ࡱ> _ tbjbj,E,E N/N/R"PP%%%%%~&~&~&X'*|~&#-j3(3334, $>@X<9%(B44(B(B%%33HQQQ(BZ%3%3Q(BQQF|3LCn 0#TvN$,%(B(BQ(B(B(B(B(BQ(B(B(B#(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(BP p$:  Food and Beverage Service Level I Based on Nov, 2022, Curriculum Version, II  Module Title: Quality customer service Module Code: CTH FBS1 M06 1122HYPERLINK \l "MNS_GGM1_01" Nominal duration: 64 hours Nov, 2022 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919579"Table of Contents  PAGEREF _Toc120919579 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919580"Acknowledgement  PAGEREF _Toc120919580 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919581"Introduction to module  PAGEREF _Toc120919581 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919582"Learning objectives of the Module  PAGEREF _Toc120919582 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919583"Unit one: Product knowledge  PAGEREF _Toc120919583 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919584"1.1 Formal and informal research  PAGEREF _Toc120919584 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919585"1.2. Customer feedback and workplace observation  PAGEREF _Toc120919585 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919589"1.3 Market, product and service knowledge  PAGEREF _Toc120919589 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919590"1.4 Product and service adjustment  PAGEREF _Toc120919590 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919591"Self-check I  PAGEREF _Toc120919591 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919594"Unit Two: Quality service  PAGEREF _Toc120919594 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919595"2.1 Customer preferences, needs and expectations  PAGEREF _Toc120919595 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919596"2.2 Information about products and services  PAGEREF _Toc120919596 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919597"2.3 Possible extras and add-ons personalized and additional services  PAGEREF _Toc120919597 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919598"2.4. Promote products and services  PAGEREF _Toc120919598 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919599"2.5. Products and services problems  PAGEREF _Toc120919599 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919600"2.6 Share information for team member  PAGEREF _Toc120919600 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919602"Self-check II  PAGEREF _Toc120919602 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919604"Unit Three: Communicate with customers and colleagues  PAGEREF _Toc120919604 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919605"3.1 Respect Social and cultural differences  PAGEREF _Toc120919605 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919606"3.2 Types of Communication  PAGEREF _Toc120919606 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919608"3.3 Non-discriminatory ways  PAGEREF _Toc120919608 \h 28 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919609"3.4 Language barriers  PAGEREF _Toc120919609 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919610"Self-check III  PAGEREF _Toc120919610 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919611"Unit Four: Cross-cultural misunderstandings  PAGEREF _Toc120919611 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919612"4.1 Social and cultural issues  PAGEREF _Toc120919612 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919613"4.2 Difficulties and seek assistance from others  PAGEREF _Toc120919613 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919614"4.3 social and cultural differences  PAGEREF _Toc120919614 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919615"4.4 Resolve misunderstandings  PAGEREF _Toc120919615 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919616"4.5 Up escalate problems and unresolved issues:  PAGEREF _Toc120919616 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919617"Self-check IV  PAGEREF _Toc120919617 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919618"Unit Five: Complaints and difficult customer service situations  PAGEREF _Toc120919618 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919619"5.1 Techniques for complaint  PAGEREF _Toc120919619 \h 41 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919627"5.2 Management of the complaint:  PAGEREF _Toc120919627 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919633"5.3 Responsibility for finding solution  PAGEREF _Toc120919633 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919634"5.4 Feedback and solutions on complaint  PAGEREF _Toc120919634 \h 44 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919635"Self-check V  PAGEREF _Toc120919635 \h 45 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120919636"Reference  PAGEREF _Toc120919636 \h 46  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ministry of Labor and Skills and Ministry of Health wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors who donated their time and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM). Introduction to module In food and beverage service field: Quality customer service helps to develop product knowledge, to describe providing quality service, to apply ways to communicate with customers and colleagues, to address cross-cultural misunderstanding and to identify complaints and difficult customer service situations food and beverage service field. This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the food and beverage service occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: provide quality customer service This module covers the units : Product knowledge Quality service Communicating customers and colleagues Cross-cultural misunderstandings Complaints and difficult customer service situations Learning objectives of the Module At the end of this session, the students will able to: Develop product knowledge Describe providing quality service Apply ways to communicate with customers and colleagues Address cross-cultural misunderstandings Identify complaints and difficult customer service situations Module Learning Instructions: Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide. Follow the instructions described below. Read the information written in the information Sheets Accomplish the Self-checks Unit one: Product knowledge This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Formal and informal research Customer feedback and workplace observation Market, product and service knowledge Product and service adjustment This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identify formal and informal research Use customer feedback and workplace observation Share Market, product and service knowledge Suggest product and service adjustment 1.1 Formal and informal research Formal research:-Formal research enables one to understand what is up to date or what the customers really want. With this, one is able to provide quality customer service. Informal research:-Informal research essentially means taking advantage of every valid opportunity to collect information and market intelligence. These types of research usually include: short focus groups at major conferences/expositions; short faxback questionnaires in publications; regular short fax polls/hot issue surveys; adding questions to membership communication (especially renewal forms); collecting data from staff who are in direct contact with members tracking sales to spot trends online forums Informal Customer satisfaction surveys following delivery of services. Discussion with co-workers and supervisors Product: is anything or item that is manufactured or produced for satisfying the need and wants of customers. Product knowledge: is the heart of providing information for guests and deliver quality customer service. It is vital for every hospitality employee to have an excellent knowledge of the products that offered by their workplace. It is also different to skills/competencies: for example, a food waiter may have knowledge about guerdon cookery but not have the skills to provide guerdon service. Method of obtaining product knowledge Reading organization information:- Acquiring knowledge about the organization from its brochure, sop, manuals, websites Research of product information brochures:-Proper research on the product information provides the service providers with the platform to successfully outline the services they offer to their customers. General media:-The general media includes all forms of media from, newspapers, television, radio, magazines, and social media (Face book). Membership of industry associations and networks:- Being a member of the industry associations and networking with other enables one to: Learn dynamics within your industry, Establish your business contacts, Get plugged in to your community, Seek new career opportunities, Facilitate win-win relationships: Attendance at conferences, trade shows and industry events:- Conferences, trade shows and industry events are places that businessmen appear in numbers and this is for the sole reason of networking, learning from others, and publicity of the organizations products. All of which enable ones professional growth. Distributing surveys and questionnaires: by preparing a certain questionnaires and collecting information from the customer, helps to understand the needs and wants of them. It is also good to conduct Customer feedback surveys regularly. Product knowledge include information about: The drinks/mixed drinks available from the bar including cocktails where applicable The brand names and types of spirits, liqueurs and fortified wines available The table and sparkling wines available bottled and bulk (house wine) The soft drinks available including juices, aerated waters and mocktails The beers available draught and packaged The pre-mixed/ready to drink beverages available Prices of the product Knowledge about individual beverages such as wine knowledge, how various liqueurs may be served, the alcoholic strength of different liquors, whether products are domestic or imported Knowledge about matching menu items to menu items Glassware for the service of all drinks. Venue knowledge which may include There are three key components in developing product knowledge The information that you need to know about the products you are selling Knowing where to get the information Communicating the information to the customer 1.2. Customer feedback and workplace observation 1.2.1 Customer feedback: is information provided by customers about their experience with a product or service. Collecting customers feedback can help product, customer success, customer support and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement. Customer feedback is the collection of criticisms a product, service, or brand receives from its users and customers. This criticism can be positive or negative, as both are useful to a business. Customer feedback can also be collected in a variety of ways, including active and passive approaches. Good" customer feedback is the feedback that your business can implement into the product development process. The importance of Customer Feedback: Positive Customer Feedback: If a customer provides positive feedback, the company can probe more and ask about specifics. These answers should be highlighted to other prospective customers visiting the page and thinking to buy. This feedback encourages them to make a purchase. The positive feedback can also be highlighted near price in order for customers to make a purchase. Negative Customer Feedback: Negative feedback is important because it helps the seller or company to act on the issue and take measures accordingly so as to not repeat it. For example, if someone has ordered for a soft toy, and they receive the toy in a damaged condition, the negative feedback will alert the company. Investigating the issue, they will find out that the product was dispatched in good condition but it was the transit that damaged it. Suggestions: Suggestions help the companies to modify the product according to the taste and preferences of customers. 1.2.2 Workplace observation: is to identify and reinforce safe behaviorsand eliminate unsafe behaviors. A safety observation should be performed by a supervisor or other trained employee. To have an effective proactive safety program, management must be committed to and employees must participate in inspections and observations. Observation in aworkplace: is used by managers to gain insights into employee performance. Observation is all about focusing on the right things and taking the right actions to better the present situation. 1.3 Market, product and service knowledge Market: a means by which the exchange of goods and services takes place as a result of buyers and sellers being in contact with one another, either directly or through mediating agents or institutions. Markets in the most literal and immediate sense are places in which things are bought and sold. Product and service knowledge is an important skill for employees to have across all industries, especially for those dealing with customers on a day-to-day basis. It is an important component of delivering high-quality customer service, as having more knowledge allows employees to meet customer needs to a greater extent. It can help your team deliver a better service to the customers you already have, as well as enable them to attract new business. Ways to share product and service knowledge with colleagues All the following techniques have proved effective in passing on product and service knowledge to other workers within a venue or business. . Conducting internal staff meetings: Most venues have regular staff meetings where attendance by staff is compulsory you can use these meetings as a forum for sharing product and service information. If there is not already a regular agenda item in this regard, suggest one is included for all staff meetings. Mentioning information at briefings: Many properties hold a staff briefing before the start of trade as well as a de-briefing at the end of the day or shift. These are another useful opportunity to advise colleagues about new or revised product and service information either verbally or using another option (paper-based, demonstration, visit, taste test). Developing paper-based information: When you have discovered new or update product and service information, it is useful to create a brief handout or 'data sheets to give to other staff informing them of what you have found. 1.4 Product and service adjustment The process of adjusting the product to market is essential to the success of your business. You need to know what the demand for your product is and how it satisfies what you offer, that is, how to fill that gap or need. Product adjustment Read on and learn how to offer a compelling solution to consumers and fix their problem. Product adjustment: when the available hotel product do not, or only partially, match the existing demand, they must be adjusted. Ways to adjustment product in the market are: Determine who your target HYPERLINK "https://englopedia.com/who-is-a-customer/" \t "_blank" \o "customer"customer is Identifycustomer needsthat have not been met Define yourvalue proposition Specify the feature set of your minimum viable product Develop your minimum viable product Test your minimum viable product with customers Service Adjustment: means the adjustment of an existing service connection Alternative ways to add value to services include: Increasing delivery speed Providing customers with expert opinion/advice Improving the customer care you offer Self-check I Test-I Instruction: Write True the statement is correct and False for wrong statement wrong (each question carries 2 Point.) Workplace observation is to identify and reinforce safe behaviorsand eliminate unsafe behaviors Informal research means taking advantage of every valid opportunity to collect information and market intelligence. Service Adjustment means the adjustment of an existing service connection Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best correct answer for the give choice. Each question carries 2 Point. ______is the heart of providing information for guests and deliver quality customer service. A/ Product knowledge B/ Product C/ Product life cycles D/ Market Method of obtaining product knowledge are A/ Reading organization information B/ Research of product information brochures C/ General media D/ All _______ essentially means taking advantage of every valid opportunity to collect information and market intelligence. A/ Informal research B/ Formal Research C/ Suggestions D/ all Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: Write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5 Points. Write down the method of obtaining product knowledge Explain the difference between informal research and formal research Describe the difference between product and product knowledge Unit Two: Quality serviceThis unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Customer preferences, needs and expectations Information about products and services Possible extras, add-ons, personalized and additional services Promote products and services Products and services problems Share information for team member This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Determine customer preferences, needs and expectations Offer information about products and services Offer possible extras, add-ons, personalized and additional services Promote products and services Identify products and services problems Liaise team member and share information for each other 2.1 Customer preferences, needs and expectations Customer preferences: are inclinations, expectations, motivations, dislikes and likes that influence the buying decisions of potential buyers. These are factors that push clients in purchasing various products in the market. Customer preferences supplement client needs in clarifying client conduct Preference: refer to the way in which our customer would prefer to satisfy a specific need, but they may not have the resources to meet these wishes. It is the subjective tastes of individual consumers, measured by their satisfaction with those items after theyve purchased them. Needs: are basic or advanced urges or demandsthat lead us to take an appropriate action to fulfill them. A need is something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life. Customer needs; are defined as the influential factors that trigger them to buy your product or service. In order to identify customer needs, it is important to understand the reasons behind their decision making. Types of customer needs: customer needs can be classified in to two. Product needs: Product requirements are associated with and around the product. The main attributes of product needs can be: Price: Customers generally set their budgets for any product purchase. Features: Customers look for features that would solve their problem and reliability in functioning while using the product. Effectiveness: The product should be effective in streamlining the process to save time. Service needs: Service needs refer to the emotional needs of the customers. Being able to satisfy the customer service needs, can give your business a competitive edge and set good example for other brands to follow. Thekey attributes of good service can be: Empathy: Customers stick to brands that serve them with an empathetic attitude. Clarity Customers look for transparent information from the brand related to pricing, refund policy, etc. Information Customers need information from the point of interaction until the end. Expectations:-is any set of behavior or actions that the customers anticipate when interacting with a company or purchase a product. It spring from the customers needs and wishes but are also influenced by the companys image or reputation in the market, by the customers previous perceptions and their experience with the company or/and by the companys advertising Major Customer preferences, needs and expectations may include: A need for friendliness: perhaps the customer is in a foreign country, or a totally unfamiliar environment. Assistance: because they are new to your venue and they have no idea where the restrooms are. A need for courtesy: following a particularly bad experience elsewhere or perhaps due to their upbringing or age where such courtesy was to be expected. Comfort: on the basis of the adverts that your establishment has produced, or on the basis their peers have told them. A new experience: customers who are constantly looking for something that is a little bit different, that they can savor in the years to come, and tell their friends about. Understanding and empathy: understand their circumstances and feelings without criticism or judgment Fairness: -wants to feel as they are being treated fairly, paid fair price, quality service Control: want to feel that they are influencer on the out come Options and alternatives: need to feel that other avenues are available to getting what they want accomplish. Also needs help when a problem arise Information:-needs to know about our product. Determine and clarify customer preferences: customer preference: determines what products people will buy within their budget, understanding customer r preference will give you an indication of customer demand. Common the techniques to help find out what the customer preferences are: Active listening: is regarded as the most effective way of listening. to be an active listener you must concentrate on what is being said - this sounds easy but most people tend to drift off and focus on something else. this means they miss what is being said, which only serves to inflame a conflict situation. When we listen actively we should be tuned-in to the nonverbal communication, and also: Analyze - when listening to someone, we continually analyze and agree, disagree, or take mental note to remember the information that is being relayed. Interpret - interpretation can be either of the verbal or non-verbal signals, or a mix of both. It can also depend on the sender/receiver clearly understanding the motives, feelings, and needs of the person communicating the message. Questioning: asking the right questions at the right time is an important part of being an effective communicator. you can also acquire more information and more accurate information when you ask questions - this is obviously a key aspect in regard to determining customer preferences. Recognition of non-verbal signs: a symbol, if I remember correctly, is an object or (more frequently) a visual representation of an object, carrying a culturally implied meaning (myth). We encode outgoing messages using symbols, and decode (receive the communication) using cultural codes - something we collectively agree upon to be true. As such, non-verbal symbols are: body language and gestures, paralanguage (tone and touch) pictograms (and icons); also flags and national symbols, style & visual symbolic language 2.2 Information about products and services An information product: is an article (often digital)wheredata and information are structured in a specific format to instruct, educate or guidethe consumer in order to meet a predefined purpose. Market Information:- employees share/exchange information about volume of the market, characteristics of its players, nature of competition.etc Product information:- Employees should have and share information like content of the product, its quality, price, benefit or utilities obtained from it, its brand, packaging.etc Offer accurate information An absolute essential for any service staff is knowledge about your establishment, particularly in these areas: What you sell Prices Specials Procedures Opening/trading times Room layouts and locations Menus and food items Beverages available - what they taste like, what they'll compliment and how much they cost Dietary requirements Services, products and facilities available The products or service they use 2.3 Possible extras and add-ons personalized and additional services An add-on or an 'extra' are services provided by the Business that are additional to its main stream of business. Some examples of extras or add-ons for luxury hotel may include: Dry cleaning and laundry services Valet parking Restaurants and bars Secretarial services Security storage Internet services In-house movie channels 2.4. Promote products and services Product promotion means: Promoting a product involves many considerations before you market the item to consumers. After customer needs and expectations are identified, the companys product should be promoted to the target customer. Disseminating the information about the product, product line, brand and company to the prospective buyerswith the intent to generate sales and develop a brand loyalty promoting a product helps the company not only to create demand in the mind of its prospective customers but also to change their customer preference and expectation. The promotion of products and services Include: Eye-catching displays Signs Free tastings Special offers Packages and deals. Employee selling techniques: Selling plays an important role in the duties of most hospitality employees, and it is a fact of life that selling doesn't come easy for most of us. Selling requires confidence and skills, backed by accurate knowledge, Adjectives (describing words) should be used when selling a service or product, Examples of these adjectives include: Excellent (value) Fantastic Comfortable Luxurious Entertaining Satisfying Suggestive selling Suggestive selling occurs when the employee promotes a product or service that will enhance or complement the customer's original order. The employee suggests an item with the hope that the customer will like it and therefore take up the offer. The following situations examples of suggestive selling: When taking a meal order suggest some sides that would compliments the meal When giving a table the bill note to them that you also have a great functions facility When speaking with a customer let them know that there is a band every Friday night. Up-selling and Cross selling: Selling to customer who comes into your establishment can be easy or hard. Sometimes the customer knows what they want and requests it immediately other times the customer is undecided which is where your communications skills and product knowledge come to the fore and the opportunity for an up-sell presents itself. Up-selling: is the suggestion and sale of a higher priced product yielding a greater profit. Cross selling: is the sale of a complimentary product or service along with the original product. 2.5. Products and services problems Identifying the problem with existed product and service help in resolving the issues on a priority basis and enhance productivity. to deliver products that solve your HYPERLINK "https://learn.marsdd.com/mars-library/marketing-strategy-for-startup-success-identifying-and-understanding-your-target-customer-and-market-segments/"target customers problems, you must first identify market problems. These problems may be stated directly as customer needs or implied indirectly. Businesses encounter several difficulties and problems as they work to provide the products and services their customers most need. The following are the most common product and customer service problems observed in the hospitality industry. HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step1"Slow response and service time/ delay in response HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step3"poor taste, color and portion size HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step4"Being transferred from one hotel to another due to over booking HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step5"Excessive customer service automation HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step6"No unified customer view HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step7"Incompetent customer service staff HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step8"Offering a wrong product and service HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step9"Fail to meet commitments and promises HYPERLINK "https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/" \l "step10"No or poor after-sales support Focusing only on innovation and the competition Focusing only on customers Focusing only on revenue The most effective ways to identify problems in your product and service are: asking your customer either in person or through feedback collection form through online review platform i.e. using customer review ask your employees who are involved in production and customer service Conducted quality assurance audit 2.6 Share information for team member Team: is a group of people who work together to achieve the same goals or have a common interest or need. A team can be a formal team such as a work group or footy team; or an informal team such as a group of people who go for a walk at lunchtime. Liaise: is a process of linking or teaming up two or more individuals in the organization to plan, communicate and work a given task. It is a task of coordinating and collaborating activities performed by two or more individuals. Liaising within a team helps everyone to understand and make sure what has to be done and by whom to every prior to service. It can be undertaken either by verbal or written or nonverbal communication. A key element to successful team-based decision-making is the sharing of information among members. How, and what, information is shared between members greatly impacts the teams awareness, work place performance and decision-making ability. Effectively sharing information with other team members and relevant persons are: Understand your communicator age, experience, culture etc Define and select an appropriate communication channel Determine degree transparency for the shared information Determine the nature of information ie shared Vs captured information Use appropriate words for your message Foster two way dialogue / increase feedback loops Characteristics of effective working groups Groups that work effectively have the following characteristics: Group members share a sense of purpose or common goals that each member is willing to work toward. Members feel that they played a role in determining these goals and the methods used to achieve them. When a task is accomplished or the demands of the situation change, the group can change its focus or direction to meet the new goals. The group is concerned not only with the task, but also with its own processes and operating procedures. The group periodically evaluates its performance. The group members use one another as a resource. The group willingly accepts the influence and leadership of members whose resources are relevant to the immediate task. Roles are balanced and shared to ensure that the tasks are accomplished and that group cohesion and morale are enhanced. Communication is clear and direct. Group members continually try to listen to and clarify what is being said and show interest in what others say and feel. Differences of opinion are encouraged and freely expressed. The group focuses on problem solving rather than expending energy on competitive struggles or interpersonal issues. The group is willing to deal with conflict and focus on it until it is resolved or managed in a way that does not reduce the effectiveness of the group and its members. Confrontation is accepted as a challenge to examine ones behavior or ideas. It is not viewed as an uncaring personal attack. The group has a clear set of expectations and standards for the behavior of group members. Benefits of Sharing Information in the Workplace One of the key benefits ofHYPERLINK "https://www.amazon.com/dp/0749484608/" \t "_blank"knowledge sharingis that it allows for continuous improvement across your business. A better customer experience Create a supportive culture and community Increase the overall competency of your employees Innovation and development Self-check II Test I: Instruction: Write the statement correct true and statement wrong false each question carries 1 Point. Cross selling is the sale of a complimentary product or service along with the original product. Market Information is employees share/exchange information about volume of the market, characteristics of its players, nature of competition. Group is concerned not only with the task, but also with its own processes and operating procedures Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best correct answer for the give choice. Each question carries 1 Point. ______ is a refer to the way in which our customer would prefer to satisfy a specific need, but they may not have the resources to meet these wishes. A/ Need Preference / Customer service C/ Market Information D/ all ____ is a group of people who work together to achieve the same goals or have a common interest or need. A/ Team B/ Market C/ Marketing D feedback ______is a process of linking or teaming up two or more individuals in the organization to plan, communicate and work a given task A/ Liaise B/ Working groups C/ Marketing System D/ all Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5 points. Write the techniques to determine preferences Write down the characteristics of effective working group Describe the most common product and customer service problems Unit Three: Communicate with customers and colleagues  This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Respect Social and cultural differences Types of communication .Non-discriminatory ways Language barriers This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identify social and cultural differences Explain types of communication Describe non-discriminatory way Identify language barriers 3.1 Respect Social and cultural differences Social differences: can be described as the apparent differences of persons solely on the basis of their social characteristics and constructs. Some common social differences are the ethnic differences, gender differences, racial differences, social class differences. Socio-cultural factors include consumers lifestyles, buying habits, education, religion, beliefs, values, demographics, social classes, sexuality and attitudes Cultural Respect: requires the institution develop effective methods for responding to episodes of disrespectful behavior while also initiating the cultural changes needed to prevent such episodes from occurring. When disrespectful behavior occurs, it must be addressed consistently and transparently. It has a positive effect on patient care delivery by enabling providers to deliver services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients There are different ways to Respect Cultural Differences those are: Self-Awareness Intercultural respect begins with the awareness that your culture is no more valuable or "correct" than any other. Education Lack of understanding often plays a role in intercultural tension, so it's important to educate yourself on other cultures to help minimize that tension Engagement It's natural to gravitate toward those with whom you share a culture, but interacting with those from other cultures will broaden your worldview and help you show respect when cultural differences arise. Flexibility is willing to defer and adapt to another culture when differences arise, as this is often the ultimate show of respect. Cultural differences the cultural differences that you must ensure you take into account may relate to: Race: the first basic fact to identify when communicating with people from another culture is to identify their race. This is the primary indicator of what needs that person has in terms of their workplace needs for staff or their product and service needs for customers. You can determine their race by simply and politely asking them. This shows interest and helps demonstrate a willingness to accommodate their special needs. Language: People from different countries may have trouble with your language. There is sometimes an expectation on our part that people from another country should speak your language but this is a false and dangerous assumption and one that is without basis. Family structure: The orientation we have to the family in your country may well be at odds with what visitors from other cultures hold dear to them. The point being that we need to be respectful of the needs of others. Family structure refers to the relationships that exist within families for the members of that family. It covers how family members treat each other, how they speak to each other, the freedom that family members are given, the roles of members of the family and the responsibilities that members are allocated or assumed to discharge. Age :In some countries it may be the case that old age confers respect and prestige while in other countries it may be the young people who are regarded with respect and prestige. In each country laws govern the treatment of people on the basis of age but these laws may not apply elsewhere. We must be sensitive to these age-related considerations and treat each culture appropriately based on their traditional approach to age. We need to sensitively apply any legal requirements that apply to age-related issues, such as the service of alcohol, which may be different in different countries. Sexual preference: Sexual preference is not the taboo it once was in some countries; however we need to be mindful of not giving offence to people who are different in this way. We also need to be mindful of not imposing our liberal approach in this regard onto others. The diversity of customers and colleagues are many different those includes The way they live : including where and how they live Values and principles: the importance placed on people, actions and things, and personal guidelines for living life Educational background : how far they got through schooling, and whether or not they did any further education Sporting interests ;whether they play sport, or whether they are even interested in sport and which sport Food and beverage tastes: do they drink alcohol or prefer juice, do they eat red meat or are they vegetarian Lifestyle background: what car do they drive, where have they worked Place of birth :which country where they born in Educational background: what is their preferred communication medium and method Religious beliefs: who or what do they believe in? What is their preferred language Valuing customers and colleagues: an essential element of working in a socially diverse environment is to make sure that customer and colleagues feel valued. This means making sure that they know and that we demonstrate in practical terms that those people are important to the business and that the business appreciates their presence. As an individual worker within a business you must therefore make sure other staffs understand that you place worth on their: Working abilities and skills Workplace and product knowledge Experience within the industry, customers and other relevant stakeholders including management, authorities and suppliers Their contribution to discussions such as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), general work planning, suggestions and input to daily workplace activities Achievement of team and workplace goals. 3.2 Types of Communication Communication is a process in which two or more persons consciously or unconsciously attempt to influence each other through the use of symbols or spoken words. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. It is also the exchange of information between people; it occurs when one person understands the meaning of a message sent by another person, and responds to it. Workplace communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas, both verbal and non-verbal, within an organization. An organization may consist of employees from different parts of the society. These may have different cultures and backgrounds, and can be used to different norms. Types of work place communication: It is also important to take into consideration the different backgrounds of communicator and types of channel that the communication transmitted. Thus, while diversity enriches the environment, it can also cause communication barriers. Verbal communication: is the use of words to share information. Verbal communication can refer to written and spoken words. Oral communication on the other handHYPERLINK "https://www.thoughtco.com/oral-and-verbal-1689451" \t "_blank"refers specifically to words being spoken. However, these days youll find that both words are often used interchangeably and youll see lots of job advertisements using verbal when referring to spoken communication. Verbal communication pertains to the transfer of information through spoken words or sign language. It is the most common type of communication and is often used as it is the most efficient method of passing information from one person or group of people and vice versa. It can be used in both formal and informal settings, making it a very useful means of workplace communication. Nonverbal communication: : Apart from sharing information through spoken words, you can also communicate with the people around you through various nonverbal cues. These can come in different forms and go along with your use of verbal communication. The way you use nonverbal with your verbal communication can have an impact on how people receive the information you are sharing. Nonverbal communication includes: Hand gestures Posture Facial expression Body language Intonation Eye contact Written communication: : from chats and text messages to emails and paper documents, written communication is another widely used form of workplace communication due to a number of reasons. One of these reasons is because written communication provides proof that specific communication between two or more parties just occurred Keys in factoring in appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication when dealing with people from another culture include: Identify the country and culture Take time to plan what to say and how to say it Be mindful of your body language most non-verbal communication is spontaneous Avoid industry and establishment jargon Avoid local expressions Avoid complex statements Give the person your full attention Use alternative communication strategies to support the verbal communication Be alert to feedback from the other person especially in regard to identifying when something you may have said or done has given unintended offence. 3.3 Non-discriminatory ways Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavorably because of a personal characteristic such as age, race, disability, physical features and political beliefs. You can be discriminated against directly or indirectly. Discriminatory practices means: practices that discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, color, ancestry, handicapped status, marital status, or arrest and court record Direct discrimination: occurs when people make unfair decisions or assumptions about a personal characteristic Indirect discrimination: occurs when an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice is imposed that disadvantages a person or group because of a particular characteristic. It is important to be respectful of the cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs of others including your work colleagues and customers. Although you may not understand or believe the same things as others from different cultural backgrounds you should still show consideration and respect. Asking questions and showing a genuine interest in the other persons culture can assist you to break down the barriers and build rapport. If you treat someone unfavorably or favorably because of some characteristic such as race, age, culture, gender, religion this may be deemed to be discriminatory. This is particularly so in the workplace as all people regardless of gender, race, colour, age, marital or parental status, sexual preference, disability or religious belief have the right to be given fair consideration for a job or other job related benefits such as staff training and development. 3.4 Language barriers Providing the goodwill exists on your part to communicate with a person from another background, this can usually be successfully accomplished. It will take a little extra time and will demand a little extra effort but it can normally be done. There is no doubt that most failures to communicate between cultures are because one of the parties made no real and honest attempt to do so. Employees who are coming from different part of Ethiopia speaks different language and it may create a certain barriers from not understanding the meaning and nature of the language. Hospitality mix with a diverse range of cultures and consequently you may encounter times where language barriers can prevent communication flow. A language barrier, in the most basic and simplistic use of the term, is the lack of a common language that prevents two or more people from speaking to or understanding each other through verbal communication. Types of Language Barriers a) Foreign Language Communication between people of different countries becomes difficult if neither of the speakers has a common language to communicate in. While knowledge of foreign languages is common practice among people certain languages are still a hurdle for people to learn and communicate. Many translation apps are available on the internet but they are not effective while communicating culture-specific use of languages like idioms, phrases, proverbs and allusions b) Dialects, Pidgin Dialects are regional variants of a language and very rarely have a written script. People in different parts of a state or country develop and use a regional variety of the official language as a result of the influence of other languages or gradual changes in pronunciation of a particular language c) Accents Accents are peculiar ways of pronouncing words of a language. English is spoken in many other accents other than the standard Received Pronunciation. Accents occur when speakers belonging to different regions or countries speak a language not their own. Their mother tongue will influence how they pronounce words in the foreign language. This causes difficulty in understanding what is being said )Jargon and Slang Jargon: is language or words that are specific to a particular profession. Excessive use of jargon in communication may make comprehension difficult Slang refers: to those words or expressions that are peculiar to a group of persons who are familiar with it. It is an informal language that persons of a close-knit group coin to indicate shared experience or emotion. There are several ways that you can overcome language barriers if this occurs: Communicating through the use of: Gestures or sign language Signs or writing down what you are trying to say Simple words in Language or the other persons language Giving simple directions Speaking slowly and clearly Try and find words that could be familiar to them and you Self-check I Test I: Instruction: write the Statement Correct True and Statement Wrong false Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavourably because of a personal characteristic such as age, race, disability, physical features and political beliefs Sexual preference is not the taboo it once was in some countries; however we need to be mindful of not giving offence to people who are different in this way. Workplace communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas, both verbal and non-verbal, within an organization. Test-II Choice Instruction: select the best correct answer for the give choice. Each question carries 1 Point. ________is a process in which two or more persons consciously or unconsciously attempt to influence each other through the use of symbols or spoken words. A/ Communication B/ Non communication C/ Language Barrier d/ A and B ______is the process of exchanging information and ideas, both verbal and non-verbal, within an organization. A/ Workplace communication B/ Work group C/ communication D/all If overcome language barriers if occurs: Communicating through the use of A/ Gestures or sign language B/ Simple words in Language C/ Speaking slowly D/ All Test-III Instruction: write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5 points. Write the Difference b/n Direct discrimination Write down the Ways to respect cultural differences Describe the most common Types of language barriers Unit Four: Cross-cultural misunderstandings This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Social and cultural issues Difficulties and seek assistance from others Social and cultural difference Resolve misunderstandings Up escalate problems and unresolved issues This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Identify social and cultural issues Distinguish difficulties and seek assistance from others Make resolve misunderstandings Follow up escalate problems and unresolved issues  4.1 Social and cultural issues Social and cultural issues: the cause of differences and difficulties are due to traditional service problems such as poor service, slow service, low-quality products or unclean rooms. However when dealing with people from diverse backgrounds it is also possible that cultural differences have caused the problems. Cultural issues: are problems that occur when culture conflicts with systems, goals or other cultures. Culture emerges with the shared experiences of groups and isn't centrally controlled or designed. Cultural issues cover a broad range of concerns including race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and disability. Culture is a term that we use to refer to beliefs and customs employed by a particular group. Social Issues: A social issue or problem is an issue that has been recognized by society as a problem that is preventing society from functioning at an optimal level. It is important to understand that not all things that occur in society are raised to the level of social problems It is also a problem that affects many people within a society. It is a group of common problems in present-day society and ones that many people strive to solve. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's control. Sociocultural factors: are the larger scale forces within cultures and societies that affect the thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Sociocultural factors differ from region to region depending on population factors, government policies, traditions, lifestyles, beliefs, and the environment. Examples of sociocultural factors include: Income and wealth distribution Social classes Attitudes towards education and work, Language, customs, and taboos Business and health practices Housing Religious beliefs Population size and housing Social mobility Age distribution and social values 4.2 Difficulties and seek assistance from others Where cross-cultural misunderstandings occur, efforts to resolve the situation should be made with the person concerned. This applies whether you identified the problem in the first place, or if the situation was brought to your attention by the person themselves or a third party. But addressing difficulties and resolving them is not always a straight-forward task or one that can be readily achieved. There are bound to be many situations where, despite your best efforts and most determined attempts, there seems nothing you can do to the situations. Ways of solve difficulties Scope of authority Most staffs are given guidelines as to what action they can take in the workplace without having to get special permission from management. This is referred to as their scope of authority. The scope of authority may relate to: Their ability to act on behalf of the venue Their authority to spend money on behalf of the venue Their authority to act in given situations such as when there is a complaint, in emergencies, accepting bookings or making special deals. Seeking help from others is integrated into the suggested techniques for dealing with such situations set out. Keys in involving other people are to: Make every genuine and realistic effort to resolve the issue yourself try not to develop a reputation for needing other people to fight your battles Act quickly once the decision to involve someone else has been taken dont delay. Delays only inflame a bad situation. Make sure you give them all the facts this includes the good, the bad and the ugly: you must tell them all that was said, all that was done including the bits that may not reflect well on you. Telling lies about the situation only makes it more difficult to fix the problem and the truth usually comes out making things more difficult for you next time round. It is almost impossible to shake a reputation for dishonesty and that reputation can follow you around the industry even though you may change employers Try to stay around to listen and learn from how they handle the situation. Tips when addressing conflict and misunderstandings When dealing with a cross-cultural misunderstanding it is important to remember that: Quick identification of a misunderstanding can prevent a conflict from occurring a misunderstanding that is not addressed can quickly and unnecessarily involve others and have greater consequences than were really necessary When difficulties or misunderstandings occur, all possible cultural differences should be taken into consideration standing in the other persons shoes can give a better perspective about the issue All efforts should be taken to resolve the misunderstanding as quickly as possible, taking cultural considerations into account during the process the key is to individualize the context of the misunderstanding as appropriate for the people who are involved 4.3 social and cultural differences It is possible that the cause of differences and difficulties are due to traditional service problems such as poor service, slow service, low-quality products or unclean rooms. However when dealing with people from diverse backgrounds it is also possible that cultural differences have caused the problems. Cultural differences and needs misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication can occur as a result of the cultural differences and needs: Language spoken : It is possible that one party thought they used a word in an appropriate context, but it may have been misinterpreted Lack of a comprehensive understanding of a language can lead to many of the problems encountered. The lack of, say, an establishment to have a staff member who can communicate effectively with a person from a different language speaking background will give rise to frustration and annoyance. Customers and colleagues may also have a strict position on bad language that causes an issue. Forms of address: different cultures use different forms of address when greeting. One culture may not observe the same use of titles that we consider to be normal and polite. Our failure to use their system of address is not necessarily indicative of any lack of respect, or intention to cause offence but it can nonetheless create confusion, misunderstanding and be indicative of a lack of knowledge and care regarding the relevant culture. Levels of formality/informality there is always a need for us to act professionally in the industry and part of that requirement is a need to act in a manner appropriate to the venue where we are working. Non-verbal behavior: is always possible that, through a simple lack of knowledge and not due to any bad intentions whatsoever, someone has used some gesture in the wrong context. Work ethic: generally speaking, guests expect us as staff to have an appropriate work ethic. The danger is that they misinterpret this lack of professionalism as some sort of deliberate negative action aimed specifically at them because of their culture or background. A similar problem can exist in relation to other staff with whom you work. Customs, beliefs and values: It is accepted that a shared system of customs, beliefs and values is what underpins the core of any culture. It is the variation in these customs, values and beliefs that creates the central differences that exist between cultures. 4.4 Resolve misunderstandings When faced with a misunderstanding in the workplace, we must be prepared to think about all cross-cultural factors likely to affect the situation. This requirement must apply to situations that involve both customers and colleagues. In many cases, it is only when cross-cultural factors are considered, that the matter can be truly resolved because it is these factors that may have caused the problem or which give the problem its true context. When a cross-cultural misunderstanding occurs with a customer, it is necessary for service staff to take the appropriate steps to find a resolution. All talk should be honest, explained clearly, briefly and in simple unbiased terms. Actions that can help resolve the situation This may involve you in: Discussing the issue in a courteous manner which will demonstrate a desire to fix the problem speaking directly with the person concerned in a respectful way Apologizing for offence or misunderstanding that may have been caused even where there is a belief that you personally did not say or do anything that genuinely merits an apology Taking time to talk with the person concerned to truly identify the relevant aspects of the situation and determine the facts and feelings involved in the situations Asking for advice from the other party to work out how similar future problems may be avoided or to determine what action to take in the future when a similar problem arises Seeking advice from a supervisor or manager about the issue to gain the benefit of their experience with similar circumstances Attending mediation where there is a dispute between staff this provides an opportunity for both parties to air their views in front of an independent third person. The following are some of the techniques for resolving cross cultural disputes or misunderstanding Try to understand the culture of your colleagues and customers If feasible documents in the language of all parties Respect the other persons point of view Ask for frequent expansion on points that you are unfamiliar with, especially if they relate to cultural issues. Investigate the cultural norms of the people that are involved in the dispute. It could be a matter of misunderstanding. Dont assume all disputes that involve people of different cultures, have a cultural component. Confront cultural discrimination in the workplace and show no tolerance for it. Recognize and investigate the cultural differences in the use of body language, emotions and problem solving. Educate those from other cultures on the values and norms of our society, so as to diminish the potential for culture clash. Be patient, flexible and willing to learn. 4.5 Up escalate problems and unresolved issues: Management are often faced with a difficult situation in relation to this as they are often required to accommodate the needs, wants and preferences of a customer or staff member from another culture while still at the same time respecting the needs, wants and preferences of local employees. It is always important to know when and where to draw the line in relation to any cross-cultural misunderstanding. Following-up escalate problems and unresolved issues following consider are: Appropriate person when you dont seem to be making any headway in reaching a resolution Commonly occurs where no positive progress seems to be occurring and things are just getting worse. General involves situations where emotions are becoming more obvious. Might include crying, threats, swearing, aggressive behaviour, excessive gestures. Involve appear to be adopting an entrenched position that doesnt appear to hold any room for compromise or movement towards a genuine solution. Notify the appropriate person after you believe you have come to a solution Should be done so that any necessary follow-up and debriefing can be arrange. Follow-up action can include: Revisions to standard operating procedure within the establishment such as changes to policies, procedures, training manuals or operational checklists Inclusion of the issues at staff meetings and briefing sessions so that other staff can learn from whatever was the cause of the problem or issue Making contact with those involved in order to: Demonstrate their concern in relation to the matter Ensure that the agreed solution has, in fact, genuinely resolved the situation. Depending on the establishment, and its organizational structure, the appropriate person could be: Your team leader Your supervisor The manager The owner Self-check IV Test I: Instruction: write the Statement Correct true and Statement wrong false Follow-up action is one of the up escalate problems and unresolved issues Language spoken is possible that one party thought they used a word in an appropriate context, but it may have been misinterpreted Making contact with those involved in order to demonstrate their concern in relation to the matter Test II: choose Instruction: select the best correct answer for the give choice. Each question carries 1 Point.  ________is happens when two or more people speak the same language, but they mean or understand different things. A/ Cultural misunderstanding B/ Cross-cultural misunderstandings C/ Understandings D/ A and B ______is Language based cultural misunderstanding happens when you have a different understanding of the same word /expression A/ Language based misunderstanding B/ Cultural misunderstanding C misunderstanding D / all Misunderstandings may occur when A/ Welcoming guests B/ answering questions C Follow-up D /A and B Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5Points. Write the different between Social and cultural issues Write the solution up escalate problems and unresolved issues Write the techniques for resolving misunderstanding Unit Five: Complaints and difficult customer service situationsThis unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics: Techniques for complaint .Management of the complaint .Responsibility for finding solution Feedback and solutions on complaints This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to: Use techniques for complaint Use management of the complaint Take responsibility for finding solution Provide feedback on complaints Evaluate complaint and solutions 5.1 Techniques for complaint Complaint: It can be difficult to distinguish between complaints and other types of contact from members of the public. It is a statement about something youre unhappy or upset about, It has more specific meanings in legal and medical contexts. Complaint is the noun forms of the verb complain. In legal terms, a complaint is the document that officially initiates a legal proceeding. When handling all complaints it is important to deal with them in a friendly, efficient, respectful, courteous and thorough manner. In short, we must be sensitive to the customer, their needs, the nature of the complaint An effective complaint handling system provides three key benefits to an organization: It resolves issues raised by a person who is dissatisfied in a timely and cost-effective way; It provides information that can lead to improvements in service delivery; and Where complaints are handled properly, a good system can improve the reputation of an organization and strengthen public confidence in an organisations administrative processes. Complaints Handling Techniques: The following are the basic step by step activities that should be performed in the task of customers complain handling process Actively listen and makes notes:-Concentrate solely on what the customer is telling you, making notes of the key facts and their concerns so that you have a record of the conversation to refer to in the future. Dont interrupt the customer, stay calm and in control In a supportive but concerned tone of voice you can demonstrate you are actively listening and empathetic to the customer with a few small statements such as right, oh dear, Im sorry to hear that, that must have been disappointing, as well as paraphrasing what they have told you. Acknowledge the customers concerns and thank them:-Thank the customer for bringing this matter to your attention, to demonstrate that you are concerned and want to put the matter right or resolve the situation. Apologize for the impact or the inconvenience caused:- By saying sorry you are again demonstrating to the customer that you are genuinely sorry that this has happened to them and showing that you wish to put things right. Ask questions and summarize your understanding:- to seek permission from a customer who is very angry, to ask questions, so that you can collect all of the facts needed to understand what has happened and to identify how best to resolve the situation. Summaries your understanding back to the customer to ensure you are clear of the facts and to give the opportunity to the customer to share any further facts they may have omitted. Agree and explain the actions you will take as a result of their complaint:-Ensure that you only commit to the steps you have the authority to take. Explain what you will personally undertake to resolve the complaint, including when you will get back to them. do not over promise. It is always better to under promise and over deliver, rather than the other way round. Problem solving techniques Define the problem: The first step to solving a problem is defining what the problem List all the possible solutions: identify what the real issue is, its time to think of solutions Evaluate the options: its often a good idea to go to other employees for feedback Select the best solution: choose which solution youre going to go with. Create an implementation plan: Create animplementation plan on how you will put your solution into practice. Communicate your solution 5.2 Management of the complaint: Determine where complaints should be received, how one should react to feedback and which departments or individuals the criticism should be forwarded to Customer management complaint process: The complete complaint management process is conducive to achieving two goals: Customer satisfaction: Complaint management is supposed to reduce customer dissatisfaction and ideally even strengthen customer loyalty. Quality assurance: Through complaint management, customer feedback reaches the right departments and contributes to the improvement of the product or service Elements of Complaint management successful: there are many diifferent elements of your customers with excellent service. Really listen: If a customer voices their dissatisfaction, you should first of all let them express their concern (or calmly read their message. Respond quickly. They should also focus on responding as quickly as possible to customer concerns expressed in e-mail and social media feedback shouldnt actually occur. Take the blame Once in a while it appears that the problem did not originate with your company or product but with the customer themselves. Think in terms of solutions 5.3 Responsibility for finding solution When handling all complaints it is important to deal with them in a friendly, efficient, respectful, courteous and thorough manner. The customer, guest or patron must be given the time to explain fully, without the employee cutting them short or placing words into their mouth. It cannot be emphasised enough how important it is for the person to say their piece. Having listened fully to the person - asking questions as appropriate, and re-capping what has been said to verify. take responsibility for resolving the complaint by telling the guest that you will do everything in your power to resolve the situation, 5.4 Feedback and solutions on complaint Feedback and Accountability Mechanism (FAM)is a set of procedures and tools formally established (ideally across programs and linked to other monitoring processes) The feedback and complaints mechanism is a formalized mechanism that provides safe, accessible and effective channel for individuals to get information feedback and to raise complaints and for a response or remedy to be given. Ways of resolving customer complaints are: 1. Listen Intently: Listen to the customer, and do not interrupt them. They need to tell their story and feel that they have been heard. 2. Thank Them: Thank the customer for bringing the problem to your attention. You cant resolve something you arent completely aware of, or may be making faulty assumptions about. 3. Apologize: Sincerely convey to the customer your apology for the way the situation has made them feel. This is not the time for preachy reasons, justifications or excuses; you must apologize. 4. Seek the Best Solution: Determine what the customer is seeking as a solution. Ask them; often theyll surprise you for asking for less than you initially thought youd have to give especially when they perceive your apology and intention is genuinely sincere. 5. Reach Agreement: Seek to agree on the solution that will resolve the situation to their satisfaction. Your best intentions can miss the mark completely if you still fail to deliver what the customer wants. 6. Take Quick Action: Act on the solution with a sense of urgency. Customers will often respond more positively to your focus on helping them immediately versus than on the solution itself. 7. Follow-up: Follow-up to ensure the customer is completely satisfied, especially when you have had to enlist the help of others for the solution delivery. Everything up to this point will be for naught if the customer feels that out of sight is out of mind. Self-check V Test I Instruction: write the Statement Correct True and Statement Wrong false Define the problem is the first step to solving a problem is defining what the problem Complaints handling techniques are the basic step by step activities that should be performed in the task of customers complain handling process Complaint can be difficult to distinguish between complaints and other types of contact from members of the public. Test II: choose Instruction: select the best correct answer for the give choice. Each question carries 1 Point.  ________Is the first step to solving a problem is defining what the problem A/ Define the problem B/ Evaluate the options C/ Complaint D / and b ______is supposed to reduce customer dissatisfaction and ideally even strengthen customer loyalty. A/ Customer satisfaction B/ Quality C/ Complaint management D/ all ______to ensure the customer is completely satisfied, especially when you have had to enlist the help of others for the solution delivery. A/ Follow-up B/ Apologize C/Interest D/all Test III: short Answer writing Instruction: write short answer for the given question. Each point has 5Points. Write down the way of resolving customer complaints Explain the difference between Customer satisfaction and Quality assurance Describe the difference between product and product knowledge Reference Corbin, J. & Strauss, A., 2008 (3rd ed.), Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California. Kotler, P., Bowen, J.T. & Makens, C., 2010 (5th ed.), Marketing for hospitality and tourism, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey & London. McNeill, R.G. & Crotts, J.C., 2006, Selling hospitality: a situational approach, Thomson/Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, N.Y. Morrison, A.M., 2010 (4th ed n), Hospitality and travel marketing, Delmar Publishers, NY and Cengage Learning, London. Participants of this Module (training material) preparation No Name of Trainers Qualification(L)Field of StudyOrganization/ InstitutionMobile numberE-mail1Zerfu NegashB levelHotel Mgt.Woliso Poly Technic College0915957805nzerfu@gmail.com2Tesema Neka B levelHotel Mgt.A/wondo C/I/College0926129107tesemaneka1@gmail.com 3Bilisuma EmanaB levelHotel Mgt.Sebeta Poly Technic College0936730300bilisumaemana51@gmail.com4Yonas AbeyaB level Food Technology & process Engineering General Winget Poly technic College 0913922765yonasabeya33@gmail.com      Page  PAGE 3 of (1;<EHJNbcdefghijõ}oaUG;h h[5CJ aJ jh,5CJ UaJ h h[mHnHuh hx5CJ(\aJ(h h/5CJ(\aJ(h hS5CJ(\aJ(h hx}25CJ(\aJ(h hS 5CJ(\aJ(h hl 5CJ(\aJ(h h[5CJ(\aJ(h h85CJ8aJ8h h5CJ8aJ8h hP5CJ8aJ8h hdg25CJ8aJ8h h85CJ aJ <ghju   {dhgd$ dha$gdwe dhgd 2 @ dhgd!dhgd8$ fdh^ `fa$gd8$,dh^,`a$gd, $dha$gd[$a$gd[ $dha$gd8dhgdPjxzk n t    ۷󟓟wog[T h h{Hh h85CJ aJ h hwe5h h5h hg5h h5h hA5CJ(aJ(h hE5CJ(aJ(h h!5CJ(aJ(hd=jhd=Uh hdg25CJ(aJ(h h,5CJ(aJ(h hy5CJ(aJ(h h[5CJ(aJ(h h&ba5CJ(aJ(h h85CJ(aJ(   * I % 4b[+$If *$IfgdT*$If $IfgdTdh$1$7$8$H$Ifgd1q   0 1 2 N O P a b c } ~  ȲzgzQgFg6h h,5OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*j6*h hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj)htUhd=jhd=U*j *hd=hd=5OJQJU\^J! *h hDn5OJQJ\^J*j *h hd=5OJQJU\^J hLhDn5B*OJQJph  $ % & ' ( ) * + G H I j k l ˸ˢx˸bW˸j,htU*j*,h hd=OJQJU^Jj+htUhd=h h,5OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*j0+h hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjhd=Uj*htU"    ' ( ) C D E ĴİĒׄnĴİcĒׄM*j/h hd=OJQJU^Jj.htU*j.h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj-htUhd=h h,5OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*j$-h hd=OJQJU^JE F G H I J f g h      " # $ % & B ƻ٨ᚄy٨c*j 1h hd=OJQJU^Jj0htU*j0h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj/htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=U$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh]OJQJ^J"B C D f g h -˸ˢy˸cX˸j}3htU*j3h hd=OJQJU^Jj2htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*j2h hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjhd=Uj1htU"-./12345QRS ĴİĒׄn_İTĒׄjq5htUh h,OJQJ^J_H*j4h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjw4htUhd=h h,5OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*j3h hd=OJQJU^J  012vwxĵıēׅoĵıdēׅN*j7h hd=OJQJU^Jje7htU*j6h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjk6htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*j5h hd=OJQJU^J?@A[\]_`abcƻ٨ᚄy٨c*j9h hd=OJQJU^JjY9htU*j8h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj_8htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=U$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh]OJQJ^J"678opq˸ˢy˸cSh h,5OJQJ^J_H*j;h hd=OJQJU^JjM;htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*j:h hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjhd=UjS:htU89:TUVXYZ[\xyz˸ˢy˸cX˸j;>htU*j=h hd=OJQJU^JjA=htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*j<h hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjhd=UjG<htU"    ,-.=>?YZ[ĵıēׅoĵıdēׅN*j@h hd=OJQJU^Jj/@htU*j?h hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj5?htUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*j>h hd=OJQJU^J[`0f'i;dh$1$7$8$H$Ifgd1qdh$1$7$8$H$IfgdDn*$If+$If[]^_`a}~ )*+-./0ƻ٨ᚄti٨S*jBh hd=OJQJU^Jj#BhtUh h,5OJQJ^J_H*jAh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj)AhtUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=U$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh]OJQJ^J 01MNO$%&CDǴǞyǴcXjEhtU*jDh hd=OJQJU^JjDhtUh h,OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*jCh hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^JphjChtUhd=jhd=U"DE_`acdefg odjGhtU*jFh hd=OJQJU^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphj FhtUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J*jEh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J !"$%&'(DEFĵıēׅo_ıTēׅjHhtUh h,5OJQJ^J_H*j|Hh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^JphjGhtUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*jGh hd=OJQJU^J$%&FGHbcdfghijĵıēׅoĵıdēׅN*jjKh hd=OJQJU^JjJhtU*jpJh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^JphjIhtUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=Uh]OJQJ^J$jh hd=OJQJU^J*jvIh hd=OJQJU^J45689:;<XYZghiƻ٨ᚄy٨c*j^Mh hd=OJQJU^JjLhtU*jdLh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^JphjKhtUhd=h h,OJQJ^J_Hjhd=U$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh]OJQJ^J"˸ˢslel^WPAhLhuB*OJQJph h h? h hd h hu h h h hDn&j *h hd=U\mHnHuh h,5OJQJ^J_Hh]OJQJ^J*jXNh hd=OJQJU^J$jh hd=OJQJU^Jh h,OJQJ^J%h h,0JB*OJQJ^Jphjhd=UjMhtU$d$Ifa$gdT $Ifgd:Ydh$1$7$8$H$Ifgd1q;<BC+./GHúàufWF5 hLhU55B*OJQJph hLh]5B*OJQJphhLh]B*OJQJphhLhUcB*OJQJphh h]5CJ h hU5 h h h h(h h(5CJ(aJ( hLhL5B*OJQJphhThtdCJhThTCJhTh{HCJhTh{H5CJ\hT5CJ\hLh{HB*OJQJphhLhTB*OJQJph     +H $Ifgd:Y $Ifgd(dh$1$7$8$H$Ifgd( $IfgdSFd$1$7$8$H$IfgdTHdem 6>G{[\]y{|}{dMM{,hLh:CJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH ,hLh+CJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH ,hLh+fCJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH ,hLhP0CJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH ,hLh+CJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH  h hP h hh h5 h hi h h|I h hsP h h$ h h34v h h9H\]|Axy & Fdh$IfgdG;x$h$If^ha$gdc2 $$Ifa$gdc2$ & F dh$Ifa$gdG;x & F dh$IfgdG;x$dh$Ifa$gdc2m$ dh$Ifgd34vdh$If]gdfAxyYZx+,-.19LMNOʳћ}l[lTJAJ7hTh.CJ\hTh>CJhTh>CJ\ hTCJ\ hLhO5B*OJQJph hLh>5B*OJQJphhLhYcB*OJQJphh hSF5 h h> h hU5h hP 5h h:kCJ,hLh:kCJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH  h hW h hP hLhP 5B*OJQJph,hLh:CJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH Yy+,-.Muj $Ifgd:YK$dh$1$7$8$H$Ifgd1q$dh$If]a$gd>$hdh$If]^ha$gdU5$ & F hdh$If]a$gdG;x$ & Fdh$If]a$gdG;x dh$Ifgd:k & Fdh$IfgdG;x MNO" H g h !kk[[[[OO dh$Ifgdcq & F3dh$IfgdG;x$dh$7$8$H$Ifa$gd.kdN$IfK$L$lm%h%  t Դ0h%44 l` ap Դythh ! 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