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  Garment Lv-II 8-Applying Apparel Finishing.doc
  Garment Lv-II 7-assemble garment parts.doc
  Garment Lv-II 6-Embroidery Design and Machine operation.doc
  Garment Lv-II 5-Specialized Industrial Garment Machines.doc
  Garment Lv-II 4-Produce cut panels with Delicate Fabrics.doc
  Garment Lv-II 3-Developing Pattern and Conduct Grading.doc
  Garment Lv-II 2-Design Concept for Simple Outfits.doc
  Garment Lv-II 1- Prevent and eliminate MUDA.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 11-Garment Product Finishing.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 10-Developing embellishment on garment.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 9-produce simple garment.docx
  Fashion Lv II - 8 Analyze fit model.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 7-Modifying patterns.docx
  Fashion Lv II - 6-Basic Pattern sets.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 5-Drawing Techniques.docx
  Fashion Lv II - 4-design process for fashion design.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 3-fashion design trend and style.doc
  Fashion Lv II - 2-Identifying fiber and fabrics.doc