ࡱ>   _ Ibjbj,E,E N/N/AAH"H"H"H"H""""#$&4"x,)/(@/@/@/18 :`bbbbbb58bH";z1"1;;bH"H"@/@/:wHHH;H"@/H"@/`H;`HH@/ g>L06|FD >H"\;;H;;;;;bbH;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !:  Food and Beverage Service Level I Based on Nov, 2022, Curriculum Version, II  Module Title: Information about product and services Module Code: CTH FBS1 M05 1122HYPERLINK \l "MNS_GGM1_01" Nominal duration: 64 hours Nov, 2022 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292054"Table of Contents  PAGEREF _Toc121292054 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292055"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc121292055 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292056"Introduction to module  PAGEREF _Toc121292056 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292058"Unit one: Product and service knowledge  PAGEREF _Toc121292058 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292059"1.1 Product knowledge  PAGEREF _Toc121292059 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292060"1.2 Convey product knowledge to other staff  PAGEREF _Toc121292060 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292061"1.3 Comparisons between products and services  PAGEREF _Toc121292061 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292062"1.4 Knowledge of competitors' product, service range and pricing structure  PAGEREF _Toc121292062 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292064"Self-check I  PAGEREF _Toc121292064 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292065"Unit Two. Assist customers on products or services  PAGEREF _Toc121292065 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292066"2.1 Customers requirements  PAGEREF _Toc121292066 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292074"2.2 Features and benefits of products and services  PAGEREF _Toc121292074 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292075"2.3 Provide information for customer  PAGEREF _Toc121292075 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292079"2.4 Assist the customer to use equipment and facilities  PAGEREF _Toc121292079 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292085"2.5 Promote opportunities internal products and services  PAGEREF _Toc121292085 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292097"Self-check - II  PAGEREF _Toc121292097 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292099"Unit Three: Feedback on Services  PAGEREF _Toc121292099 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292100"3.1 Customer feedback  PAGEREF _Toc121292100 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292101"3.2 Behavior of customer  PAGEREF _Toc121292101 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292106"3.3 Provide Information on customer feedback  PAGEREF _Toc121292106 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292107"Self-check III  PAGEREF _Toc121292107 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292108"Unit Four. Manage information about clients and customer  PAGEREF _Toc121292108 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292109"4.1 Record customer information  PAGEREF _Toc121292109 \h 44 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292110"4.2 Manage Knowledge of organization promotional initiatives  PAGEREF _Toc121292110 \h 45 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292111"4.3 Enhance products and services  PAGEREF _Toc121292111 \h 47 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292112"Self-check IV  PAGEREF _Toc121292112 \h 49 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc121292113"Reference  PAGEREF _Toc121292113 \h 50  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ministry of Labor and Skills and Ministry of Health wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors who donated their time and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM) Introduction to module In food and beverage service field: Information about product and services helps to develop product knowledge, to assist customers on products or services, to identify customer feedback and to manage information about clients and customer food and beverage service field. This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the food and beverage service occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Information about product and services This module covers the units: Product and service knowledge Assist customers on products or services Feedback on services. Describe Management information about clients and customers Learning objectives of the Module At the end of this session, the students will able to: Develop product and service knowledge Assist customers on products or services Identify Feedback on services. Explain managing information about clients and customers Module Learning Instructions: Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide. Follow the instructions described below. Read the information written in the information Sheets Accomplish the Self-checks Unit one: Product and service knowledge This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Product knowledge Convey product knowledge to other staff Comparisons between products and services Knowledge of competitors' on product and service This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Develop product knowledge Make convey on product knowledge to other staff Distinguish comparisons between products and services Identify knowledge of competitors' on product and service  Product knowledge Product knowledge is a skill where employees fully understand and can effectively communicate with customers about product, its features, benefits, uses, and support needs. It is a vital skill each customer support agent and sales manager should have. It means that an employee is highly knowledgeable about a products features and can clearly explain its benefits to a customer. It also the ability to communicate information and answer questions about a product or service. Product knowledge benefits Product knowledge benefits Product knowledge can benefit a company by: Helping associates provide accurate information when employees have a solid understanding of each product, it's easier for them to answer customers' questions and provide them with factual information regarding the products. The benefits of product knowledge are as follows: Helps your employees handle objections better. It doesnt matter what is the subject of your customers complaints whether its your price or product quality. If your team is aware of the situation on the market and your competitors products, they will manage to explain why your product is the best choice. Allows your employees to analyze the competition. It is very important since it enables you to realize how your product outperforms your opponents alternatives whether in terms of pricing, quality, target audience, or core value. As a result, your staff will be competent enough to explain these issues to your clients. Enhances your employees communication skills. Knowing all the peculiarities of your product, your staff can adapt to every situation without following your sales script since this knowledge allows them to combine several techniques and choose the best one for this or that client. Boosts sales. Having a complete understanding of your product lets your staff effectively communicate with customers and present the benefits of your products the way your clients need them. Hence, this approach turns into a customer-oriented one and helps increase sales. Improves customer retention. If your clients get the necessary help and receive the answers once they need them, they wont change the provider since its a stressful task, y adequately training employees, youre giving them an indispensable skill the ability to train your customers. Your staff can effectively educate customers on how to use your product, thus increasing product adoption, and support them throughout their journey with your business so that they excel with your product and stick around for longer. Provides your employees with confidence. Product knowledge types There are several types of product knowledge each employee those are: Customer. This type of knowledge allows your sales reps to analyze the needs and wants of your clients to offer them the best solution. Competition. With the information about your competitors products, your staff can explain why your goods beat their solutions in terms of price, quality, or value. Industry. This type of knowledge means that an employee should be aware of the industrys latest trends and be able to speak the same language as other professionals. Brand. Employees should understand the positioning of your brand, its mission, and its vision. This knowledge will help them move towards achieving your global goal. Customer experience. Having data about HYPERLINK "https://sendpulse.ng/support/glossary/user-experience"user experience makes it possible to adapt to different segments of your target audience, take into account their previous experience of using your product, and improve your customer support. Complementary products. These goods support the main product, often bringing little to nothing value alone, for example, a case for a mobile device, petrol for cars, or bullets for guns. If your staff is knowledgeable about yourHYPERLINK "https://sendpulse.ng/support/glossary/complementary-product"complementary products, they can provide the best user experience. Use. Well also include configuration, customization, and specifications in this category since all these terms are focused on the effective use of a product. Your staff should know how to install your product and be aware of different product uses. Troubleshooting. The name speaks for itself. Your customer support agents need to know how to explain to users how to fix their problems both online and offline. Policies and procedures. This type of knowledge requires employees to be fully aware of exchange, warranty, and refund policies. Importance of product knowledge Good product Knowledge:- Helps businesses to respond to any objections appropriately. Be it price or any comparison with the competitor about a specific product. Knowing about your product is essential so that you can explain why it stands out of the crowd. It will surely help you in either way. Can help businesses respond better to experts. It can be easy if you are selling to typical prospects. But when youre dealing with buying agents, or other professionals, then theyre more likely to test your knowledge. So, its better to understand everything about it. gives customers self-assurance Enhances HYPERLINK "https://www.marketing91.com/mission/"Mission and HYPERLINK "https://www.marketing91.com/vision/"Vision : It helps the company achieve it to the best levels and put it out there for the world to know. The mission and vision generally address the reasons behind making a specific product and its description in detail helps in Troubleshooting and HYPERLINK "https://www.marketing91.com/mass-customization/"Customization Product knowledge will help the salesperson explain its troubleshooting and customize the product according to the user requirements. gives Additional Offers: Most of the products can be combined with some other products for a better and wholesome experience of their usage. Product knowledge offers ways to convince the user to accept the additional offers. That helps in growing the business and increasing sales and profits. helps in brand establishment Convey product knowledge to other staff Improve product knowledge: Improves sales having the information and a better understanding of your product, your Sales team can effectively talk to prospective customers about the value of your product. The best way to present features that impress, and be able to share how your product will work for the following activities: Let your new employees solve particular problems. Certainly, you can use the opposite approach teach your newcomers how to solve as many issues as possible. The only problem is that they wont think but passively absorb information, which is worse since people remember experiences better. Give them some problem-solving tasks and ask how they could cope with them from the customers point of view. This will develop both logical and creative thinking and let them test your product on their own. Let them find the necessary answers by themselves. Ask your new hires to look through your entire site, including your resources and knowledge base, to find the necessary information. It will take more time, but they will remember this forever since they have to experience this on their own. Besides, this way, youll get some valuable insights on how to structure all your information logically. Assess the knowledge of your staff regularly. This will help you keep them on their toes and refresh their knowledge from time to time. Give them a test where they need to answer some common questions from your customers. Consider avoiding multiple-choice tests and adding youre rarely asked questions. If you find some gaps in their knowledge, run your regular training. Allow them to find gaps in your knowledge base. Stimulate them to sell more. To achieve this goal, your staff should know the different uses of the same product and its target audience. You can create a Product of the week contest to reward a sales rep who will sell the most items. Comparisons between products and services Products vs. Services Understanding the differences between products and services can change the way you market and advertise them to your target audience. While the two categories share some similarities, they also differ in a few key ways. These differences impact who may be interested in purchasing certain products vs. services Products are tangible items offered to consumers through a particular market for consumption, acquisition or attention. It is a physical items sold by the company for its customers useit is anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or want. Products broadly classify as tangibility and intangibility Tangible products(Goods): are those products which can be seen, touched, felt etc Intangible products (Service): are those products which cannot be seen, touched, felt etc. Further, more products could be classified as durability and use Durable products are those products which last longer and which required more ti\me to make a purchase decision. Whereby consumers will compare on such basis as suitability, durability, after sales service, cost, features etc. Non-durable products: are those products which are consumed on a day basis and which do not require much time for purchased decision. Products further more classified based upon use. On this classification we could find consumer goods and industrial goods. Consumer goods: are those goods, which being use for consumption Industrial goods: on the other hand are those goods, which are being, use to further produce another good. Clarification of goods and services Tangibility: Goods are tangible products such as cars, clothing, and machinery. They have shape and can be seen and touched. Services are intangible. Hair styling, pest control, and equipment repair, for example, do not have a physical presence. Perishability: All goods have some degree of durability beyond the time of purchase. Services do not; they perish as they are delivered. Reparability: Goods can be stored for later use. Thus, production and consumption are typically separate. Because the production and consumption of services are simultaneous, services and the service provider cannot be separated. Standardization: The quality of goods can be controlled through standardization and grading in the production process. The quality of services, however, is different each time they are delivered. Services are intangible items offered to consumers through the output of at least one other individual. When someone performs a service for another person, they may be performing a job or handling a task. Housecleaning, automotive repairs and personal care all fall under the services category. A services-based business often has lower overhead costs than a business that sells goods because the first business does not have to buy and maintain inventory. Pricing for services varies drastically, depending on the type of service, the skill level of the person or people offering it and the demand for the service. Marketing products vs. services When marketing and advertising products or services to members of your target audience, you may need to take a different approach based on what your business sells. Marketing services often requires a strong relationship between the consumer and the business, while marketing a product only has to appeal to the consumer's need for that particular item in that moment. Here are some differences between marketing products and services: Tangibility: A product is generally tangible, while a service is not. A consumer can interact with a product through one or more of their five senses. When marketing products, you might use design elements that indicate the tangibility. Service-based marketing requires the creation of tangible elements that will connect the consumer to the brand or company offering that service. Quality: The quality of a product might be measurable at the time of purchase. A consumer can feel the fabric of a shirt or touch the seats in a car to make a personal assessment about the quality. The quality of service is not as easy to demonstrate, although methods for demonstrating quality include reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Quantity: Unless a product has protection under a patent, it is likely that many versions of it exist consumers have thousands of choices when they want to buy a shirt or a pair of shoes. Physical products come in many formulations and options, while a service is not offered in as many different formulations. Seeing a doctor will typically include the same elements, whether you choose one provider over another or you are being treated for a sprained ankle or an ongoing medical condition. Returns: Returning a product is easier than returning a service because the service is used or consumed at the time it is performed. Some service providers offer a satisfaction guarantee, but if that is not an option and the consumer is not happy with the result, they may not have recourse. Need vs. want: Some products are need-based, while others serve the wants of consumers. The same is true of services. Appealing to the desires of consumers requires a different marketing approach than showcasing the ability to satisfy a need. Urgency: Services may have a higher sense of urgency than products, particularly products that are not perishable. For example, if a company offers carpet cleaning services to customers but does not fill every time slot during a day, those time slots cannot be filled once they have passed. Some products are perishable, but they may not be lost as quickly as the opportunity to complete a service at a particular time. Knowledge of competitors' product, service range and pricing structure A competitor is a person, business, team, or organization that competes against you or your company. If somebody is trying to beat you in a race, that person is your competitor. We do not just use the term competitor in business. Competitors also exist in sports, politics, acting, music, literature, etc. A competitor refers to any business or company in the same industry that offers a similar product or service. While it's important to identify your existing competitors, you can also benefit from having information regarding your potential competitors that may enter the market in the future. Here are some simple ways to identify competitors: Conduct market research Determine what other companies offer a similar product or service in your market. You can also consult with the sales team to identify which competitors often come up throughout the sales process. Seek customer feedback Ask your customers which other businesses, products or services they were or are considering. This can help identify competitors you may not have previously known. You can also ask about specific factors that influenced the customer's decisions to identify areas of improvement or marketable advantages. Use the internet To better identify your competitors, review customer conversations via online communities, forums and social media. Since many customers seek advice or recommendations online, this can help you determine your competitors. Competitor information Once you know who your competitors are, get information that can help you conduct a thorough analysis. Make sure to have the following information for each of your competitors: Products and services: Identify both the strengths and weaknesses of each of the competitor's products and services. Understanding both can help you create products or services that provide better quality and satisfaction. Pricing: This refers to how much your competitor's products and services cost. Finances: Make sure to have your competitor's share prices and earnings reports. This allows you to determine their financial health Customer experience: Understand the customer care provided by competitors. This allows you to determine how you can improve Intellectual property: Determine if they have any copyrights, patents or trademarks. Having this knowledge can help you anticipate any future products they haven't officially announced yet and can also let you know if they have the rights to a product so you can avoid legal issues. Marketing efforts: Get to know your competitors' events, promotional activities, social media accounts and marketing campaigns. Consider how you can adjust your marketing efforts to better align with their strategies for increased success. Brand awareness: Determine how much of your target market is aware of the competitor. If you find your competitor appears more recognizable, you can devise strategies to improve brand awareness. Location and distribution: Identify the primary location of the competition and where they distribute their products. Consider the regions or countries they cover and determine if it's worthwhile to reach out to these areas, too. Objectives: Identify the goals of your competitor to better predict their future actions. Consider looking into their management incentives, their risk tolerance and their organizational structure. Their organizational structure, in particular, can help you determine which functions they value the most. Resources and capabilities: This refers to what your competitor is doing or what they can do. Consider how quickly they react to certain situations such as market changes or customer needs. To do this, look at both their strengths and weaknesses. Competitive pricing is the process of selecting strategic price points to best take advantage of a product or service based market relative to competition. It is used more by businesses selling similar products, since services can vary from business to business, while the attributes of a product remain similar. It also generally used once a price for a product or service has reached a level of equilibrium. Competition in business is the contest or rivalry among the companies selling similar products and/or targeting the same target audience to get more sales, increase revenue, and gain more market share as compared to others. Business competition is usually a fact in a profitable market many players produce similar products, sell through similar channels, and even target the same audience. This competition, however, can be classified into three types Direct Competition: are vendors that sell the same products to the same audience and compete for the same potential market. An excellent example of direct competitors is Burger King and McDonalds business rivalry. Both of these companies Operate in the same industry (fast food), Offer similar products (burgers and related fast-food products), Satisfy the same need, Use the same HYPERLINK "https://www.feedough.com/distribution-channels-definition-types-functions/"channels of distribution (retail chains, takeaway, and home delivery), Target the same audience (working individuals). Indirect Competition: are vendors that sell products or services that are not necessarily the same but satisfy the same consumer need. Even though these two vendors sellproducts that are different, they are considered to be competitors as they Operate in the same industry Target the same audience Satisfy the same need Benefits of Business Competition Competition benefits all the three parties connected with the offering business, consumers, and even the market. Heres how Increases the demand:A healthy competition often leads to investment in more marketing activities by different players, which eventually increases the overall demand for the product in the market. Boosts innovation:Competition keeps the business on its toes and makes it imperative for it to innovate and improve. Helps business find itsHYPERLINK "https://www.feedough.com/competitive-advantage-definition-types-examples/" \t "_blank"competitive advantage:Businesses often track, analyze, and study what their business rivals provide and how do they provide it, to improve their offerings and cater better to their customers. Makes businesses serve customers better:Rivalry among the companies is often won by the company that stands out and serves the customers better than others. This makes the market players put customers on the top of their priority lists. Makes employees more efficient:Competition increases the pressure on the employees considerably and makes them give their best to the organization. Boosts constant business development:Constant holistic business development is what usually makes the business tackle competition in the long run. Self-check I Test-I instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and statement False wrong statement. (Each question carries 2 Point) Direct Competition are vendors that sell the same products to the same audience and compete for the same potential market Competitive pricing is the process of selecting strategic price points to best take advantage of a product or service based market relative to competition. A competitor refers to any business or company in the same industry that offers a similar product or service. Test-II Choice Instruction: Choose the best answer for the given alternatives. (Each question carries 2 Point) __________is the process of selecting strategic price points to best take advantage of a product or service based market relative to competition. A/ Competitive pricing B/ Competitor C/Completion D/ All The quality of goods can be controlled through standardization and grading in the production process. A/ Standardization: B/Direct Competition C/ Competitive pricing D/ c and b Benefits product knowledge are Helps your employees handle objections better Allows your employees to analyze the competition Enhances your employees communication skills All Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: Write short answer for the given question. (Each has 5 Points) Write down the Benefits of Business Competition Explain differences between Services and product Explain the meaning of indirect Competition Unit Two. Assist customers on products or services This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Customers requirements. Features and benefits of products and services. provide information for customer Assist the customer to use equipment and facilities. Promote opportunities internal products and services This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Describe customers requirements. Identify features and benefits of products and services. Describe ways to provide information for customer Assist the customer to use equipment and facilities. Identify way of promoting internal products and services  Customers requirements Customer requirements refer to the specifications or features of a product or service that are deemed necessary by customers. These requirements motivate customers to buy a product or service. To determine customer requirements, companies can research their target market to understand their desires and needs. It is the certain specific expectations of product features or characteristics with expected quality and value that should be present in a product for it to be deemed useful and desirable by the customer. Importance of Customer Requirements Customer Requirements are the certain specific expectations of product features or characteristics with expected quality and value that should be present in a product for it to be deemed useful and desirable by the customer. These are evolving expectations which will never be same and keep evolving with changing times, generations, technology and trends. Customer requirements need to be properly documented and refined to make sure that the final product has all the features expected. customer requirements should be well prioritized Added to products whenever possible. to provide cool or warm air and rest was all add on features but today everyone expects a remote control, temperature control, purified air, multiple modes To keep evolving and hence a manufacturer needs to document and prioritize them properly. Types of Customer Requirements There can be two types of customer requirements: Tangible Functional requirements these are mostly the tangible characteristics, features or specifications that a consumer expects to be fulfilled in the product. If a consumer is availing a service as a product, then various service requirements can take the form of output requirements. For example, if the consumer is hailing a metro cab, then on-time arrival becomes an output requirement. For other products such as gadgets, the product specifications like the loudness and clarity of a pair of speakers becomes its output requirements. Intangible Requirements aspects of purchasing a product that a customer expects to be fulfilled. It consists of elements like on-time delivery, service with a smile, easy-payment etc. It encompasses all aspects of how a customer expects to be treated while purchasing a product and how smooth his buying process goes. Examples of customer requirements: The major examples are Price the price of a product or service can affect customers' purchasing decisions, as each customer has unique budget allowances or constraints. They may compare prices between competitors to determine which offers the best deal or decide whether they are willing to pay for quality versus convenience. Quality the quality of a product or the materials used to manufacture it can impact purchasing decisions. The definition of quality can vary but may refer to its durability. A customer may consider a high-quality product to be one that lasts a significant amount of time, rather than one that breaks easily. Quality can also depend on the customer's preferences. Functionality every product or service has a purpose, which is its function. Often, customers require products and services that solve specific problems or meet specific goals or desires. Reliability when customers purchase something, they want the ability to rely on it to perform its intended function. Along with reliability, customers seek durability. Sustainability some customers seek products that do not have negative environmental impacts. Safety can be an important consideration for customers, as they want to ensure the product does not cause harm to them or those around them. Accessibility customers require products and services that enable easy access. Experience defining what constitutes a positive customer experience will vary on the company and its offerings, so customer research is essential. Generally, a positive experience refers to products or services that are easy to understand and use. Performance customers not only require that a product or service performs its intended purpose but also that it does it well. The definition of good performance varies, but examples may include its speed or accuracy when conducting tasks. Customers also purchase products specifically to improve the performance of another product. For example, a person who plays video games on their computer can buy a new graphics card to enable higher video quality. Features and benefits of products and services Features and benefits are interconnected but are different from each other. A product feature is a specific component of the product. A benefit is what users will gain when they use the feature. A feature is an attribute or functionality of a product or service. It's what a product does or the use it has. Features add substance to your marketing efforts. It's useful to describe them to people who are looking for a specific product or service. It's beneficial toHYPERLINK "https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/product-features" \t "_blank"highlight featuresbecause they can show data from testing and measurement. Consumers often want quantified information that can prove a product's usefulness, such as the wattage on a microwave or the cotton content in a garment. Using numbers or statistics when describing features can make your sales tactics more compelling. The product feature is to instantly message your co-workers. By using this feature, the benefit is that team members can complete work projects faster since they can easily communicate. People dont want to buy communication tools, they want to buy efficiency. Types of product features A new product will have multiple feature types. By looking at what competitors lack in certain feature types, you can use this to differentiate yourself from competitors. Here are 5 types of product features to consider. Function: Functionality usually refers to how a person can use a product or what they can do with it. The goal is to consider how a product can help a person accomplish a task and remove pain points. While some products can create new functional features, some functionalityare standard. Experience: is about the intangible features related to a product. While they may not be a requirement like functionality, they can help create memorable moments for customers and possibly create loyal customers. Some examples could include a smooth onboarding process or getting 5-star service from customer support. Quality can relate to both tangible and intangible attributes. Quality is also a reference point for the perceived value of a product. For example, you may expect high-quality material from fashion labels like Gucci and be willing to pay higher pricing for that level of quality. Design is another type of product feature based purely on aesthetics. Design or style is one way to differentiate yours elf from competitors making similar products. The way a phone case looks may win over a potential customer and its important to consider how a product looks in these situations. Added value: product feature types center on what a product comes with. It can give your product a higher perceived value when customers think they are gaining more features for the same price. Product benefits are any positive impact that a good or service has on the experience of a consumer interacting with it. Customers may note immediate benefits or long-term benefits, which they might experience at increasing levels the longer they use your product or service. Each benefit you provide to customers also provides them with another reason to decide to purchase your product or service A product benefit to customers is a key component of creating a product or service that generates profit. Understanding what makes your product or service appealing maximizes your ability to develop and market it effectively. This can help you set your product or service apart from the competition to increase its chances of being a success. In this article, we discuss what product benefits are, the different types of product benefits, how to identify the benefits your products provide and examples of product benefits in action. A benefit is how a product or service can improve or add value to a customer's life. Benefits answer the question, "What can this product or service do for me?" for consumers. In marketing, it's helpful to describe how a product or service can solve an audience's particular problems. Benefits can be particularly important when a product's features are highly technical. Types of product benefits Product benefits come in two primary types: Actual benefits The first type of product benefit is an actual benefit. This type of benefit has a practical effect the consumer can experience and see in the real world. For example, a wheelbarrow that can carry more weight than its comparably priced alternatives provides an actual benefit to consumers who purchase it. Perceived benefits The second type of benefit a product can provide is a perceived benefit. This is a perk related to the image that your product projects and the effect that can have on the customer. When consumers perceive a product to be a luxury item, for example, it can provide a perceived benefit to consumers because of others viewing it as a sign of status. Product benefits In order to maximize the impact that your product benefits can provide to the company, it's important to know how to identify them. This allows you to bring focus to the best features of your product or service and make the most appealing demonstration of its value to consumers. Follow these steps to determine the product benefits for a good or service that you offer: 1. Assess a product's functions The first step in determining the benefits your product can provide is assessing all the features it offers to consumers. By thoroughly understanding the different functions available to users and the different ways that a consumer may implement your product, you can identify its strengths. 2. Analyze the market Another key element that can determine the benefits your product provides to consumers is the market into which you're releasing it. Performing a market analysis allows you to determine what the demands are within the market and the available supply meeting those demands. Understanding market conditions can be beneficial for identifying product benefits after you've completed your product and are determining your methods of marketing, as well as during production when you can make adjustments in order to customize your product or service to meet customer needs. The more thoroughly you understand the market conditions for your product, the more effectively you can identify and make use of your product benefits in order to appeal to potential customers. 3. Monitor sales trends Analyzing your sales performance data can be an efficient tool for identifying potential product benefits you may not have been aware of. When you discover your product performs particularly well within a certain group, it provides insight that there may be a benefit to performing further analysis on that demographic in order to determine what about your product appeals to them. This can allow you to cater your marketing within that group. You may also potentially identify a benefit other groups are less familiar with and publicize it in order to expand sales to a broader population. 4. Perform customer surveys Customer feedback is one of the most direct methods of gathering important information about a product and how the public receives it. You may conduct customer surveys during development as focus groups, as well as after release by issuing surveys to people who buy your product or service Feature services: allow you to serve features over the Internet and provide the zymology to use when displaying the features A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. HYPERLINK "https://www.iedunote.com/what-is-product"Services do not always emerge out of physical products. When somebody rents a hotel room, deposits money in a bank, travels on an airplane, visits a physician, gets a haircut, gets a car repaired, watches a professional sport, watches a movie, and gets advice from a lawyer, he/she buys a service. When designing marketing programs, a company must consider the characteristics of services. Four characteristics of service are; Intangibility services cannot be felt before buying. Inseparability services are generated and consumed together Variability service quality never stay the same. Perish ability services cannot be stored. Provide information for customer Customer information is a useful tool in helping you understand how to better market your business. To collect basic information, try simply using the information they share when they make an online order, like their address, email, and phone number. You could also ask for this information when customers call in with questions. Customer Informationmeans HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/information" \t "_blank"information about HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/your-customers" \t "_blank"your Customers (e.g., name, HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/mailing-address" \t "_blank"mailing address, e-HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/mail-address" \t "_blank"mail address, HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/telephone-number" \t "_blank"telephone number) obtained HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/in-connection-with" \t "_blank"in connection with your use of the HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/clover-service" \t "_blank"Clover Service. When making forms that ask you for your customers information, make sure that your provide spaces where the following information must be put in: Name of the customer Customers address Account Number Mobile numbers E-mail address Types of information sources The information sources are divided into two broad sections that are further subdivided into various categories. These are as follows- Primary sources These are essential types of documentary resources that are also known as first-hand information. The primary sources are the first records of the original research to be published and are often known as unfiltered and original ideas and information. These are mostly unorganized and often the only information source available to mankind. The primary sources of information are used as significant evidence for a specific theory to gain perspective about an idea or a topic or as a part of criticism or claims. It includes both published and unpublished works. Important advantages of primary sources of information are Everyone is aware that the original material is untarnished The primary information source addresses the topic directly It often presents essential information that is not available anywhere else The primary material is original, and hence the chance of misinterpretation or any form of assumption is none The information can be easily tracked back to the original writer People tend to give more weight to a primary information source than to other types of sources Secondary sources The information that refers to the primary source of information and is often compiled from it is known as the secondary source. As the name suggests, the secondary information is modified or reorganized to serve a specific purpose. This information source includes arranged or repackaged knowledge and not any new information. It is a fact that secondary information is readily available than the primary information and provides an in-depth analysis of primary sources. The information in the secondary source is published works that often list their information source or bibliographies. These are evaluations and summaries that provide a personal perspective. Important advantages of secondary sources of information are The secondary information sources can provide more context than the primary sources It offers supporting information that is often advantageous to the reader Assist the customer to use equipment and facilities Facilities and equipment are resources you use to perform services for your customers. Facilities could be physical spaces like service bays or conference rooms and equipment could be tools or other assets Great Facilities Management Customer Service Excellent customer service is essential to maintaining a strong, ongoing relationship between a facility management department and its customers. If the bond is strong, the customers are more likely to feel that the facility management department knows them and their needs so well that they dont want to change relationships. Following are four strategies that will help keep the relationship between the customer and the facility management department strong. 1. View Staff as a Selling Tool The result is a sense of pride, not just from being part of the organization, but from respectfully treating, and being treated like, the primary customer. 2. Service is a Fundamental Value Service must be the prime directive of a facility management department. A mission statement can be expressed as goals: 3. Train FM Staff in Customer Service Although few people know intuitively how to provide the best service possible, rarely do companies invest in training their employees in customer service. Proper training in how to serve fosters creative and imaginative solutions. Employees begin to see how the customer views them, the service they provide, and the unit they represent. Spending time in the customers shoes is one of the most effective ways to understand how to serve the customer best. 4. Track Performance Measures of success should be expressed in monetary value to the company. When corporate management wants to know how the facility management department contributes to the corporate bottom line, provide data that document successful project completions and customer satisfaction. Improve Facilities Management for Better Customer Service The facilities management (FM) function is HYPERLINK "https://facilitiesmanagementadvisor.blr.com/training/what-makes-a-successful-facilities-manager-core-traits-and-skills/" \t "_blank"complex and multi-dimensional, and can encompass both external and internal parties impacted by or using the facilities Expectations from different customers can vary greatly. Five Steps to Improve FM for Customer Service 1. Know Your Customers Keep it simple: Knowing your customers well means being able to meet their needs. That is why every management team dealing with facilities needs to answer three simple questions from the outset: 2. Respect Facilities Employees An FM team is only as good as the technicians/operators/employees that comprise it. The modern facilities team needs to operate in a collegiate environment in which communication lines are open, with ideas, opinions, and even gripes respected. 3. Be Asset-Savvy As each and every customer should be familiar and well-understood, the same should be applied to every asset within an organization. Facilities managers must realize that their teams are de facto asset guardians. Assets can range from purely physical and technical, such as equipment and machinery, to human or customer-related, such as the safety, security, and comfort of everyone using a building, as well as buildings and infrastructure, of course. They all need to be properly managed or protected. 4. Think Systems The absence of a system in any business undertaking is a recipe for failure. 5. Bind Data Good FM Customer Service To update their customer service efforts, facility management organizations need to: 1. Consider the customer perspective as a first priority. 2. Replace customer service with customer success strategy. 3. Focus on hospitality rather than service. 4. Develop a marketing model strategy to emphasize the facility management brand; focus on the facility management value proposition. 5. Make interaction with facility management a memorable experience and identify customer touch points. 6. Use customer satisfaction data instead of just gathering Promote opportunities internal products and services Promotion is a key element in putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. Well-designed marketing and promotional strategies ensure long-term success, bring in more customers and ensure profitability for businesses. Internal promotion is a selection method where the organizations existing employees are the candidates. So, rather than searching for external talent, it means promoting employees who have shown them-selves to be capable of taking on new responsibilities. In general, factors such as experience, training and skills demonstrated by candidates to date are taken into account in this process. Performance evaluations are often used to identify internal talent and ascertain who deserves to move up the ladder. The advantages of internal promotion Introducing internal promotion procedures has huge advantages, both for the company and its employees. Reduced recruitment time internal candidates are already part of the company, so it takes less time to find and convince them, meaning no more drawn out recruitment processes. What's more, evaluating professionals who are part of the company is much simpler: Their track record is accessible. They are comfortable with the company culture. They probably dont need to be interviewed by the team leader. All this reduces the time involved at each stage of the recruitment process, and, consequently, the time-to-hire.It also makes the on boarding process quicker and simpler every professional requires sometime to find their feet in a new role, but internal hires are usually more efficient in this sense. The employee: Already knows how the company and its internal policies work. Is acquainted with their new team members. May already know the nature and responsibilities of their new position Internal recruitment is much cheaper than external as it does not require: Advertising the vacancy on job portals. It's much easier to let candidates know about opportunities via email or a poster on the notice board. Devoting time to sift through CVs or review databases, as simply asking team leaders or reviewing the last performance evaluations will be enough to find suitable profiles. Bolster staff engagement Internal promotion in the company sends the message that employees are valued and worth investing in. It gives employees the opportunity to advance their careers. Allowing them to access other positions that may interest them is good for boosting motivation and engagement. This helps to construct a culture of trust and retain talent. Types of internal promotions in organizations Within companies, there can be different types of internal promotions. We normally distinguish between three: Horizontal promotion Horizontal internal promotion is when a worker moves to a higher grade in a different department in the company. Vertical promotion This is probably the most well-known type of internal promotion and involves the worker moving to a more senior role than they held to date. It usually involves more responsibility and, accordingly, a pay rise. Temporary promotion There are also cases in which an employee receives a temporary promotion to cover a colleague's absence or maternity/paternity leave. Therefore, once this period is over, the employee will return to their previous position. The importance of internal promotion Theres nothing like internal promotion in an organization to inspire and motivate employees. It is a valuable tool which can be used to achieve different objectives: A survey carried out by the consultancy Great Place to Work, published inHYPERLINK "https://www.raconteur.net/hr/employee-engagement/internal-promotion-hire/" \t "_blank" the media, revealed that when people believe internal promotions are managed effectively, they are twice as likely to put in extra effort at work. Offering employees a challenge and goal to strive towards allows them to constantly improve, learn and develop. A clear internal promotion policy reduces staff turnover by half. Steps to implementing an internal development plan Internal selection procedures are not so different from external ones. The main difference lies in the preparatory work, in which the recruiter needs to meticulously analyze the current workforce to find candidates. 1. Define the companys needs The first step of internal promotion is to set out the companys requirements and, with that in mind, the areas needing improvement or the positions that need to be covered. At this point it is crucial to craft a good job description for the vacancy and describe all the essential professional skills and abilities that the ideal candidate will possess. 2. Establish staff selection criteria When looking for internal talent in the company, we should establish a range of objective criteria to shortlist possible candidates for the vacancy. It is important to take into account Achievements or results obtained. Training. Seniority. Organizational capacity. We should also pay attention to the following factors: The employees availability and interest. Empathy and relationship with colleagues. Career path outside the company. 3. Analyze the company The time has come to analyses the internal talent in search of possible candidates. It is important that candidate selection is based on the factors mentioned above to ensure it remains valid and useful. Otherwise, if we are led by other criteria, its possible we could miss the perfect candidate. Another option is to advertise the vacancies and allow all staff to apply for them. You can do this by sending an email or attaching a poster to the notice board. 4. Speak to the candidates Contact the shortlisted candidates and tell them the news. It is important to provide all the details about the position they are applying for, including what their new responsibilities would be and the financial terms. In the same way, you should explain to them how the selection process will work if they decide to go ahead. Offer them 48 hours to decide if they want to participate or not. 5. Conduct the final evaluation The moment has come to decide which of the candidates will advance within the company. Design a selection process based on an objective evaluation of their skills and abilitiesfor the position. It is also helpful to carry out interviews with other members of the organization to compare results. With all this information, you can make your final decision and choose the most suitable candidate. The best ways to promote a new product or service When it comes to promoting a new product or service for your business, it can seem like there are endless options. It can be difficult to figure out where to get started and which methods of promotion will give you the best results. Offer loyal customers an exclusive preview Your loyal customers are a key part of how to promote your product, because they are most likely to not only buy it, but also promote it to their networks. This can take the form of a private, in-person or virtual pre-launch party, an online tour, preview, or demo. Or, it could even be a special invitation to test it out and give feedback. . Use a special introductory offer Rather than just announcing your new product or service, you can make it available as a part of a special introductory deal. This deal can take many forms, including: Discounted pricing. Reduced-rate bundle or package. Joint promotion with a complementary business. Voucher or coupon with purchase. Buy one get one free deal. Double the points if you have a loyalty program. Free gift for every referral. Run a social media contest Social media contests are a fun, easy way of connecting with customers and bringing in more fans/followers and prospects for your business. Share customer reviews One of the best ways to promote a new product or service and HYPERLINK "https://localiq.com/blog/how-to-market-your-business/" \t "_blank"to market your business in general is to let your customers promote it for you. Lower recruitment costs Promotion opportunity means an opportunity, in terms of availability of budgetary resources and organizational needs Here are seven places to look for promotion opportunities: 1. Ask your boss. If your boss is supportive of your professional development, devote some time during your regular check-ins to discuss your career path. 2. Ask your mentor. If your company doesnt have a clear promotion ladder, then your boss may not know the right next step for you. They may not be aware of what else is available in the company. If you have a mentor elsewhere in the company who knows your work and your career goals, tap their counsel on how you can get more responsibility, higher title or both. 3. Ask around. Speaking of asking around, you can do that yourself (though doso cautiously, especially if youre not sure how your manager will react to the news that youre looking for another role). 4. Dont forget about former colleagues. Asking aroundyour organization can help you glean usefulinsight into how the company works and what projects and roles are out there those fit your promotion aspirations. Review press releases for business developments. Look at recent hires. Self-check - II Test-I Instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and statement False wrong statement. (Each question carries 2 Point) Horizontal internal promotion is when a worker moves to a higher grade in a different department in the company. Promotion is a key element in putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. Customer Informationmeans HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/information" \t "_blank"information about HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/your-customers" \t "_blank"your Customers (e.g., name, HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/mailing-address" \t "_blank"mailing address, e-HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/mail-address" \t "_blank"mail address, HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/telephone-number" \t "_blank"telephone number) obtained HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/in-connection-with" \t "_blank"in connection with your use of the HYPERLINK "https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/clover-service" \t "_blank"Clover Service Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best answer for the given choice. Each question carries 2 Point. Which one is to implementing an internal development plan A/ Define the companys needs B/ Establish staff selection criteriaC/ Conduct the final evaluation D/ all ___________is a key element in putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. A/ Promotion B/Internal promotion C/ Conduct the final evaluation D/ A and B Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: Write clear answer for the given question. Each point has 5 Points. Write down the best ways to promote a new product or service Write down Types of internal promotions in organizations Write down Types of product features Unit Three: Feedback on ServicesThis learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Customer feedback Behavior of customer Provide Information on customer feedback This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Collect customer feedback Identify behavior of customer Provide Information on customer feedback Customer feedback Customer feedback is the opinion of the customer that can be constructive or destructive based on the product or service rendered to him. It is a measurable parameter against which a company can know customer satisfaction levels. It is the information given by the audience about how a business, a company, service, or product help customers met their requirements. There is no reliable or better source of knowledge about the quality of the company than from customer feedback. It also is the verbal or written communication from your customers expressing how they eel about your brand, your products, and/or the service they received from your team. Customer feedback bring everyone together: when all feel in touch with the impact you have on customers, you stay united behind a common cause. Customer feedback provides encouragement: It reminds your team of the impact youre making and it inspires everyone to keep doing. Important of customer feedback Acquiring customer feedback Important to: It points out aspects of your product that need improvement Generate positive review Acquire new customers Getting Feedback from Customers The way of getting feedback from customers plays an important role in improving your business to a great extent. To deliver a good user experience to the customers you should first listen to what your customers are saying. They can help you to innovate a new product and provide better customer service. In this way, you can offer more value to the customers. It helps to bring meaning to your product or service. Here are few reasons listed which tells you why it is important to get feedback from customers Better decision-making: Your customers can give you the best suggestions for your product or service. They will tell you both positive and negative things about your business. Identify risks: By getting feedback you can come to know about the customers who are not satisfied with your service. Such feedbacks will help you to do a lot of improvements in your business. Stop the repeating problems: By getting feedback from customers you can know where it is going wrong and then you can take precautions to prevent it from happening again. Increase customer satisfaction: Getting feedback from the customers is one of the best customer retention strategies. It increases customer satisfaction and helps to HYPERLINK "https://www.educba.com/build-professional-relationships/"build a healthy business relationship with the customers. By two-way conversation, you can create a strong and long-term bond with your customers. Find out potential advocates: Through customer feedback, you can know who your happy customers are, and then these customers can be converted into advocates. Customer advocates will refer your business to their friends and relatives. You will get new customers from such references and this improves your business as well as your revenue. The benefits of requesting feedback from coworkers Here are some of the most important ways that youll benefit: Good feedback can provide you with fresh insights. The simple act of asking for feedback from coworkers helps to build closer working relationships. Most of your coworkers will appreciate being asked for feedback and if you follow the guidance below theyll feel positive about the experience of giving you feedback. The feedback can accelerate and focus your development. Feedback is a great self-development tool; it provides both quick fixes to improve your performance as well as more profound development opportunities that will take time to work on. Combined with your own career and development planning it will help accelerate your career. Youll feel more satisfied with the work you are doingIt cultivates a sense ofsatisfaction because you have other peoples perspective on your work too. Behavior of customer Customer behavior refers to an individual's buying habits, including social trends, frequency patterns, and background factors influencing their decision to buy something. Businesses study customer behavior to understand their target audience and create more-enticing products and service. Customer behavior is the thoughts and feelings of people in the process of shopping and consumption. Customer behavior includes activities: procurement, use and processing of products and services. Factors such as comments from other consumers, advertising, packaging, appearance, the price information can all affect the feelings, thoughts and behavior of customers. Customer behavior is a series of psychological reactions, from thoughts, considerations and actions of consumers since hearing of products until deciding to buy, use or remove products, translate service. Types of Consumer Behavior A consumers buying decision depends on the type of products that they need to buy. Based on observations, it is clear that purchases that are more complex and expensive involve higher deliberation and many more participants. Consumer buying behavior is determined by the level of involvement that a consumer shows towards a purchase decision. The amount of risk involved in a purchase also determines the buying behavior. Higher priced goods tend to high a higher risk, thereby seeking higher involvement in buying decisions. There are four types of consumer buying behavior: 1. Complex buying behavior Complex buying behavior is encountered particularly when consumers are buying an expensive product. In this infrequent transaction, consumers are highly involved in the purchase decision. Consumers will research thoroughlybefore committing to invest. Consumer behaves very differently when buying an expensive product or a product that is unfamiliar to them. When the risk of buying a product is very high, a consumer consults friends, family, and experts before making the decision. 2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior In dissonance-reducing buying behavior, consumer involvement is very high. This might be due to high prices and infrequent purchases. In addition, there is low availability of choices with fewer significant differences among brands. In this type, a consumer buys a product that is easily available. Consumers will be forced to buy goods that do not have too many choices and therefore consumers will be left with limited decision making. 3. Habitual buying behavior Habitual Buying Behavioris depicted when a consumerhas low involvement in a purchase decision. In this case, the consumer perceives only a few significant differences between brands. 4. Variety seeking buying behavior In variety-seeking consumer behavior, consumer involvement is low. There are significant differences between brands. Here consumers often do a lot of brand switching. The cost of switching products is low, and hence consumers might want to try out new products just out of curiosity or boredom. Consumers here, generally buy different products not because of dissatisfaction but mainly with an urge to seek variety. Provide Information on customer feedback Customer feedback is information provided by customers about their experience with a product or service. Collecting customer feedback can help product, customer success, customer support, and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement. Customer feedback is information provided by customers about their experience with a product or service. Its purpose is to reveal their level of satisfaction and help product, customer success, and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement. Customer feedback and it is important Measure consumer satisfaction Monitoring this indicator helps you find out how your product is performing in terms of the consumers expectations. Customer feedback provides important information about their satisfaction. Insights for a better customer experience Optimizing the consumer experience should be your main motivation to gather customer feedback. Offering the best possible experience helps you gain more opportunities for up- and cross-selling. Furthermore, consumers that are satisfied with their experiences are more likely to recommend your brand to their friends. More repeat business More new business Win in competitive bids Cross-sell & up-sell opportunities. Self-check I Test-I Instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and statement False wrong statement. (Each question carries 2 Point) Customer feedback is the opinion of the customer that can be constructive or destructive based on the product or service rendered to him. The way of getting feedback from customers plays an important role in improving your business to a great extent. Getting feedback you can come to know about the customers who are not satisfied with your service. Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best answer for the given choice. Each question carries 2 Point. Acquiring customer feedback Important to: It points out aspects of your product that need improvement Generate positive review Acquire new customers All benefits of requesting feedback from coworkers Provide you with fresh insights. Can accelerate and focus your development. feel more satisfied with the work you are doing All Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: Write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5 Points. White the Types of Consumer Behavior White the important Customer feedback Unit Four: Manage information about clients and customerThis unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Customer information Manage Knowledge of organization promotional initiatives Enhance products and services This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Describe ways of recording customer information Describe management knowledge of organization promotional initiatives Identify enhancing products and services Record customer information A customer account record is the basic unit of information about a customer that resides in a CRM, or customer relationship management system. A customer account record holds critical data about a customer, including the standard data, such as name, order data, billing information, interaction information, and credit information. Collecting and storing customer information Collecting and storing information about your customers is essential for managing the sales and customer service aspects of your business. . You must only collect, store or use customer information for the primary purpose for which it was collected. Types of information The information you collect from your customers might include: personal contact details personal residential details government-issued identification medical history emergency contact and next of kin buying habits and preferences product or service preferences financial statements and credit history Record customer Information are: names preferences and expectations such as favourite products, rooms, additional requirements and special needs details of products and services experienced comments and feedback provided Collecting customer information Customers could provide information through: order forms enquiries complaints warranty cards customer rewards programs customer satisfaction surveys feedback cards customer competitions your website in-person or over-the-counter surveys social media polls or messages online subscriptions Email correspondence. Storing customer information How you store your customer information is important. You must maintain the security of customer information, but also store the records in a way that suits your business. For example: A sole trader may operate with paper-based records to store customer information or transactions. They should store records in a lockable filing cabinet that is not accessible to the public or to unauthorized staff. A consultancy firm may have multiple electronic methods of storing customer information. They may use a database for sales records and customer relationship management (CRM) software for customer information. The firm may store records electronically on a server based within their office, as well as on a cloud-based storage system. Manage Knowledge of organization promotional initiatives Knowledge Management is defined as the systematic approach that invents, understands, shares, creates and utilizes knowledge in order to create values such as customers value, employees value, stockholders value, business partners value and also social value to achieve the vision and goal of the organization. Knowledge management is defined as the ability of an organization to create, share and use the collective knowledge of its products, processes and people to increase workplace productivity and reduce activities that reinvent the wheel-is being moved to the forefront of many corporate agendas. It also develops and operates effective system, which realizes for right person at right time to transfer smoothly and utilize their knowledge Goal of Knowledge Management The primary goal of knowledge management is to add value to the organization at three different levels: Improving the way business is functioning Knowledge management focuses on the improvement of the existing business. It tries to collect information and identifies what better you can do in the organization. For example, cost reduction. Development of product and services Organizations try to know what they can do more for increasing the revenue in business at a reduced cost and less time. Effectiveness and Efficiency Knowledge management can enhance the effectiveness of an organization. It leads to the achievement of predefined objectives. Learning from what you did is a quick way to increase efficiency. Less time and effort will be applied to complete a task by learning from the experience. Ensure clear understanding one of the critical goals of KM is to ensure the passing of clear and same information among the employees. They must know their tasks and responsibilities. The foremost aim of KM is to foster innovation by cultivating a continuous flow of exact knowledge. Availability Practicing KM in an organization means developing an environment where knowledge flows freely between the members and employees. Any information should be available accurately whenever, wherever, and to whoever required. Innovation it is one of the chief ingredients to create a successful business. Knowledge management promotes the innovative culture within the organizational environment. Successful knowledge management initiative Knowledge management is not only about information; it is also about the people you have recruited, trained, developed, and promoted within your organization.. Following are five steps that are crucial to the success of a KM initiative: 1. Understand key business drivers. To be worth the investment, a KM initiative must improve the bottom line by either increasing revenue or reducing cost. 2. Get executive sponsorship. One of the goals of a KM initiative is that employees will collaborate with each other more willingly and effectively, sharing their knowledge and skills. This can amount to a momentous change of organizational culture, and it is never easy. Strong executive sponsorship can be the difference between success and failure. 3. Analyze knowledge. A common pitfall with KM is to attempt to collect and distribute all knowledge in the organization. The cost of collecting and categorizing the enormous amount of data is likely to be excessive. 4. Provide rewards and recognition. Many organizational cultures do not reward the sharing of knowledge. In fact, they do quite the opposite. Some individuals perceive that it is in their interest to hoard knowledge because then they come to be recognized as experts and indispensable resources. To make km successful, such behavior must be changed. New incentives need to be put in place. 5. Implement in phases. No matter which technology solution you select, the key is in the implementation particularly in getting people to use it. The benefits of knowledge management can be tremendous, but getting the most from a KM initiative is no easy proposition. However, if the people issues are effectively managed, your organization's chances of success are high. It's high time to put people back into KM! Enhance products and services As a business owner, enhancing your products and services is essential. There are many ways to do this: you could increase the selection of items on your website, improve the quality of the product or service that you offer, or even change how it looks. Many businesses struggle to find ways to increase revenue and enhance their products or services.However, its important to always look for ways to improve your business. Enhancing products and services can help businesses in a number of ways: Increasing revenue By enhancing your products or services, you can often increase the amount of revenue that you bring in. This is because customers are more likely to be drawn to something that is new or improved. Therefore, its important for business owners to always be enhancing their products with new features to stay relevant with the latest trends in their industries. Increasing clientele Enhancing your products or services can also increase the number of clients that you have. This is because many people are hesitant about purchasing something when they know it could potentially break down. Therefore, enhancing a product means being able to offer your customers better service. This often leads to more loyal clients, which can help you in the long-term with gaining trust and enhancing customer relationships. Improving customer experience Customers appreciate it when a business is constantly enhancing its products or services. Strategies to Expand Your Products & Services Economic changes have forced businesses to develop long- and short-term strategic business strategies in order to remain successful, which has created an environment of fierce competition. Here are five strategies you can use to expand your product & service offerings in ways that appeal to your customer base, create actionable results, and yield increased sales. Analyze customer data. While it may be tempting to leap in head first and try to do anything to increase sales, first, take the time to survey your customers. New products & services. Your customers may be craving something new or different. Additionally, check your profit margins to gauge your companys financial health. Your company will need the funds to back its investment in research & development, production, marketing, sales, and so on. Find new markets. Need for your products or services In order to penetrate more profitable markets, you must remain open to change. Ask what if or in what ways questions to develop new market ideas. Expand distribution channels. Distribution is one of the classic 4 Ps of marketing (product, promotion, price, and placement, a.k.a. distribution). Distribution helps you expand your reach and grow revenue. Think of the different ways you can expand your distribution channels: wholesale/distributor; direct marketing via mail, Internet, email, catalog or sales; retail; sales manufacturers rep; reseller; consultant; or dealer. The possibilities are infinite. Target existing customers. Current customers will often be repeat customers. Loyal, ongoing customers are the backbone of every business. In todays highly competitive environment, current customers cannot be ignored or else they may be won over by your competition. Direct marketing remains an effective form of sales and promotions. Self-check IV Test-I Write True if the statement is correct and statement False wrong statement. (Each question carries 2 Point) Practicing KM in an organization means developing an environment where knowledge flows freely between the members and employees Innovation it is one of the chief ingredients to create a successful business Knowledge management promotes the innovative culture within the organizational environment. Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best answer for the give choice. Each question carries 2 Point. Enhancing products and services can help businesses Increasing revenue Increasing clientele, Target existing customers. All Enhance products and services Analyze customer data. Target existing customers. Analyze knowledge A and B Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: Write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5 Points. Write Enhancing products and services can help businesses Write Successful knowledge management initiative Reference McNeill, R.G. &Crotts, J.C., 2006, Selling hospitality: a situational approach, Thomson/Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, N.Y. HYPERLINK "https://phykon.com/blogs/importance-of-product-knowledge-in-customer-service/"https://phykon.com/blogs/importance-of-product-knowledge-in-customer-service/ Kotler, P., Bowen, J.T. &Makens, C., 2010 (5th ed.), Marketing for hospitality and tourism, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey & London. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 7/eis the definitive source for hospitality marketing Participants of this Module (training material) preparation No Name of Trainers Qualification(L)Field of StudyOrganization/ InstitutionMobile numberE-mail1Zerfu NegashB levelHotel Mgt.Woliso Poly Technic College0915957805nzerfu@gmail.com2Tesema Neka B levelHotel Mgt.A/wondo C/I/College0926129107tesemaneka1@gmail.com 3Bilisuma EmanaB levelHotel Mgt.Sebeta Poly Technic College0936730300bilisumaemana51@gmail.com4Yonas AbeyaB level Food Technology & process Engineering General Winget Poly technic College 0913922765yonasabeya33@gmail.com      Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 51Ministry of Labor and Skills Author/CopyrightFood and Beverage Service Level - IVersion -IINov, 2022   7Aklmno~⿭rbrZVZrA/"hb5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(ph(h[\hY5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(phhqjhqUh[\hY5CJ(OJQJ\h[\hY5CJ(OJQJaJ((h\Sh\SB*OJQJmHnHphu+jh}k^B*OJQJUmHnHphu"h\SB*OJQJmHnHphu+h[\hY5B*CJ(OJQJ\aJ(phh5CJ8OJQJaJ8h[\hY5CJ8OJQJaJ8hb5CJ8OJQJaJ8 Alnoe ' $ dh]a$gdK 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