, such as: Entertainment Food production Wine production Recreation Meetings and events Retail Industry working conditions Environmental issues and requirements Industrial relations issues and major organizations Career opportunities within the industry Work ethic required to work in the industry Industry expectations of staff Quality assurance 1.2.1. Classification of Hotels Classification of hotels is too difficult to put in to a simple category; we can classify them based on the following points. Based on Location, Hotels are classified in seven as follows A. Motel/motor hotel: - these types of hotels are situated on the highways (main roads). Motels are designed to serve the needs of motorists. They must provide car parking, garage, accommodation, rest facilities and recreational facilities and hence motels are generally equipped with filling stations, motor garage, service stations, accessories, elevator service to automobile entrants, restaurants etc. The tariff is very low as compared to city hotels. They have easy access from highways, being located on highways or at road junctions. Motel accommodation is ranked with hotels in general in many countries. The length of stay in these types of hotels is usually short period and their frequent customers are travelers who passed through. B. Resorts are hotels located in a desirable vacation spot such as beachfront, lakeside, mountain side, or on a golf course. They offer fine dining, exceptional service, activities unavailable at most other properties, and many amenities. Resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation. As a result, people tend to seek out a resort for holidays or vacations. Generally, a resort is an establishment, which attempts to provide for all or most a vacationers wants while staying there, such as food, drink, lodging, sports, entertainment, and shopping. Towns that contain resorts or where tourism or vacationing is a major part of the local activity are often called resort towns C. Downtown hotels/Business hotels: these are types of hotels which are situated in the heart or center of the city/town. Generally, people who stay in such types of hotels are those who come for some work in the city, such as for marketing. These hotels are also called as city hotel. D. Flotels: these are floating hotels and situated on the surface of the water such as sea, lake etc. Such hotels provide exclusive and exotic atmosphere. All the facilities of a first class hotel are there in this category of hotels. In many countries old luxury ships have been converted into floating hotels. E. Airport hotels (Airtel): These hotels are situated near the airports. The location of airports far away from cities, the growth of the airline industry, the increase in air traffic and the postponement or cancellation of flights has made the airlines companies responsible to take care of hundreds of transit passengers and built the hotels near the airports. These hotels get business from other travelers who require a place to rest while waiting for connecting flights. F. Suburban hotels: these types of hotels are situated away from the city or town. The aim is to keep it away from the hustle and bustle, chaos and confusions of the town. Guests who choose to stay here are mainly those who want to be away from the city environment for few days. Based on the Size of the hotel/number of rooms, hotels can be classified into four:- Small Hotels: - Arehotelswhosenumberof guestroomsdoes not exceed 25. Medium Hotels: -Includehotelswith thenumberof guestroomsranging between 26 and 100. Large Hotels: - Have around 101 to 300 Rooms Mega hotels: - Have More than 300 Rooms. Based on the type of service the Hotel provides, it classified in to five as follows: Star rating hotel-it is one of the most definitive standards which guide travelers as to what expect. It is given by state Tourism Department team who put together government body, hospitality educationists, travel agents, airlines and hotel industry. Its range is from 1-5. Deluxe hotel: - It is a type of hotel that has a minimum 5- star with dcor and luxury service provision. Palace hotel- provide service for guests come to palace Business hotel- sometimes it is called down town hotel Sport hotel: it provides service to boxing school, gymnasium and dormitory for athletes Based on duration of guest stay/length of guest stay, hotels classified in to three as follows Transient Hotel these are hotels in which most of the guests (75%) is en-route residents who stop to spend a short... Residential Hotel apartment hotel duration of stay range from months to few years Semi residential Hotels They are hotels that accommodate people staying for some weeks or months before moving to another. Based on types of pricing plan hotels have, classified in to five American plan (Full board) charges rooms and all meals Modified American plan (Half board)- room + breakfast + lunch or dinner European plan(RO)-it charges rooms only Continental plan= room +continental break fast Bed and breakfast hotel(BB)=...only bed +English breakfast 1.2.2. Historical background of Hotel in Ethiopia After the introduction of Christianity in Ethiopia the inhabitants of any place are compelled to shelter and give food for all travelers arriving there in the evening. The custom originates in the admirable rule of holy charity which teaches and commands that strangers should be sheltered. After the introduction of Christianity, the Muslim religion also introduced in Ethiopia and was conducted similar holy charity for strangers. Because of the absence of inns and resting houses, the state insisted that the traveler should receive hospitality on the way. The great men and the richer people carry their entire domestic household with them upon their mules and where nigh overtakes them they pitch their tents and kindle fires to score the wild beasts. The poorer people when they have occasion to travel will get service upon the rood side village actually the custom of the country was entreating a stranger according to his/her rank. as soon as he/she enters a house, the master informs his/her neighbors that he/she caters a guest; immediately they bring in bread, injera and all kinds of provisions; and there is great care taken to provide enough; because, if the guest complaints, the town is obliged to double the value of what they ought to have furnished. this practice is so well established, that a stranger goes in to a house of house of one he/she never saw with the same familiarity sand assurance of welcome, as into that of an intimate friend, or near relation. Apart from servicing in the house, it was a custom to conduct to feast for the traveler (pilgrimage) by the name of saints. Such big free service which was supported by the doctrine did not give a chance for the establishment of inn keeping business. The business of inn keeping was started by the reign of emperor Menilik II. In the year 1896, after the battle of Adowa, the victory was celebrated in the new capital Addis Ababa. In connection with this historic event king Menilik started to sign a number of treaties with European countries. As a result, a number of countries sent their representatives to Ethiopia. Knowledge of the hospitality industry activity Introduction to tourism and Tourists Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of recreation and business, and the provision of services for this act. A trip refers to the travel by a person from the time of departure from his usual residence until he/she returns: it thus refers to a round trip. A trip is made up of visits to different places. Tourism may be classified into the following types: Inbound international tourism: Visits to a country by nonresident of that country Outbound international tourism: Visits by the residents of a country to another country Internal tourism: Visits by residents of a country to their own Domestic tourism: Inbound international tourism + internal tourism National tourism: Internal tourists + outbound international tourism Tourists :Are persons who are "travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited United nation world tourism organization (UNWTO). A tourist is a visitor who is motivated to travel put side his beat area for recreation, pleasure, health, study, sports, business, family and so forth; stays for at least 24 hours at the place of visit, does not involve in any remunerative activity and in due time returns to his place of domicile. It implies that all tourists are travelers/ visitors but all travelers/visitors are not tourists. On top of that it is a fact that all visitors are firstly travelers but the vice-versa may not hold good. Tourist: Described as a person who was touring for the purpose of pleasure or leisure. Technique definition of Tourist International tourist: A visitor who travels to a country other than that in which he/she has his/her usual residence for at least one night but not more than one year, and whose main purpose of visit is other than the exercise of activity remunerated from within the country visited. International excursionist A visitor residing in a country who travels the same day to a country other than that in which he/she has his/her usual environment for less than 24 hours without spending the night in the country visited and whose main purpose of visit is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the country visited Domestic tourist Any person, regardless of nationality, resident in a country and who travels to a place in the same country for not more than one year and whose main purpose of visit is other than following an occupation remunerated from within the place visited. Such a definition includes domestic tourists where an overnight stay is involved and domestic excursionists who visit an area for less than 24 hours and do not stay overnight Before someone counted as tourist: Minimum length of stay one night (visitors who do not stay overnight are termed day visitors or excursionists) Maximum length of stay one year Purpose of visit categories There are four basic services to be provided for Tourists: Travel Arrangements Board and Lodging Food Entertainment 1.3.2. Differences between Visitor, Tourist and Excursionist Visitor: Any people visiting a country other than that in which he/she has his usual place of residence, for any reason other than following occupation remunerated from with country visited and remaining at least 24 hours. They stay more than 24 hours and less than 1 month. They are not involved in earning activities. All visitors are not tourists. Tourist: Any person coming to country for legitimate reason other than immigration and who stays at least 24 hours and at most 6 months during the same year. They stay more than 24 hours and less than 6 months. Their activities should be of Economic Nature Al the tourists are called visitors. Excursionist: Any person visiting a country other than his residence and remaining less than 24 hours. They stay less than 24 hours. They shouldnt get involved in earning activities All visitors may be excursionists. Travel / traveler: Travel refers to the activity of travelers. A traveler is someone who moves between different geographic locations, for any purpose and any duration. The visitor is a particular type of traveler and consequently tourism is a subset of travel Transit Visitor/Transient: traveler and a visitor who goes past a country or place without having a stopover or breaking off his journey on the way other than for layover and for transportation links. Alternatively, a person, moving past a country and while it may take more than 24 hours in the process, would not be considered as a tourist or excursionist if his destination is a different country and is just passing through the in-between country owing to transport ties. Tourism products Natural tourism products Country side Climate- temperature, rains, snowfall, days of sunshine Natural Beauty- landforms, hills, rocks, gorges, terrain Water- lakes, ponds, rivers, waterfalls Flora and Fauna Wildlife Beaches Islands Splash Scenic Attractions Manmade tourism products Culture Sites and areas of archaeological interest Historical buildings and monuments Places of historical significance Museums and art galleries Political and educational institutions Religious institutions Traditions Pilgrimages Fairs and festivals Arts and handicrafts Dance Music Folklore Native life and customs Entertainment Amusement-and recreation parks Sporting events Zoos Cinemas and theatre Night life Cuisine Business conventions conferences 1.3.3. The relationship between Hospitality and Tourism The relationship between Hospitality and Tourism: Tourism and hospitality go hand in hand. The word  tourist means  someone who travels for pleasure. In one hand, Tourism, the activity by the tourists where they engage in travelling to destinations where they want to experience recreational and leisure activities and most of the time avails of accommodation, food and beverage. On the other hand, the hospitality industry offers services like accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, recreation and leisure. Tourism may be seen as involving: Trips to local attractions and areas Tours of sites and landmarks Use of tour guides Travel to and from the country/area as well as transportation within the country/area Activities such as attendance at theme parks, participation in  action holidays Visits to zoos, museums and other places of interest. Hospitality may be seen as involving: Eating  eat-in and takeaway: all standards, types of cuisine, styles of service Drinking alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages including takeaway drink sales Accommodation in-house rooms and facilities Rest and relaxation gymnasiums, spa and wellbeing services The tourism and hospitality industries come together when a person, either local or from overseas, takes a holiday and visits one or more tourist attractions. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between both industries as they frequently merge. Both industries support each other it is not the case tourism supports hospitality or vice versa. Generally, all departments within a hospitality establishment need to work together to ensure the smooth running of the enterprise for the comfort and satisfaction of guests. Relationships between the hospitality industry sectors are also important as these services support each other. Strong relationships between the following hospitality sectors are common: Entertainment and recreation Visitor information service Accommodation Recreation Meeting and events Gaming 1.4. Knowledge of the hospitality industry Roles and functions in the hospitality industry: - Hospitality industry department can be classified as back-of-house operations (working behind the scenes of the establishment) or front-of-house operations (being in direct contact with customers, either face-to-face or over the telephone). Each department has an important role to play in delivering quality products and services. In order for any establishment to be successful, each of the following departments needs to work together towards a common goal. Front Office Department Food and Beverage department Food production/kitchen department Housekeeping department Gaming department Sales and marketing department Human resources department Financial control/accounts department Maintenance department Security department Front office Department Front office is involved in the operation of the accommodation services as well as the reservation and reception areas. Staffs in front office department are involved in: Taking and recording reservation Providing information's about the organizations for the clients Allocating rooms for clients and issuing keys Organizing the moving and storing of luggage Checking in and out procedure of guests Taking and conveying messages and despondence for guests Preparing guests accounts and processing payments Food and Beverage Department Food and beverage departments offer food and drinks to customers. In larger establishments, this department is often divided into smaller units, such as bar, restaurants, room service and banquet and function catering. The food and beverage department is responsible for tasks such as: Preparing for service Greeting and setting customers Promoting food and beverage sales Taking orders Serving food and drinks Collecting guests payment of accounts Maintaining service areas Food production department Food production is the department responsible for the cooking and presentation of food for guests. Tasks may include: Ordering bulk food Cooking and presenting menu items Budgeting Operation of all kitchen equipments Washing utensils, cutlery's and crockery Cleaning kitchen and equipments Storing stock items Housekeeping and laundry department Housekeeping is the department responsible for maintaining the establishments standards of hygiene, comfort and cleanliness. Some of the duties of this department include: Cleaning public areas Cleaning and serving of guests room Providing towels and toiletries for guests Laundering for the establishment and guests Laundering for staff uniforms Arranging for guests dry cleaning & shoe shining Providing cleanliness to other areas of the establishment Gaming department The gaming department provides gaming facilities to patrons. Areas of responsibility may include: Electronic game Table game Providing honest service Preventing from gambling Sales and marketing departments Sales and marketing departments actively sell the services of the establishment to the local, interstate and international tourist markets. The functions of this department include: Advertising (print and multimedia) Participating in trade shows (national and international) Conducting promotions Providing information service for guests Providing sponsorship Conducting face to face meeting with sales stuff Human resources department The human resources department is involved in attracting, keeping and training employees. The roles in this department include: Recruiting staff Training staff Keeping staff records Carrier planning Roistering staffs Industrial relation management Understanding laws and regulations and advising managements and staff about their right and responsibility Financial control/accounts departments Financial control/accounts departments look after all accounting for the establishment. Their roles include: Monitoring income and expenditure of the establishment Paying bills from suppliers Paying salary of stuffs Preparing company taxation and other financial reports Preparing budgets Maintenance department Maintenance department is involved in maintenance of all resources required to run the establishment efficiently. They are responsible for: Electrical Painting and decoration Carpentry Gardening Mechanical fitting Security departments Security departments ensure the provision of safety and security to all staff and patrons of the establishment. Their roles include: Administering first aid Securing any cash Providing security for very important person (VIP) Handling irrational guests Securing buildings and grounds including car parking Administering the procedures for fire, evacuation, theft, lose property and other emergency Self-Check -1Written Test Trainee name ________________________ID number__________ signature ____________ Test-I Multiple choice Instruction: select the correct answer for the given choice. Each (2point) _____________________is residents of the country travel within this country. Inbound tourism. C. Outbound tourism. Domestic tourism. D. All _________________ is someone who makes a trip between two or more countries or two or more localities within his/her country of usual residence. Tourist C. Excursionist Traveler D. B&C. Which one of the following is not hospitality industry sector? Accommodation sectors C. construction Food and beverage sectors D. visitor information The food and beverage department is responsible for tasks such as: Preparing for service Greeting and setting customers Promoting food and beverage sales Taking orders E. All Which one of the following is not types of written materials. Reference book C. internet Guide books D. libraries Test II: Matching Instruction: Match the following from column toA column B Column A Column B Sometimes it is called down town hotel A. media Poker machines B. profit business Meeting and events sectors C. gaming sectors Usually accessed in library D. business hotel Commercial establishment operate for E. reference book F. non profit G. hospitality Test-III: short answer Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below. Explain hospitality industry (3 marks) Explain the term hospitality and its component sectors (3 marks) State at least five source of hospitality information (5 marks) Mention security department role. (4 marks) Unit Two: Legal and Ethical Issues for the Hospitality Industry This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Information on legal and ethical issues Hospitality industry activities This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identify information on legal and ethical issues Conduct hospitality industry activities Information on legal and ethical issues Introduction The hospitality industry offers a wide range of goods and services to different people in the community. These goods and services can have an effect on the general health and wellbeing of employers, employees and customers. Because of this, the industry needs to be regulated so that all stakeholders are protected. Legal issues (issues relating to the law) Ethical issues (issues relating to moral judgments) in the hospitality industry relate to the protection that laws or regulations should provide in relation to consumer protection, duty of care, EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity), antidiscrimination and workplace relations. Legal and Ethical issues on Work performance After obtaining information, it should be applied to the industry based on legal and ethical issues. Some of the sources of information are: media, reference books, libraries, unions, industry associations, hospitality industry journals, internet, personal sources and (experience, colleagues, supervisors and managers) It is vital that you keep updating your knowledge so that you can ensure you are offering customers the best advice. Wherever you work, you need to ensure that you are meeting the organizations targets and that you remain ahead of emerging trends. It is very important that you and the business at large have a good understanding of the relevant legal and ethical issues, to ensure that the law is followed. Legal obligations Most areas are bound to comply with a range of legal and ethical requirements set by the government, the industry associations or by individual businesses themselves. Standard legislative issues may include: Consumer protection, duty of care Anti-discrimination, equal employment opportunity Workplace-relation Consumer protection: - This area of legislation deals with the rights of the consumer to receive what they have paid for and outline the processes that should be followed in the event of any dissatisfaction. Duty of care: is an obligation that a person has when acting towards others colleagues, customers and the general public. It applies in situations where a persons actions could cause harm to others. If they do not act with care, attention and caution, they could be considered negligent. Equal employment opportunity (EEO): - was introduced to ensure that workplaces are free from all forms of discrimination and harassment and to provide programs assisting groups to overcome past or present disadvantages. Anti-discrimination: In our country, it is against the law to discriminate people because of their: religion, race, language, gender, disabilities, family structure, Age. Discrimination means treating someone unfairly or harassing them because they belong to a particular group. Discrimination can be direct or indirect. e.g. If an employer will not give a job to a woman, just because she is a woman, that is direct discrimination. Work place relation: - refer to the industrial relations laws which govern the working relationships. The following can be introduced in the working relationships: Maximum number of hours a person should work, annual leave, parental leaves, etc Dispute relation Child Sex Tourism: - Child sex tourism is tourism for the purpose of engaging in the prostitution of children that is commercially facilitated child sex abuse. Child sex tourism results both mental and physical consequences to exploited children. Child sex tourism is a part of child prostitution within the wider issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Pricing: - Customers must be fully informed of all costs before they purchase a product or service. Quality assurance: - refers to the systematic acts of providing a product or service that is high quality and establishes confidence in that a product or service. It is important to produce a consistently high quality product to ensure that the customers keep returning to your business. The same principle applies when providing a service it is important that the service be delivered to a high standard, to ensure customer satisfaction Industry specific legislation: - Every industry has activities that are the subject of specific legislation. It is vital that everyone working in the industry has an understanding of what activities they do that have to comply with laws and regulation. The specific legislation in the hospitality industry area was: Hygiene, Liquor, Gaming and Smoking laws Tipping: Tipping is not compulsory in customer service and customers should not be pressured into giving tips Ethical Issues It is very important to remain ethical in your work. This means that you are open and honest in your dealings with customers and colleagues. This is for your own benefit, as well as that of your colleagues and organization. A reputation once lost is difficult to regain. Damaging the reputation of your business and the trust of customers can affect the success of your business and your own future employment. Ethics issues and legal issues are to some extent they are related to each other in supporting hospitality industry. Some of ethical issues that can bring impact on hospitality industry are: Confidentiality. Any information given to you by colleagues or customers must be treated as confidential and should never be passed on to other parties. What we see and hear in the workplace should remain there. Code of conduct. A code of conduct is specific to each organization and includes rules and regulations for how an organization expects staff to behave. Over booking, Gifts and services free of charge Product recommendations. -from staff and customer Conduct hospitality industry activities This Section emphasizes the need for staff to implement practices in the workplace to reflect knowledge and information they have obtained. Basics of food safety legislation Apply safe and hygienic food handling practices: Use clean plates, glasses and equipment   clean means free from visible contamination and odor Keep prepared potentially hazardous Keep potentially hazardous food cold prepared Avoid cross contamination Keep high risk food Keep food covered Exclude pests and rodents from food areas (Potentially hazardous food is food high in protein any food made from/containing meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs) Apply correct personal hygiene practices: Stay away from food handling duties if ill Wear correct uniform Keep hair tied back wear a hat when handling food Do not cough or sneeze over food Wash hands when required such as after using the toilet; after handling a handkerchief or tissue; Food handlers should not wear nail polish including clear nail polish Store and rotate food stock correctly using the First In, First Out (FIFO) method of stock rotation. Work ethic All employers will expect you to display an acceptable work ethic this means you must: Arrive for work on time Be dressed and ready for work when you arrive  as opposed to arriving on time and then having to get ready Be diligent in all the work you do  you must give work the attention it deserves and work to the best of your ability Never use workplace resources for your own use or benefit this includes making telephone calls, food, drinks and any guest products supplied to rooms Only take scheduled breaks and return to work on time, when the roster states you are required back at work Never leave work until required jobs are completed or until told to do so by the employer Use your initiative and common sense to determine work to be done and the sequence in which it must be done there is always a need to actively consider; what to do rather than simply  doing it . General work practice Practical actions to apply ethical practices in the workplace include: Follow all established policies and procedures for the organization where you work  these will reflect legal requirements and industry standards Never discriminate against anyone in the workplace colleague or customer Observe privacy and confidentiality requirements keep business and customer details to yourself: never release them or tell anyone about them Always deal with people honesty in every instance, no exceptions: colleagues, management and customers: Never tell an untruth b)Never over-charge c) Never rip anyone off Keep promises made be careful about making promises but always keep any promises that are made: it is always best to  under-promise and over-deliver than the other way round Treat people with respect  this applies to colleagues and customers: speak respectfully, and take cultural differences into account Hand in all  lost and found items  they cannot be kept and treated as your own Never ignore customers everyones job is to help customers: offers of assistance should be made rather than waiting for requests for help/advice to be made Do the job you are paid to do and then look to do a little bit more/extra Do not complain do your job without complaining: if something upsets you, talk to management as opposed to complaining to colleagues and/or customers. Self-Check -2Written Test Part one: Choose best answers (2 points each) 1.__________is an obligation that person have when acting to words others colleagues, customers and the general public. A. duty of care C. anti discrimination B. consumer protection D. work place relation 2. Which of the following ethical issues that can bring impact on hospitality industry. A. confidentiality C. over booking B. code of conduct D. all 3. What is meaning of legal issues A. issues relating to the law C. duty of care B. work place relation D. code of conduct Test Two: Say True or False (5 marks) Ethical issues relating to moral judgments. All employers will expect you to display an acceptable work ethic. Test Three: answer all the questions listed below (10 marks) How you will obtain a legal and ethical issue for hospitality industry What are legal issues that impact on the industry? List out some Personal attributes and work ethics of hospitality staff. Unit Three: Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Monitor current issues of the industry Knowledge of customers and colleagues This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Describe ways to monitor current issues of the industry Identify knowledge of customers and colleagues Monitor current issues of the industry Introduction It is important to be up-to-date with the ever-changing industry in which you work. This might mean you have to find out information about an individual venue/property, a particular sector, or about the industry in general. Always remember having information about the industry and applying it to your daily practices can boost your career opportunities in the future, and enhance the experience of guests/visitors. Also remember information is worthless if it is not applied and shared so it is important to incorporate it into your daily work. The following are some of the current issues that should be monitor in the operational task of the hospitality industry. New changes and developing new economic initiatives developed by the government to enhance and support Traineeships and apprenticeships promoted and supported by governments as a means of dealing with labor shortages. Emerged New markets the global and local economy and trends change. Environmental and social issues relevant to the hotel and tourism industry include environmental awareness, recycling, energy conservation and waste minimization. Labor issues in the workplace change as the global economy changes. In a fight to make more money, many establishments have to cost cut to maintain or increase profits. Cost cutting has affected workplaces via reduction of staff numbers, fewer staff being employed to work longer hours and complete a larger range of different jobs (multi-skilling).the industry Issues to update knowledge of hospitality information You should seek to identify a wide range of issues such as: Changing and emerging trends relating to visitor patterns; needs, wants and preferences; spending; mode of travel; selling prices; products and services New techniques and practices as they apply to the industry, other venues and your workplace New equipment and technology being integrated into the workplace/industry New recipes for meals and drinks Initiatives relating to advertising, Changes to legislation, regulations, codes of practice, accords and licensing requirements that apply to your work role and to the next position you intend occupying in terms of career advancement Ways for updating Hospitality information Learning options enabling you to update your general industry knowledge may include: On-the-job opportunities using personal observation of guests and feedback from customers to gain knowledge Staff meetings and briefings these are common ways for management to share relevant information: staff notice boards, staff e-mails, staff newsletters are also used Undertaking advanced formal studies to obtain formal qualifications and learn more about specific areas of interest Participating in training courses and seminars as organized by industry associations, government departments, or by suppliers Keeping tuned in to TV, cable, electronic media and the Internet your efforts should be targeted to specific industry sites and articles: it useful to bookmark relevant sites and visit them regularly Subscribing to hospitality journals, newsletters and periodicals these are industry publications and always carry articles of interest, interviews with industry personnel and relevant industry facts and trends Becoming a member of an industry association and actively participating in meetings, reading their publications, contributing to any research they undertake Attending industry functions, product launches or promotions not only to network but to learn about the products and services are on show, being presented and/or currently emerging into the marketplace Personal experience always let management know you are eager to learn and volunteer for different jobs/roles in your workplace so you can gain a diversity of experience and skills: this is beneficial for becoming multi-skilled and gaining useful experience which can be of benefit when applying for new/higher positions Taking time to visit the opposition(Observation) to see what they are doing, to check out their levels of service, to identify the advertising/promotions they are running and to determine if anything they are doing can be effectively transferred to your venue The current monitor these issues In order to keep up-to-date with industry issues, and events and issues within your workplace Attend all meetings you are required to attend meetings are often called at work, but all too often staff elect deliberately not to attend and consequently miss out on vital information Read the memos many workplaces will use memos to notify staff of emerging or on-going issues, and again, many staff ignore these at their peril: if you receive a memo/e-mail read it Monitor the media keep an eye on the media, and make it your business to read, listen and watch as the case may be: this often provides an indicator of an emerging local, current concern Fine-tune your own personal radar whenever you hear or see anything, anywhere relating to any aspect of the industry, focus on it for a moment to identify whether or not you should spend more time monitoring, following up or questioning Form your own informed opinion discuss and debate issues with colleagues and management [note: discuss and debate does not mean argue!] with a view to understanding the total picture so you can develop your own views Talk to supervisors and management to identify what they see as issues affecting the industry and the venue Talk to customers to identify what they regard as issues for the industry as they impact on users Read the newsletters and updates from industry groups and government agencies these are another prime source to identify industry issues. Knowledge of customers and colleagues It is important for all employers and employees to have an understanding of the value of sharing and updating information in the workplace. Information sharing helps all employees maintain professionalism, improve customer service, promote positive work relations and meet work goals all the time leading to a productive and educated workforce. The hospitality industry flourishes on customer service, and customers prefer those businesses that offer the best service. Customers want to receive the best possible experience for their money. In essence, customer service is everything in this service-oriented industry. To do so, co-workers also played vital role in enhancing the service quality and customer satisfaction. In the hospitality industry, it is important to share updated knowledge with customers and colleagues. Sharing an updated knowledge with customers and colleagues are useful because it Creates Awareness: Provides fast solution and improves response time: Increases Co-ordination: Acceptance to new ideas: Methods for Sharing information for customers and colleagues Information and training can be delivered to employees in many ways. Some of the most successful ways include formal/informal support and mentoring, but the most common method is the sharing of ideas and personal knowledge on the job. There are many ways to disseminate knowledge to customers and staff: Messages can be placed on staff distributed on paper. In larger establishments, staff can disseminate information via email. Cooperate website scan be a great tool and a relatively cheap means of promoting products and services. E-newsletter can provide information both to the staff and prospective customers. One-on-one communication is also a way of passing on information to staff or customers in the community. Sharing information in this more personal way can improve the promotion of products and services. Sharing knowledge with colleagues The basic ways to share information with fellow employees are to: Tell your colleagues about what you have learned on a one-to-one basis, or at staff briefings or meetings Demonstrate a new technique, methods, procedure, machine or skill E-mail co-workers with the information you have discovered prepare a useful sheet/handout with the necessary, new or revised information Prepare a short handout put this on the notice board and/or photocopy it and distribute it. 3.2.3. Sharing information with customers Customers include guests, friends they can be of guests a individuals, families or groups of business people or tour groups. Ways to share new knowledge with customers (depending on the type of information involved) can include: Verbally providing advice  "#$7;<FGORSTUɶrreQ<,htdhA5CJ OJQJaJ (jhtdhe OJQJUmHnHu'htdhA5CJ4OJQJaJ8mH sH hf+5CJ$OJQJaJ(htdhA5CJ$OJQJaJ(htdhV=5CJ$OJQJaJ(htdh*5CJ$OJQJaJ('htdh" 5CJ8OJQJaJ8mH sH %htdhA5;CJ8OJQJ\aJ8"htdhA5;CJ8OJQJaJ8htdhx5CJ8OJQJaJ8'htdhx5CJ8OJQJaJ8mH sH $SU mmmm$ @ dh]a$gd`$ @ dh]a$gdD$ 2 @ dh]a$gdD$  2 tdh]^2 `ta$gdD$dh]a$gdD$ &dh]a$gd" $ &dh]a$gdx UD ξyiyYiYI7"htdh'r5CJOJQJ\aJ(htdh'r5CJOJQJaJhtdh`5CJOJQJaJ(htdhx5CJOJQJaJ(htdhA5CJOJQJaJ((htdhA5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(phhtdhA0J5OJPJQJhtdhx5CJ(OJQJ\htdhA5CJ(OJQJ\htdhA5CJ(OJQJaJ(%htdhAB*CJ(OJQJaJ(phhtdhACJ(OJQJaJ(  : A E O P \ q ŵyiYiRK<jhtdhTU^JaJ hhA hhhh M5CJOJQJaJhhA5CJOJQJaJhtdhA5CJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJhtdh>q5CJOJQJaJhtdhACJ OJQJaJ htdh'r5CJOJQJaJhtdhT5CJOJQJaJhtdhx5CJOJQJaJhCJ OJQJaJ htdh'rCJ OJQJaJ  P p (  e N=, & ($ gd & $ gdgddgd$ ]a$gd$ dh]a$gd'r$ dh]a$gdD     1 2 3 4 N O P j k l m n o p q r ɬɢzmYɢ&j{Dhtdhi0J5U^JhtdhiCJ^J_H hQq^J"jChtdhiU^JjhtdhiU^Jhtdhi^J&jChtdhi0J5U^Jhtdhi^Jhtdhi0J5^J jhtdhi0J5U^JjhtdhTU^JaJhtdhA^JaJ    " # $ % & ' ( ) * F G H I ǺǮǮ߇uǺh_X_HhjoFhtdhi0JU htdhihtdhi0Jjhtdhi0JU"jEhtdhiU^Jhtdhi^J&juEhtdhi0J5U^Jhtdhi^Jhtdhi0J5^JhtdhiCJ^J_H jhtdhi0J5U^J hQq^JjhtdhiU^J"jDhtdhiU^JI x y z     }fT#htdhi0JOJQJmHnHu,jhtdhi0JOJQJUmHnHujGhtdhiU!htdhi0JfHq jiGhtdhi0JU htdhihtdhiCJ_Hjhtdhi0JU hQqjFhtdhiUjhtdhiUhtdhihtdhi0J ! 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