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CONTENT  TOC \o "1-3" \f \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc320892882" Acknowledgement  PAGEREF _Toc320892882 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc320892883" Conducting Interviews  PAGEREF _Toc320892883 \h 17  Unit one: Analyze client support issues What Is a Help Desk? An organization that provides a single point of contact for users in need of technical support Goal: To enhance client satisfaction by effectively and efficiently resolving problems and questions Alternate titles: hotline, information center, lab assistance, tech support, client services Multi-level Support Model Multi-level Support Model is a help desk structure Organizes support staff and services into several levels (or tiers) Each level is staffed by a worker with different skills Also called the frontline/backline model Goal: to handle as many incidents as possible at the lowest level in the support hierarchy  Analyze client support issues Introduction Analyze client support issuesThis learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics Help desk Support Logbook This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to Identify Help desk Identify Support Logbook Learning Activities Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide. Read the information written in the Information Sheets # 1. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them. Accomplish the Self-check. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to Information Sheet 2. However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity #2. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio. Read the information written in the Information Sheet 2. Accomplish the Self-check. Information Sheet # 1Help Desk What is a help desk? A help desk is a resource designed to provide end users with information and assistance regarding problems with computers and related devices or software A help desk is an information and assistance resource that troubleshoots problems with computers or similar products. A Help Desk is a resource designed for IT users to contact when they are having problems with their IT services. Help Desks institute a multi-tiered trouble shooting approach by having personnel with extensive technical knowledge available. Implementation of this multi-tiered support varies widely within companies. In one company it may be one person with a wealth of knowledge carrying a cell phone. In another company it may be several people who perform some of the support in house and several people from another company that are contracted for additional support. In another company it may be a multitude of people within their own company performing all levels of support. Many corporations provide help desks for the use of their customers, offering support services via Internet or phone. Often, companies provide help desk services to their employees as well. In some cases, both customers and employees use the same help desk to obtain assistance, while in others separate support services are used. What standards should be implemented by a best practice Help Desk? The most strategic method of implementing a Help Desk is to follow Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practices. An ITIL best practices Help Desk must include: Single point of contact (SPOC) for IT interruptions Computer or Software consultations Tracking capabilities of all incoming problems Problem escalation procedures Problem resolution There are many software applications to support the help desk function. Some target the enterprise level help desk and some target departmental needs. Function of helpdesk It provides a single point of contact for users to receive help on computer issues. It manages its requests via help desk software Information gained in areas such as technical problems, user preferences and satisfaction can be valuable for use in planning and preparation for other units in information technology. Unit TwoProvide advice on software, hardware or networkLog book: is a simple method of keeping track of the manufacturing process. Advantages: It allows the manufacturer to list every stage of making a product. Logbooks are essential when a prototype is being made as it records all the manufacturing problems and suggested solutions. This means that improvements can be made to the manufacturing process. The product can then be manufactured on a large scale. During full scale manufacturing, problems/improvements are often discovered. If they are noted/listed in a logbook the manufacturing process can be changed or updated. This may include suggestions regarding saving manufacturing time which may lead to reducing costs so that the product is cheaper for the customer to buy. The logbook may suggest changing the way tools and equipment are used. A simple improvement to the way a product is manufactured may lift the overall quality of the finished product, attracting more customers. A good manufacturing log will outline every stage of making the product. This means if the product is designed in one country (e.g. the UK) and manufactured in another country (e.g. China), the manufacturing workers will be able to follow the logbook and manufacture the product with few problems. A logbook incorporates quality control procedures which mean that the product is constantly checked during its manufacture. This should ensure that the finished item is manufactured to a high standard. Keeping a logbook ensures that the workforce is fully engaged and feel valued. Often it is the workers on the production line that have to deal with manufacturing problems and find solutions quickly. Management often reward workers for good suggestions regarding improving the manufacturing process and consequently the overall quality of the final product improves. A logbook plays a significant part in keeping a factory efficient, productive and competitive. If a factory is not able to compete with a rival factory manufacturing the same product, it will eventually become unprofitable and shut. The five important things that should be included in a Helpdesk Support logbook Problem Solution Who see the problem Time and date Source of the problem Self check # 1Written test What is a helpdesk? Explain in brief. What are the helpdesk standards implemented? Identify the major functions of helpdesk. Explain what logbook/support logbook is. Identify the five important things that should be included in support logbook. Your teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory, your teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory, you can proceed to the next topic. Providing support and support log Introductionproviding support and support logThis learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics Creating software support log Documenting requests for support by clients into the support logbook Researching existing support logbook records Providing support to client Documenting support given to client Obtaining feedback from client on support given and update records accordingly This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to Create software support log Document requests for support by clients into the support logbook Research existing support logbook records Provide support to client Document support given to client Obtain feedback from client on support given and update records accordingly Learning Activities Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide. Read the information written in the Information Sheets # 1. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them. Accomplish the Self-check. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to Information Sheet 2. However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity #2. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio. Read the information written in the Information Sheet 2. Accomplish the Self-check. Information Sheet # 1Create software Support log using a spreadsheet or a database. A support log can be created using different software, spreadsheet table or databases are some of the simplest and most commonly used software. If a spreadsheet is used it should look something like the table shown below and in addition to the logical data validation and formatting of appropriate cells, it should use a filter on the "Topic area" column HYPERLINK "http://it.ballaratsc.vic.edu.au/vetitcert3/Unit%2011%20Provide%20advice%20to%20clients%20%28ICAS3031A%29/Images/Helpdesk%20Support%20Logbook%20-%20Database.jpg"to enable a quick look up by other support desk operators on topics to see how similar problems were dealt with before. If a database is used you should use fields similar to the items shown in the table below. Only create the table with appropriate data validation, data validation text messages, text length and other appropriate field settings in the database. It should also contain at least ONE query to display all entries of a particular "Topic" to enable a quick look up by other support desk operators. Support Logbook Log IDDate-Time loggedName of clientAddress of clientProblem determinedDepartmentPriorityAdvice offeredAction takenDate-Time issue resolvedClient Feedback Unit ThreeObtain client feedback Determine client identity Client identity: an identity you assign for your clients. It enables you to identify your clients and previous data on your logbook. This will help you to refer previous records (what requests you received & what actions you take) easily. Therefore, when you record requests you have to assign/determine identity to your client. Note: your client ID (identity) should be unique for each of your clients Determine the problem When you receive a request, you have to collect full information about the request (problem). To solve a problem, first you have to identify what really the problem or case requested is. To do so, try to collect the necessary information from your client. For example, the causes, time, symptom, etc. Record client details, time of request, quick & concise identification of problem Listed below are four different requests for help received by request form, by telephone and in person. Record each into your Support Logbook L01 by request form: Its 7:40 am and Roman Ayalew from accounts department is not able to print over the network. She asks if you can show her how to install a network printer on a network. Reports from her department need to be printed out next week. L02 by telephone: Its 7:40 am and Dawit Solomon in the finance department has found Spider solitaire (game) failed. He is in hurry to play game. L03 by request form: Its 9:00 am and Mary wants to know how to add password protection to some word processor documents to be sent to someone over the internet. These documents have to be sent before the end of business hours today. L04 in person: Its 1:00 pm and Tolera Gemechu client wants to know how to transfer pictures from a digital camera into a computer. He needs to do this before the end of the today as the camera needs to be passed onto someone else tonight. Record priority of support to be given to clients and notify client Give priority to the problems recorded based on emergency, time, type of problem, etc. it helps you which should be done first, second, etc Provide support to clients After you receive request from your clients and record on your support logbook, it is time to provide solution for each problem. Document support given to client Every time you provide support to your clients, you should record your best practice this re cord is known as Documentation. Documentation is used to make the technical know-how and product history available. Record each step or procedure of best practice you follow in providing support. Obtain feedback from client on support given and update records accordingly You have to collect feedback from your clients how your client is satisfied on your support. Self check # 1Written test Design an appropriate support logbook using MS-Excel and MS-Access. Document at least 3 requests on your logbook. Your teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory, your teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory, you can proceed to the next topic Unit FourLead Workplace Communication 4. Lead workplace 4.1 Listening for facts and feeling issues Listening is the absorption of the meanings of words and sentences by the brain. Listening leads to the understanding of facts and ideas. But listening takes attention, or sticking to the task at hand in spite of distractions. It requires concentration, which is the focusing of your thoughts upon one particular problem. A person who incorporates listening with concentration is actively listening.  HYPERLINK "http://www.poynter.org/research/lm/lm_listen2.htm" \t "new" Active listening is a method of responding to another that encourages communication. The process of informational listening focuses on the ability of an individual to understand a speakers message. It is a huge part of everyday life, and failing to understand the concept of informational listening can be very detrimental to one's contribution to society, and indeed, detrimental to quality of life in general. Much of the listening people engage in on a regular basis falls under the blanket of listening for information. In the office, people listen to their superiors for instructions about what they are to do. At school, students listen to teachers for information that they are expected to understand for quizzes and tests. In all areas of life, informational listening plays a huge role in human communication. 4.2 Short talk and presentation How to Give an Effective and Powerful Short Presentation  You've been asked to speak for five to ten minutes on your specialty and/or passion. You may be part of a panel with each panel member given a specified time limit. Or, you may be one of several presenters at a specialized conference and each of you will share part of a keynote address. Or, you may have been asked to open a conference session with a few words on the major topic. Or, you have taken my advice and have joined a  HYPERLINK "http://www.toastmasters.org" \t "_blank" Toastmasters Club to perfect your presentation skills. Your first speech will be a four to six minute presentation with a timer keeping track of every second. And, following that first speech, every other presentation - mostly short in length - will be timed. Personally, I feel that giving a short, five to ten minute, presentation is one of the most demanding and difficult assignments. In this article, I will share tips of how to deal with and ways I have dealt with this challenge. Start by accepting the time limit and making sure that you prepare for it. If we want to be known as professionals, we must realize that when a meeting planner gives us five minutes, he or she means five minutes. Yes, I know that there are always speakers who don't pay any attention and take up much more of the time allotted. These are speakers who are often not asked back, even if they are super on the platform. And, even when they are terrific, audience members who are aware of the time limit start focusing on the fact that the speaker is going way over his or her time and that is the part of the presentation they remember. Recently, I set up a panel of six community leaders. Each was told they had eight minutes maximum. Five of them stayed under or right at that limit, while one - who was passionate about his topic and a good speaker - went way over. After the event, someone who wasn't there told me that he had heard that the speakers were all wonderful except the one who went way over, "I heard that ___ spoke much too long." The same person in question has asked me for five minutes at an upcoming meeting and I have put him off, because I feel that I can't trust him to stay within five minutes. Our performances - both good and bad - stay with us. Realize that a short speech can be more compelling than a longer one, but takes even more preparation. When we've been asked to speak about a topic we're passionate about, how in the world can we say what we want and need to in five minutes? I feel that it takes a lot more work, because we have to compress a topic down to its essence. There are many questions to ask ourselves while preparing - and, by now, you know how important preparation is. Questions to consider include: What is my goal for this presentation? What is the most important message I want listeners to leave with? If I wrote a one sentence description of my presentation, what would it say? If I were to write a list of the keywords for the presentation, what words would be on the list? What is the theme? And what are the three major points? What action do I want audience members to take upon hearing my presentation? Even though I never suggest memorizing a presentation, I suggest for a short presentation with a time limit to write out a draft or outline. Take the draft or the outline, and either read or speak a sample into a tape recorder. Then listen and time your presentation. You will get a good idea of how long it will take. By listening to yourself, you will pick up the stronger and weaker parts. You will discover what to delete and what to elaborate upon. A way to plan a five minute talk is to allow a minute for the opening, one minute for each of the three points you want to make and one minute for the close. If you think of it in five parts, it will be a lot easier to plan. Even if you have been given eight minutes, I still suggest planning for five or six. It never hurts to come in a little under the time limit. Everyone will appreciate it. If there are other presenters involved, you will stand out as the pro, because most of them will go over their time limit. Get used to being timed and enlist the aid of a timer. The first time I spoke at my Toastmasters Club, the timing made me terribly nervous. The way our club - and many of the clubs - worked the timing was with colored lights. For a five minute speech, the green light would come on at three minutes, the yellow light at four minutes, and the red light at five minutes. It took me awhile to get used to the lights, but I feel that using them improved my speaking and my awareness of timing. I planned my talks, so that when the green light came on, I knew exactly how to use the final two minutes and, with work, achieved ending right on time with a punch. For strictly timed presentations, I would ask a friend in the front row to inconspicuously hold up a sign that says "3 minutes" then "2 minutes", then "1 minute." You will be amazed by how quickly you can gauge your own time accurately. And, one of the quickest ways to get used to preparing and giving short presentations that are powerful and punchy is to join a  HYPERLINK "http://www.toastmasters.org" \t "_blank" Toastmasters International Club and work through the manuals. You will also discover that working under time constraints will help you clarify the messages in your presentations. What will seem a huge challenge in the beginning will become one of your favorite ways of presenting. So, if you have an important point to make, you will be able to honestly ask for five minutes at a meeting and only use five or fewer. You will also find that when a group is looking for a succinct spokesperson, your name will come to mind. Go for it! Let me hear how you fare. I love getting your  HYPERLINK "mailto:chris@creativekeys.net" \t "_blank" FEEDBACK! 4.3 Long presentations Two types of long presentations are group presentations and long individual sessions. With both, involving the audience is very important. Often you will be introducing new content or helping to develop a knowledge area; in other words, you will be engaged in a type of teaching. You will therefore have to consider the needs and interest levels of your audience, and include activities which help them absorb information better. Select from the links below to see suggestions for improving audience participation. Conducting interviews and meetings CONDUCTING A MEETING START ON TIME!! Delegate the task of taking minutes if you havent a subcommittee secretary Review the agenda/obtain agreement on the meetings objectives and goals Revise agenda if necessary Conducting Interviews You can  HYPERLINK "http://www.engl.niu.edu/wac/collect_data.html" collect data by going to published material, by conducting empirical research, or by careful observation. However, you can also get information by talking with people who have knowledge you want. Sometimes you simply want to know what their experience has been; in other words, you want to collect their testimony as witnesses. Sometimes you want their expert opinion, sometimes their knowledge of the facts. One of the first steps in conducting an interview, after deciding who you want to interview, is to figure out which of these kinds of information you are after. Let's go through some of the steps involved in planning and carrying out an interview. After determining who you want to talk with, consider what information you want to get. It may even be a good idea to jot down a list starting with, "I want to find out . . . ." Make an appointment. Contact the person you wish to talk with far enough in advance that he or she has time to get ready, but not so far in advance that their schedules are not yet developed. When you make an appointment, you need to introduce yourself and tell what capacity you are calling in, explain the purpose of your call, explain why you would like to talk with the person, and request permission to set a time and place. If you will be recording the interview, ask permission to do so ahead of time. Prepare for the interview by finding out about the person you will be interviewing and by preparing questions to ask. If you want witness-type information, a few open-ended questions which invite the person to tell her story. Be ready with follow up questions like, "Could you tell me more about that?" If you want expert opinion, create more pointed questions, questions that suggest particular issues you would to explore. Questions still need to be open ended, something like, "I would very much like to know what your analysis is of so and so." Be willing to let the person drift off to a neighboring topic, because she may know more about the lay of the argument than you do, and she may be giving you information you really wanted and didn't know how to ask for. Reserve a very general question for the end, something like, "Have other things occurred to you during the interview that you would like to say at this time?" If you want facts, make your questions as precise as possible, making it clear that you're after data. It is important that the person you are interviewing know ahead of time that he or she will be asked such questions, because people seldom carry that kind of data around in their heads. Reserve a general question for the end. When it is time for the interview, be punctual--not early, and certainly not late. Be forthcoming when you meet, introducing yourself and briefly reminding the person why you wanted to talk. If you are unsure about how to spell the person's name, ask about that and about their official title. If you will be taping the interview, ask permission to do so. As you ask the questions and listen to the responses, look at the person's face and eyes to show that you are interested and that you value what you're getting. From time to time make brief notes, but don't bury yourself in notetaking. Try to get some direct quotes, saying something like, "I like the way you said that. Can I quote you?" And then get the words down in quotation marks. Reserve a general question for the end. Briefly summarize what you have covered and how you understand the information you have been given. Thank the person for his or her time and willingness to share. Don't linger. If you promised to take only 30 minutes, then stick to your schedule, but don't be rude. Say something like, "I promised to take only 30 minutes of your time, and I see I have. Is there any last thing you want to add before I go?" You might also say something like, "This has been very informative. If some other question occurs to me, may I get back in touch with you?" When you leave, spend time immediately writing down notes. Make sure you have the date and place of the interview. Self-Check 1Written TestName:____________________ Date:_________________ Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your teacher. 1. Explain the difference between short and long presentation? (5 points) 2. What are the steps to conduct meeting? (2 points) 3. What is interview? (3 point) 4. ____________ is the absorption of the meanings of words and sentences by the brain. (3 point) 3. Write at least six steps in planning and carrying out an interview. 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